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This document explains the various Material Handling Equipment with its advantages and disadvantages.<br><br>You can also visit us at www.trimechindia.com for more information.
W W W . T R I M E C H I N D I A . C O M M A T E R I A LH A N D L I N G F E B R U A R Y2 0 1 8
W W W . T R I M E C H I N D I A . C O M M A T E R I A LH A N D L I N G Materialhandlingistheartandscience of moving, packingandstoringofsubstancesin anyform.
W W W . T R I M E C H I N D I A . C O M I M P O R T A N TO FM A T E R I A L H A N D L I N G Functionofproductioncontrol. Concernedwithschedulingofproductioncontrol. MaterialHandlingaddsvaluetoproductcost. MaterialHandlingincreaseseffectivenessofinplant layoutbyreducingthecost
W W W . T R I M E C H I N D I A . C O M O B J E C T I V E SO FM A T E R I A L H A N D L I N G ToLowersunitmaterialshandlingthecost. Toreducemanufacturingcycletime. Toprovidebettercontroloftheflowofmaterials. Toprovidebetterworkingconditions. ToprovideContributiontobetterqualitybyavoiding damagestoproducts. Toincreasestoragecapacity. Toprovidehigherproductivityatlowermanufacturing costs.
W W W . T R I M E C H I N D I A . C O M M A T E R I A LH A N D L I N G P R I N C I P L E S Materialshouldbemovedaslittleaspossible. Reductionintimebyusingshortestroutersandmechanical materialhandlingequipment. Thematerialmovementshouldbeinlotsratherthanin individualunits. Designofmaterialhandlingequipmentshouldbesuchthat itcanincreasetheeffectiveness. Gravityshouldbeused. Rehandlingandbacktrackingofmaterialshouldbeavoided. PeriodicallyRepairing, Maintaince & Checkupofexisting materialhandlingequipments.
W W W . T R I M E C H I N D I A . C O M F A C T O R SA F F E C T I N G T H ES E L E C T I O NO F M A T E R I A L SH A N D L I N G E Q U I P M E N T C a p a b i l i t i e s o f t h e h a n d l i n g e q u i p m e n t a v a i l a b l e H u m a n e l e m e n t i n v o l v e d P r o d u c t i o n p r o b l e m
W W W . T R I M E C H I N D I A . C O M T Y P EO FM A T E R I A LH A N D L I N G S Y S T E M S . 1 . EquipmentsorientedSystems : - ConveyorSystems. TractortransferSystem. Forklifttruck. IndustrialtruckSystem. UndergroundSystem. 2 . MaterialOrientedSystems : - UnitHandlingSystem. BulkHandlingSystem. LiquidHandlingSystem.
W W W . T R I M E C H I N D I A . C O M T Y P EO FM A T E R I A LH A N D L I N G S Y S T E M S . 3 . MethodsOrientedSystem : - ManualSystem. AutomatedSystem. JobShophandlingSystem. MassProductionSystem. 4 . FunctionOrientedSystems : - TransportationSystems. ConveyingSystem. TransferringSystems. ElevatingSystems.
E N DO FP R E S E N T A T O N Furtherquestionscanbesentatindo@trimechindia.com. Youcanalsovisitusatwww.trimechindia.comformoreinformation W W W . T R I M E C H I N D I A . C O M