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Forerunner School Day 1. Welcome to the FORERUNNER School—Gods’ Unfolding Battle Plan!. UNDER HIS WINGS IN A SEASON OF CLASHING SWORDS & GAINING MOMENTUM !. The War Ahead!. The Mind War Critical Times Require Critical Thinking! The Blood War Empowered in Soul and Spirit! The Time War
The War Ahead! • The Mind War • Critical Times Require Critical Thinking! • The Blood War • Empowered in Soul and Spirit! • The Time War • Praying to Reorder Your Day! • The Presence and Glory War • Is Your Lamp Stand Burning? • The Power War • Who are You in Agreement With?
In Every NEW Season There is a War with Mammon and POVERTY “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who makes its laws.”-- Mayer Amschel Rothschild The New Coin!
The War Ahead! • The Wealth War • Defining Your Boundaries ! • The War of the Nations • Will the Real Ruling Nation Please Rise! • The Harvest War • Keep Praying and Prophesying!
Chet is the number 8 “A NEW BEGINNING” Chet words: New, Fresh, Renew, Make New Significance of Chet “Year of Momentum and Impulse, a year of LIFE, and a year of the NEW” A NEW SEASON BEGINS THIS YEAR!
May the Strategies of Heaven Invade Your Sphere of Authority! The KING is READY to SECURE YOUR FUTURE!
What is My Portion? (Ps.73:26) • A person's destiny or lot in life (Psalm 16) • An allowance or ration of food or clothing (Gen 14:24, Dan 1:8-16) • One's family inheritance, the part of an estate received by an heir (Gen 31:14; Luke 15:12) • A parcel of ground (2 Kings 9:10) • One's spiritual or religious heritage (2 Chr. 10:16) • One's personal relationship to the Lord (Ps. 119:57) • The judgment that is the lot of the wicked (Mt. 24:51)
The Blueprint of Heaven The Noah Model—A Resting Place The Abraham Model—A Place of Covenant The Moses Model– A Place of Meeting, Sanctuary, Sacrifice The David Model– A Place of Worship/War The Solomon Model– A Place of Finishing and Manifestation
The Blueprint of Heaven (continued) The Temple Model—A Place of Service Jerusalem Model– A Place of Transition The Antioch Model—The Place of the Apostles/Prophets /Nations The Ephesus Model– The Hub Model The “Come Up Here” Model– Continuous Flexibility Based on Revelation
Shut the Door to the Past Season and Open the Door to the Future! (Rev. 4:1, I Cor. 16:8)
A SEASON TO… FIND Heaven’s Open Gate! Hear His Sound! Gain the Revelation to Establish Your Next Phase of Overcoming! Allow the CATALYST that enters your LIFE to CREATE a LASTING CHANGE! SUPER-ABOUND in GRACE! GAIN MOMENTUM & Go Beyond!
Chet words: Dream, vision, oracle, prophecy, seer, to behold in a dream or vision. To move into the blessings of your future, you needto be linked into God’s prophetic revelation! Pay close attention to all prophetic revelation this year! A SEASON TO Gain Revelation
THE HEBREW LETTER CHET LIFE (Chayim!) Chupah (wedding canopy) To unite, be joined (covenant) Terror & destruction To arm for battle Feast, rejoice! Number EIGHT Pictures a WALL or FENCE A Gateway What does Chet tell us Prophetically about the new season?
Chet: Pictures: DOOR or GATE This year is a doorway into your new beginning! It is a Door of hope and a Door of light! Move forward in faith AND PASS THROUGHthe GATE!
The Word on the Gate (Deut. 6:4-12) “And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” So the doorposts and gates are/were the places where the commandments of the Lord are to be written, so that they (we) would not forget Him. When Nehemiah recorded the re-building of the Jerusalem walls, he started at the Sheep Gate (3:1), on the north wall of the Temple Mount, and continued in a "circle."
Break Through, Gain Momentum, Take Dominion,Contend at the Gates, Embrace Change!!!!!!Mt. 11-16
Change • To be altered or pass from one state, form, quality or essence to a different state, form, quality or essence or To undergo variation • A succession of one thing in the place of another • The removal and alteration of one order to produce another order • A business transaction • A revolution or A season produced by a revolution
Leaders are crying out… “Lord, send us NEW WINE!” We want a fresh anointing! We want the joy of His presence! We want the release of miracles! God is asking… “Where is the WINESKIN to hold the WINE?”
Jesus’ Teaching on the New… …is found in Matthew 9 “No one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the new wine will burst the skins, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, new wine must be poured into new wineskins.”
The Church must become a new wineskin This is a season to receive a NEW ANOINTING! God is calling His church to its apostolic-prophetic foundation! He is calling His leaders to equip every believer for ministry! He is calling His Leaders to develop a Kingdom mindset!
The Foundation is Being Reinforced to Produce a New Essence of Glory • The gathering, ecclesia, is changing • The strategy, stratalegeo, is maturing • We must view things functionally • We must view things territorially • We must learn to gather differently • We must learn to war differently • We must learn to relate foundationally • We must understand the relationship between presence and wealth • We must know how Government works!
