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Cryptography. CS 111 -- Lecture 19. Prof. Amit Sahai. Last Time. We saw examples of search problems that we believe Computers can’t solve quickly. In computer-science terminology: NP = All Search Problems P = Problems we can solve quickly

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  1. Cryptography CS 111 -- Lecture 19 Prof. Amit Sahai

  2. Last Time • We saw examples of search problems that we believe Computers can’t solve quickly. • In computer-science terminology: • NP = All Search Problems • P = Problems we can solve quickly • We believe that P  NP, i.e. not every search problem can be solved quickly on a computer. • (Otherwise life would be too good.) • But we don’t know how to prove it!

  3. Coloring

  4. Last Time (cont.) • We saw that the Coloring Problem is as hard as any search problem: • In particular, we can reduce solving any search problem to finding a valid coloring for some collection of circles! • So, if we could solve Coloring quickly, then P = NP • That’s why we believe Coloring can’t be solved quickly by any computer. • We call such problems NP-Complete.

  5. Other Hard Problems? • There are other problems besides NP-Complete Problems that we also believe are hard. • How can we be sure? • We can’t. • But humanity has been trying to solve certain mathematical problems for centuries. • It seems reasonable to assume that nobody will figure out how to solve them soon.

  6. Cryptography • Why do we care so much about hard problems? • Because sometimes we want to make things hard. • Protecting Privacy, Authenticity • Want to make it hard for adversaries to: • Steal our credit cards • Impersonate us • Etc.

  7. Cryptography • Science of making things hard for adversaries = Cryptography • Today: we’ll learn the basic principles used to protect credit cards online and much more. • Beautiful and mathematically sophisticated field • This is your professor’s main area of research.

  8. One Approach... It’s so complicated! It must be secure! Cryptosystem XYZ (Patent Pending)

  9. Cryptosystem XYZ Broken 2 Days After Release! One Approach...

  10. One Approach... • Unfortunately, this approach is often used in real life. • This is one of the reasons why you hear about so many security systems being broken! • Examples: DVD encryption, Cell phones in Europe (GSM), many many more

  11. Our Approach... • We’ll of course take a much more disciplined approach. • We’ll use the theory of hard search problemsand our notion of reducing one problem to another: • We want to show that if you break our security system, you will have to solve some of the world’s greatest unsolved problems first!

  12. Encryption • The most basic problem in Cryptography is Encryption: Private Message m Bob Alice

  13. Encryption • The most basic problem in Cryptography is Encryption: Private Message m Bob Alice Eve the eavesdropper

  14. Encryption • The most basic problem in Cryptography is Encryption: Encrypted Message E(m) Bob Alice Eve the eavesdropper

  15. Encryption • Have to make it easy for Bob to recover m • But hard for Eve to learn anything about m Encrypted Message E(m) Bob Alice Eve the eavesdropper

  16. Public-Key Cryptography[Diffie-Hellman 1976] Bob’s Public Key Bob’sSecret Key Bob • Everybody knows Bob’s published Public Key. • Only Bob knows his secret key.

  17. Public-Key Encryption Encrypted Message E(m) Bob Alice • Alice uses Bob’s public key to encrypt m. • Bob uses his secret key to recover (decrypt) m.

  18. Public-Key Encryption Encrypted Message E(m) Bob Alice Eve the eavesdropper • Alice and Eve both know Bob’s public key. • Eve must not be able to “break” the encryption even though she knows the public key.

  19. Basic Math Review • Let’s recall some basic mathematics: • A number p is called prime if its only factors are 1 and itself. • Examples:

  20. Basic Math Review • Let’s recall some basic mathematics: • A number p is called prime if its only factors are 1 and itself. • Examples: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, …

  21. Basic Math Review • Let’s recall some basic mathematics: • A number p is called prime if its only factors are 1 and itself. • Examples: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, … • There are lots of prime numbers. • Fact: It is known how to check quickly if a number is prime or not. • So, to find a big prime number, we can just keep generating large random numbers until we find a prime.

  22. Basic Math Review • Given two primes p and q, it is easy to multiply them together: N = pq • But given N, how do you find p and q quickly?i.e. how do you factor N? • Easy for small numbers (e.g. 6 or 35). • For centuries, mathematicians have been trying to find ways to factor large numbers quickly. No one knows how! • Factoring a 10,000 digit N would take centuries on the fastest computer in existence!

  23. Basic Math & Crypto • We want to make it so that if Eve the eavesdropper breaks our system, she would have to factor a very large number. • We’ll (almost) do that.

