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NRK – Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation

Explore how NRK, Norway’s leading public broadcaster, upholds editorial independence, trains staff in ethical standards, and navigates the complexities of state ownership. Dive into Norway's Press Ethical Code and the vital role of the Head of Editorial Ethics and Standards at NRK.

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NRK – Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation

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  1. NRK – Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation Per Arne Kalbakk, Head ofeditorialethics and standards

  2. NRK: A shortsummary • Norway’smainpublicbroadcaster • Non-commercial, politicallyindependentpublicbroadcaster • Owned by thestate, butfunded by theaudiencethroughannuallicensefee • Providescontent for TV, radio, internet and mobile platforms • Publishing contentbothnationwide and regionally (15 regional offices) • 3.400 employees • Annualbudget: 5,4 billion NOK (approximately 575 million Euro)

  3. Editorialindependence • How can NRK be independentwhenweareowned by thestate? • Divisionofpowers: Executiveownership by thegovernment, buttheparliamentdeterminesthe charter and publicobligations to theaudience • Wearefunded by thepublicthroughtheannuallicensefee • Every household in Norway pays 3000 NOK per year (320 Euro) in licensefee to NRK (providedthattheyown a tv receiver) • This ensures a directrelationbetween NRK and thepublicaudience

  4. Editorialindependence in Norway • The Norwegian Press Ethical Code: emphazisestheindependentroleof media • 1.1. “Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Information and Freedom of the Press are basic elements of a democracy. A free, independent press is among the most important institutions in a democratic society.” • 2.1 “The editor shall act freely and independently towards any persons or groups who – for ideological, economic or other reasons – might want to exercise an influence over the editorial content.” • This principle of editorial freedom and independence is adopted in the NRK charter (§28). • The charter also states specifically the need for independence from political pressure. NRK PowerPointmal

  5. Upholding of press ethical standards in NRK

  6. Main goals for best ethicalpractice at the NRK • The publicshall be confidentthattheycan trust ourjournalism(factchecking, correction of mistakes) • Thosebeingsubject to criticism and accusationsthroughourjournalismshall be treated in a fair and reasonable manner • Our storiesshall be presented in a truthful, fair and balanced manner – do not twist facts to make thingslook «better» or «worse» thantheyreallyare

  7. The role of the Head of editorialethics and standards • Advising editors and journalists on editorialstories (15-20 requests per day) • Responsible for implementing and upholdingNRK’sethicalframework • Training of editorial staff in NRK in ethicalmethods and standards (at leastone workshop per year for everyeditorialdepartment) • Handling of complaints to the Norwegian press complaintscommission • Participating on behalf of NRK in thepublicdebate on press ethics in Norway

  8. Building press ethicalconscience • The job is never «finished» in fulfillingethical standards – thejob must be done withevery story, everydayiftheyear • Regularethical training of editorial staff is important, but: • Most important of all is to make press ethics a corevaluethroughdailydiscussions on editorialmethods and ethics • It is never embarrassing to seekadvise – ethicaljudgementsarealwaysmadebetterwhentheyaremadethrough criticalevaluation.

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