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ANXIETY. THE STATE OF IT ALL. Anxiety. Subjective feeling of tension, apprehension, nervousness, and worry accompanied by activation or arousal of the ANS. Charles Spielberger. What is It?.
Anxiety • Subjective feeling of tension, apprehension, nervousness, and worry accompanied by activation or arousal of the ANS. Charles Spielberger
What is It? • An unrealistic fear resulting physiologicaal arousal and accompanied by the behavioral signs of escape or avoidance. • Feel fear • Seek to escape/avoid it in the first place • Increased HR, respiration, BP • Anxiety that does not diminish the quality of life is not a concern
Test Anxiety • I am not a good test taker! • I never do good on tests! • The teacher asked all the questions I did not study for! • I think I am going to be sick. • What can you do to cope?
TEST ANXIETY • Has two components: Anxiety pertaining to a specific achievement situation • worry and emotionality • Worry = fear of failure • Emotions = unpleasant feelings brought on by tests
COPING WITH TEST ANXIETY • Kill it with confidence • Study (If you fail to prepare you are preparing to fail) • Give yourself plenty of time to study (but NOT right up until test time) • Learn as much as you can about format, questions, topics, etc. • Learn relaxation techniques • “See” yourself succeeding
State & Trait Anxiety • Trait Anxiety: Predisposition to perceive situations as threatening and to respond with heightened levels of state anxiety • State Anxiety:Immediate emotional state characterized by apprehension, fear and tension and accompanied by physiological arousal
ACHIEVEMENT SITUATION • Any situation where someone expects that their performance is going to be evaluated
ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION • The predisposition to approach or avoid an achievement situation
APPROACH OR AVOID? • If an individual’s self-confidence associated with performing a certain task is stronger than his/her fear of failing at the task, he/she will approach and perform the task. • If an individual’s fear of failing at a task is stronger than his/her self-confidence associated with performing the task, . . .
ANXIETY Fear of failure People with high levels of anxiety can be expected to avoid achievement situations SELF-CONFIDENCE The realistic belief that you can successfully perform a given task People with high levels of self-confidence are likely to approach achievement situations APPROACH-AVOIDANCE CONFLICT
WHAT ARE WE AFRAID OF? • Ridicule • Looking bad • Failure • Not meeting your or others’ expectations • Losing control • Greater expectations if we succeed • Death/injury
COPING WITH ANXIETY • Modify your behavior • Environmental Planning • Relabeling • Self-talk • Thought Stopping • Systematic Desensitization • The ABCDE Technique • Social Support
ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING Adjusting your life and environment to avoid anxiety-provoking stimuli • Afraid of heights?: Don’t live on the 22nd floor • Afraid to fly?: Take the bus • Afraid of snakes, bugs, etc?: Don’t go outside • Learn the territory: “Smell the popcorn”
RELABELING Transforming the negative into a positive” Anxiety-Provoking Term • Exam • Dentist • Speech • Presentation • Fight • Championship game
SELF-TALK • Just what it says • Conversation with yourself • What’s the worst thing that can happen? • Dispute irrational beliefs • Give yourself a pep-talk
THOUGHT STOPPING Shutting off negative thoughts • Recognize the negative thought • Stop thinking it • Use a relaxation technique • Say something positive
SYSTEMATIC DESENSITIZATION Don’t try this at home!! • Joseph Wolpe • Involves imagining or experiencing a fearful situation while practicing a response incompatible with anxiety (relaxation) • Fear hierarchy
ABCDE TECHNIQUE • Albert Ellis • Anxiety is a function of irrational beliefs that: 1. We must be thoroughly competent, adequate and achieving 2. We must be loved or get approval from all others almost all of the time 3. If things don’t go as we wish, it is horrible and catastrophic
ABCDE cont’ • Activating agent: identify the stressor • Belief system: identify rational and irrational beliefs • Consequences: mental, physical and behavioral • Dispute irrational beliefs • Effect: changed consequences
SOCIAL SUPPORT (A.K.A. Lean on Me) “Belonging, being accepted, being loved, or being needed all for oneself and not for what one can do” • Helps you mobilize psychological resources • Helps you master emotional burdens • Shares your tasks • Provides extra money, materials, tools, skills and cognitive guidance • Helps you deal with and feel better about stressors Who is in your social support network?
KNOW THYSELF • SELF: All of the beliefs, attitudes and opinions which an individual holds to be true about his or her unique existence • SELF-CONCEPT: The organization or configuration of those attributes • SELF-ESTEEM: How highly you regard yourself. Your sense of self-worth • SELF CONFIDENCE: The realistic belief that you can successfully perform a given task