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6.5 Hyponymy

6.5 Hyponymy. 6.5 Hyponymy. Hyponymy deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion . The meaning of a more specific word is included in that of another more general word. 6.5 Hyponymy. General Specific superordinate subordinate/hyponym flower rose, plum, osmanthus ( 桂花 )

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6.5 Hyponymy

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  1. 6.5 Hyponymy

  2. 6.5 Hyponymy • Hyponymydeals with the relationship of semantic inclusion. • The meaning of a more specific word isincludedin that of another moregeneralword .

  3. 6.5 Hyponymy • General Specific • superordinatesubordinate/hyponym • flowerrose,plum, osmanthus (桂花) • animalcow, horse, sheep,

  4. 6.5 Hyponymy • Hyponymy can be described in terms of invertedtree-like graphs, with higher-order superordinates above the lower subordinates. • But their status either as superordinate or subordinate is relative to other terms.

  5. 6.5 Hyponymy plant flower vegetable tree cabbage carrot rose plum pine Chinese leaves red rose

  6. 6.5 Hyponymy • Hyponymy is very helpful in both receptive and productive processing of language. • In reading comprehension, coherence by hyponymy is an important key:

  7. 6.5 Hyponymy • The village had most of the usual amenities:a pub, a library, a post office, a village hall, a medical centre, and a school. • In production, knowing the semantic features of the hyponyms and their superordinates can help us achieve vividness,exactness, and concreteness.

  8. 6.5 Hyponymy [a]Trees surround the water near our summerplace. [b] Old elms surround the lake near our summercabin.

  9. 6.5 Hyponymy Comment and improve: It is said that a magnificent building was destroyedrecently. • I heard from my neighbour Lao Wang that Shangri-la Hotel in Hankou was burnt downon the night of May Day.

  10. 6.6 Semantic Field

  11. 6.6 Semantic Field • Semantic fields refer to semantically related sets of words. • fruit: apple, pear, peach, apricot, date, mango, pineapple, orange, lemon • vegetable:, celery, lettuce, leek, potato cucumber, spinach, tomato, egg-plant

  12. 6.6 Semantic Field • The meaning of a word often depends on the neighbouring words which identify the semantic field and help pin down the meaning.

  13. 6.6 Semantic Field • What does orangemean? • orange: • orange: • orange: red, blue, yellow pear, apple, peach coke, pepsi, sprite

  14. 6.6 Semantic Field • What does captainmean? • Ship Crew Navy Army • captain captain captain • first officer/mate commander lieutenant • 船长上校 上尉 • 大副 中校 中尉

  15. 6.6 Semantic Field • Semantic field of address forms:

  16. 6.6 Semantic Field • Changes in the semantic field:

  17. 6.6 Semantic Field • In different languages, the semantic field may have different members. • Semantic field of Kinship terms:

  18. 6.6 Semantic Field: kinship 父亲 母亲 叔叔,伯伯,舅舅,姨父,姑父 伯母,婶婶,姑妈,姨妈,舅妈 堂兄/弟,表兄/弟,堂姐/妹,表姐/妹 侄儿,外甥 侄女,外甥女

  19. END

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