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Illustration/Symbol. Definition. T he act of touching physically in a nice way. P hysical Contact- Appropriate. Student-Friendly Sentence: Friends touch each other gently. Word Study: Hugs, handshakes, high-fives, knees touching on carpet, touching in line. . CCSS. Definition.
Illustration/Symbol Definition The act of touching physically in a nice way. Physical Contact- Appropriate Student-Friendly Sentence: Friends touch each other gently. Word Study: Hugs, handshakes, high-fives, knees touching on carpet, touching in line. CCSS
Definition Illustration/Symbol The act of touching physically in a harmful way. Physical Contact- Inappropriate Student-Friendly Sentence: People should not hit, kick, punch, or pinch each other. People do not touch each other’s private places. Word Study: Hit, Kick, Pinch, Punch, Push, Elbow, Touching in Private Parts. CCSS
Definition: Locations or places where things happen. Illustration/Symbol Settings Student-Friendly Sentence: The rules are different in different settings. Word Study: It’s okay to tackle in football, but not okay to tackle in school. CCSS
Definition: A job done every day at school or at home. Illustration/Symbol Chores Student-Friendly Sentence: One of my chores at home is to clear the table. Word Study: Housekeeping, Work, Job. CCSS
Definition: Laws to tell people how they should act. Illustration/Symbol Rules Student-Friendly Sentence: Following the rules helps everyone get along and learn. Word Study: There are different rules in different settings. CCSS
Definition: Being related by family or spending time together. Illustration/Symbol Relationship Student-Friendly Sentence: I have good relationships with my friends. Word Study: People who work and play together. CCSS
Definition: Something good you get for what you do. Illustration/Symbol Rewards Student-Friendly Sentence: My friend rewards me with a smile when I share my toy. Word Study: Prize CCSS
Definition: The result of an action. Illustration/Symbol Consequences Student-Friendly Sentence: The consequence of being bossy is that my friend won’t want to play with me. Word Study: Punishment, Result. CCSS
Definition Illustration/Symbol A person you know, like, and trust. Friend Student-Friendly Sentence: Friends are nice to each other. Word Study Share, Care, Are Fair, Listen, Respect, Kind CCSS
Definition: The way you act. Illustration/Symbol Behavior Student-Friendly Sentence: I behave nicely so that my friends will like me. Word Study: Actions, Things you do CCSS
Definition: The kind of person you can count on to do the right thing. Illustration/Symbol Dependable Student-Friendly Sentence: My friend is dependable because I know he’ll always help me if I need it. Word Study Reliable CCSS
Definition: Being on time to school, practice and to meet friends. Illustration/Symbol Punctual Student-Friendly Sentence: My teacher loves it when we are punctual and get to school on time in the morning. Word Study On Time, Clock, Paying Attention. CCSS
Definition: Illustration/Symbol Consistency of actions. Honesty Integrity Student-Friendly Sentence: Integrity is when I do my own work and tell the truth. Word Study: Honesty, Consistency, Truth CCSS
Definition: Working hard to accomplish something. Illustration/Symbol Effort Student-Friendly Sentence: I put forth great effort when I practice for my soccer game. Word Study: Work, Try, Practice CCSS
Definition: To share ideas and information with other people. Illustration/Symbol Communicate Student-Friendly Sentence: I communicate with my friends by talking, listening, and writing. Word Study: Share, talk, text, write, telephone, show, listen CCSS
Definition: Illustration/Symbol Illustration/Symbol Give a brief statement of the main points of (something). Summarize Student-Friendly Sentence: I summarized the story by reporting the main idea. Word Study Main Idea CCSS
Definition: To compress or concentrate. Illustration/Symbol condense Student-Friendly Sentence: Condense the contents of this book into a summary. Word Study: Compact, Compress, Concentrate. CCSS
Definition: The most important information that you want to share. Illustration/Symbol key points Student-Friendly Sentence: I made a poster telling about the key points in my science project. Word Study: Main idea CCSS
