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Land-use option conservation: Habitat requirements for wetland species in Europe

Land-use option conservation: Habitat requirements for wetland species in Europe. Kerstin Jantke Research Unit Sustainability and Global Change University of Hamburg. http://www.naturfoto-cz.de. Outline. Research topic and questions Methods and intermediate results Current work / problems

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Land-use option conservation: Habitat requirements for wetland species in Europe

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  1. Land-use option conservation:Habitat requirements for wetland species in Europe Kerstin Jantke Research Unit Sustainability and Global Change University of Hamburg http://www.naturfoto-cz.de FNU Seminar 15 November 2006

  2. Outline • Research topic and questions • Methods and intermediate results • Current work / problems • Outlook FNU Seminar 15 November 2006

  3. Nature reserves Research Topic • FASOM model: Economic optimization of land allocation Bioenergy/ biomaterial plantations Traditional agriculture and forestry • Habitat requirement • Habitat potential FNU Seminar 15 November 2006

  4. Research Questions • How much wetland area is required for biodiversity conservation in Europe? • Where should this area be located? • How should it be composed? After implementation into FASOM-model: • estimate the costs of wetland habitat protection • explore synergies and tradeoffs between biodiversity policies and other policies that affect land use (e.g. climate or energy policies) FNU Seminar 15 November 2006

  5. Methods • 1. Representation  Place prioritization algorithms • 2. Persistence  Population Viability Assessments FNU Seminar 15 November 2006

  6. Methods: Representation • Vertebrate species as surrogates for biodiversity • Habitats Directive (Annex II) & Birds Directive (Annex I) • 16 amphibians • 4 reptiles • 9 mammals • 43 birds • Place prioritization: ResNet and Marxan 72 wetland species of European conservation concern Atlas data FNU Seminar 15 November 2006

  7. Results: Representation Representation target 10 … … FNU Seminar 15 November 2006

  8. Results: Representation 10 representations of each species (nSpecies=72) 151 cells selected (nCells=2016) FNU Seminar 15 November 2006

  9. Results: Representation FNU Seminar 15 November 2006

  10. Selected cells for representation target 10 Ramsar wetlands (> 1.000 ha) FNU Seminar 15 November 2006

  11. Selected cells for representation target 10 Selected cells for representation target 10 (including Ramsar wetlands) FNU Seminar 15 November 2006

  12. Next step: Persistence 1 numbers of pairs/territories/families (adapted from Verboom et al. 2001) Habitat areamin = MVP size/colonization density FNU Seminar 15 November 2006

  13. Next step: Persistence Habitat areamin = MVP size/colonization density FNU Seminar 15 November 2006

  14. Next step: Persistence • Species – Habitat Mapping Habitat Classification (C. Schleupner) 1. Mires 1.1 Bogs 1.2 Fens 2. Wet forests 2.1 Alluvial Forests 2.2 Swamp Forests 3. Natural Grasslands 4. Open waters 4.1 Running Waters 4.2 Standing Waters x : necessary / : optional FNU Seminar 15 November 2006

  15. ? FNU Seminar 15 November 2006

  16. Outlook: Linkage of Representation and Persistence Grassland Wet forest Habitat areamin Mires Representation target FNU Seminar 15 November 2006

  17. Outlook: Integration in land-use model Cost Habitat requirement for each habitat type in hectares per country FASOM-Model Representation target FNU Seminar 15 November 2006

  18. Thank you for your attention! FNU Seminar 15 November 2006

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