  24. Modular Arithmetic • Ordinary Arithmetic: … -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 …

  25. Modular Arithmetic • Ordinary Arithmetic: • Arithmetic Modulo N: … -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 … N = 0 1 (N – 1) 2 (N – 2) (N – 3) 3 …

  26. Modular Arithmetic • Example: Arithmetic Modulo 12 (like Arithmetic on time) • 3 + 11 (Modulo 12) = • 2 – 4 (Modulo 12) = • 5 * 4 (Modulo 12) = • 4 * 3 (Modulo 12) =

  27. Modular Arithmetic • Example: Arithmetic Modulo 12 (like Arithmetic on time) • 3 + 11 (Modulo 12) = 2 • 2 – 4 (Modulo 12) = • 5 * 4 (Modulo 12) = • 4 * 3 (Modulo 12) =

  28. Modular Arithmetic • Example: Arithmetic Modulo 12 (like Arithmetic on time) • 3 + 11 (Modulo 12) = 2 • 2 – 4 (Modulo 12) = 10 • 5 * 4 (Modulo 12) = • 4 * 3 (Modulo 12) =

  29. Modular Arithmetic • Example: Arithmetic Modulo 12 (like Arithmetic on time) • 3 + 11 (Modulo 12) = 2 • 2 – 4 (Modulo 12) = 10 • 5 * 4 (Modulo 12) = 8 • 4 * 3 (Modulo 12) =

  30. Modular Arithmetic • Example: Arithmetic Modulo 12 (like Arithmetic on time) • 3 + 11 (Modulo 12) = 2 • 2 – 4 (Modulo 12) = 10 • 5 * 4 (Modulo 12) = 8 • 4 * 3 (Modulo 12) = 0

  31. The RSA Encryption Scheme [Rivest Shamir Adleman 1978] • Bob picks two large primes p and q, and computes: N = pq • Fact: Because Bob knows p and q, he can pick numbers e and d such that: • For all m: (me)d= m (Modulo N) • Bob’s Public Key will be e, N • Bob’s secret key will be d

  32. The RSA Encryption Scheme • Fact: Because Bob knows p and q, he can pick numbers e and d such that: • For all m: (me)d= m (Modulo N) • To Encrypt a message m, Alice computes: • E(m) = me(Modulo N)

  33. The RSA Encryption Scheme • Fact: Because Bob knows p and q, he can pick numbers e and d such that: • For all m: (me)d= m (Modulo N) • To Encrypt a message m, Alice computes: • E(m) = me(Modulo N) • To Decrypt, Bob computes: • m = E(m)d (Modulo N)

  34. The RSA Encryption Scheme • To Encrypt a message m, Alice computes: • E(m) = me(Modulo N) • The only known way to compute m from E(m) involves factoring N. • For Eve to break this system, she would have to solve a long-standing open problem in Mathematics. • This is probably the most widely used Public-Key Encryption Scheme in the world.

  35. Shifting Gears: Proofs… • Bob wants to convince Alice of the validity of some statement (like “I really am Bob!”) • But Bob doesn’t want to reveal his secrets to Alice in the process… Bob Alice

  36. Zero-Knowledge Proofs [Goldwasser Micali Rackoff 85] • What is the least amount of information Bob can reveal, while still convincing Alice? • Amazingly, it is possible for Bob to convince Alice of something without revealing any information at all! • How can that be?

  37. Magic Tricks • Magic tricks are like zero-knowledge proofs: • Good magic tricks reveal nothing about how they work. • What makes a magic trick good?

  38. Two balls: Purple and Red, otherwise identical • Blindfolded Magician • You give a random ball to magician A Magic Trick

  39. Magician tells you the color! • Magician proves he can distinguish balls blindfolded. • You learn nothing except this. A Magic Trick (cont.) Abracadabra, Goobedy goo! It is Red! Wow! He’sso cool!

  40. You knew exactly what magician was going to do. • And he did it! • Since you knew to begin with, you could not have learned anything new! A Magic Trick (cont.) It’sRed! I knew hewould say that.

  41. What it means: • Alice “knows” what is going to happen. • CS-speak: Alice can simulate it herself! Zero Knowledge Simulation Abracadabra, Goobedy goo! It isRed!

  42. Magician asks you to think of either • “Apple” or • “Banana” • Magician then gives you a sealed box. Another Magic Trick

  43. You tell Magician what you were thinking. Mind Reading I was thinkingof a banana.

  44. Magician tells you to open box, and read piece of paper in box. • Magician proves he can predict what you will say. Mind Reading (cont.) Banana How did hedo that!!

  45. Again, you knew what was going to happen.  Zero-Knowledge Mind Reading (cont.) Simulation Banana I was thinkingof a banana.

  46. But why was it convincing? • Because Magician committed to his guess before you told him. Mind Reading (cont.)

  47. CryptographicCommitment • Public Key Encryption Scheme • To commit to a string x, I send y = E(x). • To open the commitment, I reveal my secret key. • Commitment is secret. • And I can’t change my mind about x once I’ve sent the encryption.

  48. NP-Completeness • Remember we can reduce any search problem to Coloring.

  49. NP-Completeness (cont.) • “y is an encryption of a valid tax return” reduction

  50. ZK Proof for Coloring • Input: Collection of circles. • Magician Knows: Coloring using R, B, G • First, Magician picks random permutation: R,B,G  R,B,G, and applies to coloring: 

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