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Precision Comparison of Electron-Proton and Positron-Proton Elastic Scattering

Definitive experiment at DESY aims to resolve discrepancies in proton form factors. Utilizes electron and positron beams for high-precision measurements over multiple years using MIT-BLAST detector.

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Precision Comparison of Electron-Proton and Positron-Proton Elastic Scattering

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  1. Beyond the One Photon Approximation in Lepton Scattering: A Definitive Experiment at DESY for J. Arrington (Argonne) D. Hasell, M. Kohl, R. Milner (MIT) DESY PRC May 10, 2007

  2. Elastic Electron Scattering from Proton + +… Dirac, Pauli FF Sachs FF DESY PRC May 10, 2007

  3. Unpolarized Elastic e-N Scattering For ~ 50 years unpolarized cross section measurements have determined the elastic FF GpE and GpM using the Rosenbluth separation σred = dσ/dΩ [ε(1+)/σMott] = GM2+ εGE2  = Q2/4M2ε = [ 1 + 2(1+)tan2θ/2 ] -1 DESY PRC May 10, 2007

  4. Major discrepancy requiring resolution Dramatic discrepancy! JLab recoil polarization transfer data • All Rosenbluth data from SLAC and Jlab in agreement. • Dramatic discrepancy between Rosenbluth and recoil polarization technique • Discrepancy explained as effect of two photon exchange (TPE) DESY PRC May 10, 2007

  5. How do we verify that the TPE contribution interpretation is correct? Precision comparison of positron-proton and electron-proton elastic scattering over a sizable ε range at Q2 ~ 2-3 (GeV/c)2 J. Arrington PRC 69, 032201(R) (2004) SLAC data At low ε : <Q2> ~ 0.01 to 0.8 (GeV/c)2 At high ε : <Q2> ~ 1-5 (GeV/c)2 Θ=180o Θ=0o DESY PRC May 10, 2007

  6. e+p/e-p Cross Section Ratio P.G. Blunden et al., Phys. Rev. C 72, 034612 (2005) DESY PRC May 10, 2007

  7. Proton form factor ratio Blunden et al. DESY PRC May 10, 2007

  8. The Definitive Experiment • Both electron and positron beams available • Incident on unpolarized hydrogen target at luminosity of • ~ 5 x 1032 cm-2 s-1 • Beam energies of 2.3 to 4.5 GeV • Detector to measure elastic scattering in ε range from 0.4 to 1 at Q2 ~ 2-3 (GeV/c)2 i.e. scattering angles from ~ 20o to ~ 70o • Experiment requires switching from e+ beam to e- beam on timescale of order 1 week. • Measure ratio of positron-proton to electron-protonunpolarized elastic scattering to 1% stat.+sys. • Control of systematic uncertainties essential. DESY PRC May 10, 2007

  9. Internal target experiment in DORIS • energy 2.3 to 4.5 GeV • e+ and e- beams • regular switching between e+ and e- • lumi ~ 6 x 1032 cm-2 s-1 with internal H2 gas target • space for detector • installation and commissioning in parallel with synch. rad. operation • data taking in dedicated mode ~ 1 month/year over several years DESY PRC May 10, 2007

  10. The detector and target exist DESY PRC May 10, 2007

  11. Projected results for DORIS experiment 1000 hours each for e+ and e- at luminosity = 6 x 10 32 cm-2 s-1 1000 hours each for e+ and e- Lumi = 6 x 1032 cm-2 s-1 DESY PRC May 10, 2007

  12. Other experiments • JLab No positron beams. Approved experiment to compare e+p to e-p elastic scattering using secondary beams and the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer. Challenging systematics. • Novosibirsk Similar experiment to DESY experiment has been considered. Positron currents are about an order of magnitude lower. No momentum measurement. • Parity violating electron scattering Experiments at JLab and Mainz which measure transverse spin asymmetries are sensitive to two photon effects but not directly to the contribution which enters in GEp/GMp. DESY PRC May 10, 2007

  13. Summary • The distribution of the charge and magnetism in the proton is in question. • The determination of the contribution of multiple photon exchange processes is essential to resolving the discrepancy, which may have relevance for other areas of hadron structure. • A precision comparison (~ 1%) of elastic electron-proton and positron-proton elastic scattering at 2.3 to 4.5 GeV at large angles (~ 600) will be definitive to resolving this discrepancy. • The experiment can be carried out at DESY/DORIS using the available MIT-BLAST detector and an unpolarized hydrogen gas target. • Dedicated data taking for ~ 1 month per year for several years would be sufficient to carry out the experiment. DESY PRC May 10, 2007

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