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Climate change: opportunities at the regional level

Climate change: opportunities at the regional level. 25 September 2007, Brussels. Dr. Erasmia Kitou European Commission Unit C.1: ‘Climate strategy, international negotiation and monitoring of EU action’. Outline. Overview of emissions Future commitments Adaptation Actions needed.

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Climate change: opportunities at the regional level

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  1. Climate change: opportunities at the regional level 25 September 2007, Brussels Dr. Erasmia Kitou European Commission Unit C.1: ‘Climate strategy, international negotiation and monitoring of EU action’

  2. Outline • Overview of emissions • Future commitments • Adaptation • Actions needed

  3. Reaching the Kyoto target…

  4. Energy/Transport: The big challenges

  5. And Italy ?? • Italy’s Kyoto target:-6.5% • Projections with existing measures: 13.1% • Projections with all measures, KM and carbon sinks: -6% • Gap: 0.5% • Estimated effect of additional PAMs:12.2% • ETS not accounted for

  6. Italy and the EU ETS • Share of ETS in 2005 GHG emissions: 39% • JI/CDM limit: 15% • Avg.2005/2006 verified emissions: 226.5 Mt/yr • Proposed Cap: 209 Mt • Cap allowed:195.8 Mt • Effect of recent allowance allocation: -5.9%

  7. Future commitments

  8. Where we are are…and where we want to be!!

  9. EU climate action up to 2020:mitigating climate change • EU independent commitment: Reduce EU-27 GHG emissions by 20% by 2020 compared to 1990 • Energy Package: • Energy efficiency: 20% improvement by 2020 • Renewable energy: 20% mandatory objective by 2020 • differentiation of targets between countries • flexibility in target setting within a country between sectors • Biofuels target of 10% by 2020 • Sustainable power generation from fossil fuels: 12 large scale CCS demonstration plants by 2015; aiming at near-zero emissions by 2020 • Strategic energy technology plan • Internal market-options unbundling & regulatory powers: • Important for functioning EU ETS • Overcome hurdles for renewables • Nuclear: member states’ choice • Climate Strategy: • EU ETS (Review, aviation) • Other policies (e.g. fuel quality) • Global carbon market (incl. CDM) At least -20 % CO2 Up to - 5% of GHG emissions

  10. Adaptation

  11. EU needs to adapt to the effects of unavoidable climate change • identify vulnerabilities • implement measures to increase resilience • explore inter-regional aspects

  12. Need for adaptation • Southern and South-East Europe will be most affected by droughts, with yearly rainfall dropping by up to 40% of current annual precipitation. • Annual mean temperature increases throughout Southern Europe and the Black Sea region would be in the order of 4-5°C. • Higher risks of water scarcity, droughts, heat waves, forest fires, biodiversity losses, soil and ecosystem degradation, and eventually desertification. • Yield losses could range from 10 to 30% in many large areas of the South. • Heat-related deaths could kill thousands of people prematurely every year: 30-55 additional deaths yearly per 100 000 persons in vast areas of Southern Europe.

  13. Actions needed

  14. Concrete action • Systematic assessment of greenhouse gas impacts of short- and long-term investments and potential risks due to climate change impacts and development of appropriate plans (“climate proofing”) • Immediate and effective implementation of existing and planned policies under the European Climate Change Programme (e.g., energy efficiency Initiative, aviation, carbon capture and storage, adaptation) • Increased public awareness • More and better focused research • Stronger co-operation with 3rd countries

  15. Role of the regions in EU ETS • Outreach campaigns on the implementation of the EU scheme • Facilitate Monitoring - Reporting & Verification in different sectors • Interface with respect to small installations, industrial districts, chambers of commerce • The EU ETS is a complex exercise the stress should be on implementation

  16. Mitigation in practice • Cohesion Policy aims at reducing the disparities between EU regions. Climate change affects regions differently, potentially further increasing disparities • Community Strategic Guidelines for Cohesion (SGC 2007-2013) give priority to: • waste and waste-water infrastructures • management of natural resources • decontamination of land • sustainable transport • energy efficiency and renewable energies • EU funds should support low-emitting projects. Few examples: • all new buildings and reconstructions should be highly energy efficient • new car fleet and all machinery should be fuel efficient • renewables in accordance with country specificities • clean transport modes

  17. Mainstreaming climate change in EU : project opportunities • Need to act locally. • Climate change mitigation and adaptation can be financed from Structural Funds. • Under the European Regional Development Fund Regulation and specifically the Convergence objective (Article 4) eleven priorities are set up, including • Environmental investment - aid to mitigate the effects of climate change • Prevention of natural risk • Integrated strategies for clean transport • Energy investments including renewable energy and energy efficiency

  18. More information on how to… http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/climat/home_en.htm http://ec.europa.eu/environment/climat/future_action.htm http://ec.europa.eu/energy/energy_policy/index_en.htm

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