Definition: A source of difficulty which has been going on for some time. Illustration/Symbol Problem- Long Term Student-Friendly Sentence: Dealing with a bully is a long term problem. Word Study: Difficulty, Trouble CCSS
Definition: Illustration/Symbol A source of difficulty which just started. Problem- Short Term Student-Friendly Sentence: When my friend hurt my feelings, I solved the problem by talking about it. Word Study Conflict CCSS
Definition: Illustration/Symbol GOAL A plan of action designed to achieve a goal. Strategy Student-Friendly Sentence: I worked out a good strategy to solve my problem. Word Study: Solution, Plan CCSS
Definition Illustration/Symbol A fight or battle between individuals or groups conflict Student-Friendly Sentence Word Study Fight Battle Dispute Scrap Martin and Sophia had a conflict over their seat in the cafeteria. CCSS
Definition Illustration/Symbol What a person plans to do goals Student-Friendly Sentence Word Study My goals for this year are all about improving my reading skills. plan end finish CCSS
Definition: Pertaining to friendly companionship. Illustration/Symbol Social Student-Friendly Sentence: The social part of my life has to do with my friends. Word Study: Group of people, interactions between people CCSS
Definition: Having to do with school. Illustration/Symbol Academic Student-Friendly Sentence: I work hard at home and at school to do well in my academics, so I can get a good grade. Word Study: Study, School, Homework, Assignment, Test CCSS
Definition: Having to do with myself. Illustration/Symbol Personal Student-Friendly Sentence: My personal life has to do with my feelings and my actions. Word Study: Personal Space CCSS
Definition: Illustration/Symbol A chosen pursuit; a profession or occupation. Career Student-Friendly Sentence: A career is the work people do to earn money. Word Study: Job, Occupation, Profession. CCSS
Definition: Illustration/Symbol A means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation Solution Student-Friendly Sentence: I thought of a good solution to my problem. Word Study: Problem Solving CCSS
Definition: The way a thing turns out; a consequence. Illustration/Symbol Outcome Student-Friendly Sentence: Being nice had a positive outcome. Word Study: Result CCSS
Definition The process of establishing career goals and determining appropriate educational and developmental programs to further develop the skills required to achieve short- or long-term career goals. Career Planning Student-Friendly Sentence: I need to know myself and my interests in order to plan my career. Then I need to find what I need to do to prepare. Word Study: Jobs, Occupations, goal CR 1.1 CCSS
Definition The feeling of a person whose attention, concern, or curiosity is particularly engaged by something Interest Student-Friendly Sentence: I have an interest in animals, so I would like to be a veterinarian technician. Word Study: Fascination CCSS CR.2.2
Definition The selecting of someone or something over another or others. Preference Student-Friendly Sentence: My preference for being outside led me to choose a class in horticulture. Word Study: Selection CCSS CR 2.1
Definition Something accomplished, especially by superior ability, special effort, great courage, etc.; a great or heroic deed: Achievement Student-Friendly Sentence: His achievement in high school won him a scholarship for college. Word Study: Accomplishment CR 3.1 CR 3.2 CCSS
Definition Illustration/Symbol Working together cooperation Student-Friendly Sentence Word Study The monkeys showed cooperation by helping each other get rid of pests. Teamwork Agreement CR.4.1 CCSS
Definition Cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team or in the interests of a common cause. Teamwork Student-Friendly Sentence: They were able to complete their work much better when they used teamwork. Word Study: Working together CCSS CR 4.1
Definition Illustration/Symbol the average obtained by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of credits attempted Grade Point Average Student-Friendly Sentence Word Study Ben’s grade point average suffered because of his excessive absences. G.P.A. Overall Average CCSS
Definition a student’s initial entrance into college, typically directly after high school Illustration/Symbol College Admissions Student-FriendlySentence Most colleges require the completion of an essay for undergraduate admission. Word Study College acceptance CCSS