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Hlađenje integriranih sklopova

Hlađenje integriranih sklopova. Cooling of Integrated Circuits Using Droplet-Based Microfluidics. Cross section of an electrowetting actuato r. Top view of a PCB-based droplet cooling. Cross section view of a PCB-based droplet cooling system.

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Hlađenje integriranih sklopova

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hlađenje integriranih sklopova

  2. Cooling of Integrated Circuits Using Droplet-Based Microfluidics

  3. Cross section of an electrowettingactuator

  4. Top view of a PCB-based droplet cooling

  5. Cross section view of a PCB-based dropletcooling system

  6. On-Chip Solid-State Cooling for Integrated Circuits Using Thin-Film Microrefrigerators

  7. Conventional bulk BiTe thermoelectric module and (b) thin-filmsuperlattice SiGe/Si heterostructure integrated thermionic cooler fabricatedusing batch integrated circuit fabrication techniques

  8. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) picture of SiGe/Simicrorefrigerators integrated with thin-film heaters/sensors

  9. Illustration of the model configuration. Uniform heat flux of10 W/cm is applied to the top surface of the silicon chip. Two hot spotsof 7070-m square exist at the center and at the corner of the chip( heat flux = 300 W/cm ). SiGe-based microrefrigerators are used toselectively remove hot spots.

  10. Diagonal temperature profiles on the top surface of the silicon chip

  11. Closed-Loop Electroosmotic Microchannel Cooling System for VLSI Circuits

  12. Conceptual schematic of the proposed electroosmotic cooler.The cooler is comprised of three main components:electroosmotic pump,microchannel heat exchanger and heat rejecter.

  13. Schematic and a table of dimensions of the heat exchanger

  14. Photograph of the microchannel heat exchanger

  15. Schematic of the experimental apparatus for characterization of themicrochannel heat exchanger

  16. Measured dependence of the average chip temperature on the input power (vertical bars indicate temperature fluctuations). Ambient temperature andwater inlet temperature were held constant in all experiments.

  17. Dependence of heat exchanger pressure drop on input power (verticalbars indicate pressure fluctuations). Ambienttemperature and water inlettemperature were held constant in all experiments.

  18. Comparison between predictions and experimental data for the chiptemperature rise and heat exchanger pressure drop as functions of the inputpower.

  19. Schematic and an image of an electroosmotic pump

  20. Performance curves for the electroosmotic pump showing flow rateversus pumping pressure for different operating voltages

  21. Schematic representation of the experimental set-up used forcharacterization of the closed-loop cooling system

  22. Image of the closed-loop cooling system

  23. System performance showing chip temperature rise and heat exchanger pressure drop for varying input powers. Pump voltage, fluid inlet temperatureand ambient temperature were constant. The insert shows the pump curve at 150 V.

  24. Apparatus for cooling of integrated circuit chips with forced coolant jet

  25. Antonio Filipović,N-3184

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