You are a Force in God’s Kingdom! • Force is a word that denotes power, strength and straining. An object with momentum is going to be hard to stop. • To stop such an object, it is necessary to apply a force against its motion for a given period of time. • The more MOMENTUM an object has, the harder it is to stop. • A GREATER amount of FORCE or an EXTENDED amount of time (or both) is required to bring an object with more momentum to a halt.
MOMENTUM is… • The quantity of MOTION in a moving BODY! • MOMENTUM equals MATTER multiplied in VELOCITY (swiftness and or affection)! • THE MOMENT occurs when a MOVE, RUSH, or DRIVE suddenly gains FORCE! • This is the most minute, important, and indivisible portion of TIME!
The Power of Spiritual Discipline • Meditation • Prayer • Fasting • Warfare • Praise/Worship • Work • Rest • Giving
The War to be Uncommon or Holy!Let the BLOODand the Spirit Cleanse YOU!
Vision to Build and Unlock our Future Comes through Prophecy or Revelation • Released in a dark place • Created through critical thinking • Created the foundational building tool • Supernatural Opposition could not overtake God’s Building plan • Produced a Kingdom mentality • Resisted by the natural mind and emotions
The War to Transform Your Mind! The MIND is that part of a person that thinks and reasons, and which is linked with understanding, thought, mind, and reason. The mind was clearly thought of as either good or evil. The mind may form a negative perspective: "hardened" (2 Cor 3:14), "blinded" (2 Cor 4:4), “corrupt" (2 Tim 3:8), "debased" (Rom 1:28).
May your Mind be Transformed! We are instructed to be united in mind (Rom 12:16; 1 Peter 3:8) or to have the "the mind of Christ" (1 Cor 2:16) The GOOD News! The mind can be renewed (Rom 12:2), made pure (2 Peter 3:1), filled with the love God (Matt 22:37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27), and implanted with the law (Heb 8:10).
BE WHOLE! (I Thess. 5:23) We are instructed to be UNITED IN MIND (Rom 12:16; 1 Peter 3:8) or to have the "the mind of Christ" (1 Cor 2:16) May your HEART (frequently means "mind“) be PURE! [Deut 30:1; Jer 19:5] May Your SPIRIT (Ezek 11:5,36-37) be NEW. May your SOUL (1 Chron 28:9, Ps. 23) be WHOLE. May your Body reflect His power! (Ps. 107:20)
From a YEAR of Movement to a Year of Establishment! Moving FROM Experiencing NEW Life and Revelation TO Finding our NEW Boundaries and taking DOMINION!
To EVALUATE All New Beginnings… 1. Is the situation or circumstance you find yourself in causing you to RESIST a new beginning? 2. Is the situation or circumstance attempting to STOP you from entering into a WRONG new beginning? 3. Is the situation or circumstance initiating a chain of events leading to a new beginning? 4. Is your situation or circumstance creating an offense that keeps you from advancing?
The Whole Person BODY SOUL Mind, Will, Emotions, Desire, Choice, Perception, Thought
VEXATION of Your Spirit The enemy not only wants to OCCUPY your soul, he wants to VEX your spirit! VEX = “To ANNOY, AGITATE, or CONFOUND” CommunionIntuitionTestimony
The Blood (is Life) (Heb 9:9-14) The circulatory life fluid of the body The fluid that produces unity in the soul (Gen 9:4) All activity of the body is dependent on the quantity of the blood Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness True sacrifice is linked with blood Wine is called the blood of grapes! (Lev 17:11, Heb 9:22, Acts 15:29, Gen 9:4-6, Matt 27:5, Hab 2:12, Gen 49:11)
The Lamp of the Body is the Eye (Mt. 6:22-23) The CONSCIENCE is the window between heart and spirit that allows one to develop human moral awareness that judges an action right or wrong. Two hindering spiritual forces: Familial spirits – works with family iniquity to hold bloodlines captive Familiar spirits – applied to constant association. Cluster of iniquity
Know How the Enemy Opposes You! (I Peter 5) You are ignorant and you participate with Him! He detects hidden TRAUMA in you. You must remove its effects! The enemy has schemes and tactics to change times and laws to make your faith empty! Watch covenant breaking strategies. You fail to Counteract Faith Destroyers, Escape slavery, and Plunder the Enemy!
Beware of his Tactics to create: Apathy and Passivity: Being dull, unfeeling, or barren or inactive. Indolence: The result of this is laziness, hastiness, presumption, and poverty Pride and Exaltation: This leads to conceit and complacency; you know it all. (Job 32:13) NO ILLUMINATION: Blocked heaven. Blocked spirit man. “The deeper we search the nearer we arrive to that we do not know.” (Job 9:10; Ps. 46:1, 136:4)
5 KEYS for AWAKENING! LET HIM REVIVE YOUR SPIRIT! Gen. 45-46 WATCH for HIM to VISIT certain PLACES! Jn. 4 EXPECT HIM to CHANGE the GATES of your entire REGION! Mk. 5 SUBMIT IN YOUR TESTS of FAITH to gain your next dimension of Promise! Gen. 22 LET your OLD MANTLE (identity and authority) BE REMOVED! WEAR YOUR NEW MANTLE( identity and authority in this season) ZECH. 3