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Chapter 6 Profiles and Hidden Markov Models. The following approaches can also be used to identify distantly related members to a family of protein (or DNA) sequences Position-specific scoring matrix (PSSM) Profile Hidden Markov Model
Chapter 6 Profiles and Hidden Markov Models
The following approaches can also be used to identify distantly related members to a family of protein (or DNA) sequences • Position-specific scoring matrix (PSSM) • Profile • Hidden Markov Model • These methods work by providing a statistical frame where the probability of residues or nucleotides at specific sequences are tested • Thus, in multiple alignments, information on all the members in the alignment is retained.
Position-specific scoring matrices Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sequence 1 A T G T C G Sequence 2 A A G A C T Sequence 3 T A C T C A Sequence 4 C G G A G G Sequence 5 A A C C T G Frequencies of observations in a position Converted to log2 Normalised to overall frequencies
Match AACTCG to the PSSM matrix: • 1.0+1.0+0.8+1.0+1.38+1.15 = 6.33 • 26.33 = ~80 • Thus, the sequence AACTCG is 80 times more likely to fit than a random 6 nucleotide sequence
Profiles • Profiles are PSSMs that include gap penalty information • This is not a trivial problem, and is incorporated in Position specific iterated (PSI) BLAST • A normal BLASTP is performed with the query sequence, homologs obtained, and a multiple alignment performed • A Profile is based on this alignment • The profile is used to search the database again, and a new profile is created by adding in newly identified homologs • This process is repeated until no new homologs are identified • PSI-BLAST very sensitive approach to search for distant relatives of a family • High sensitivity can generate high false positive count • Inclusion of false positives can lead to profile drift • User can visually inspect each iteration result to decide on inclusion of sequences • Typically 3-5 iterations sufficient to identiofy distant homologs
Markov Model and Hidden Markov Model 1 2 3 4 5 P12 P23 P34 P45 • A Markov chain described a series of events or states • There is a certain probability to move from one state to the next state • This is known as the transition probability • Sequences can also be seen as Markov chains where the occurrence of a given nucleotide may depend on the preceding nucleotide • Zero order Markov model described a state that is independent of a previous state • First order Markov model state is dependent on direct precursor (i.e., di-nucleotide sequences) • Second order Markov model, depends on three nucleotides, for example codons • Thus frequency of transitions in tri-mers may be different in coding and non-coding regions of the genome • The Markov model is therefore applicable to finding genes in genomes • In a Markov model all states are observable
Hidden Markov model Observable states P23 P34 2 3 4 P12 P45 1 5 Begin state End state P12’ P45’ 2’ 3’ 4’ Hidden states P23’ P34’ A Markov model may consist of observable states and unobservable or “hidden” states The hidden states also affect the outcome of the observed states In a sequence alignment, a gap is an unobserved state that influences to probability of the next nucleotide The probability of going from one state to the next state is called the transition probability In DNA, there are four symbols or states: G, A, T and C (20 in proteins) The probability value associated with each symbol is the emission probability To calculate the probability of a particular path, the transition and emission probabilities of all possible paths have to be considered
A simple two state example Emission probability Transition probability 0.40 State 1 State 2 This particular Markov model has a probability of 0.80 X 0.40 X 0.32 = 0.102to generate the sequence AG This particular model shows that the sequence AT has the highest probability to occur Where do these numbers come from? A Markov model has to be “trained” with examples
Training • The frequencies of occurrence of nucleotides in a multiply aligned sequence is used to calculate the emission and transition probabilities of each symbol at each state • The trained HMM is then used to test how well a new sequence fits to the model • The use a HMM for gaps sequence alignments, a state can either be a • match/mismatch (mismatch is low probability match) (observable) • Insertion (hidden) • Deletion (hidden) I1 I2 I3 I4 B M1 M2 M3 E D1 D2 D3 There is one optimal path from B to E that describes the most probable sequence and the optimal alignment to the multiply aligned sequence family
A brief interlude, looking at algorithms… Bubblesort 0 • The algorithm • Two loops • The outer loop starts at index max-1 and decrements by -1 with every loop • The inner loop starts at 0 and increments by +1 to the value of the outer loop • Compare values at index and at index+1 in the inner loop • If value[index]<value[index+1], swap them • Continue until outer loop is 1 max
Outer loop = 9 Inner loop = 0 Outer loop = 9 Inner loop = 0 Outer loop = 9 Inner loop = 0 Outer loop = 9 Inner loop = 0 Outer loop = 9 Inner loop = 0 Outerloop=9 Outer loop = 9 Inner loop = 0 Outer loop = 9 Inner loop = 0 Outer loop = 9 Inner loop = 0 Outer loop = 9 Inner loop = 0 Outer loop = 9 Inner loop = 0 Smallest number is now at the bottom
Outer loop = 9 Inner loop = 0 Outer loop = 9 Inner loop = 0 Outer loop = 9 Inner loop = 0 Outer loop = 9 Inner loop = 0 Outer loop = 9 Inner loop = 0 Outerloop=9 Outer loop = 9 Inner loop = 0 Outer loop = 9 Inner loop = 0 Outer loop = 9 Inner loop = 0 Outer loop = 9 Inner loop = 0 Next smallest number is now at the bottom-1
Python code for Bubblesort algorithm import random def bubblesort(list_of_numbers): for outer_loop in range(len(list_of_numbers)-1, 0, -1): for index in range(outer_loop): if list_of_numbers[index] < list_of_numbers[index + 1]: temporary = list_of_numbers[index] list_of_numbers[index] = list_of_numbers[index + 1] list_of_numbers[index + 1] = temporary return list_of_numbers numbers=range(10) #get a list of numbers from 0 to 9 random.shuffle(numbers) # shuffle the numbers print "In random order: ", numbers print "In order: ", bubblesort(numbers)
Quicksort def qsort2(L): if len(L)<=1: return L pivot=L[0] less= [x for x in L if x<pivot] equal= [x for x in L if x==pivot] greater= [x for x in L if x>pivot] return qsort2(less)+equal+qsort2(greater)
Applications of HMMs • HMMs include predictive information of insertions and deletions separately • Not arbitrary “gap penalties” • Once HMMs are trained, can be used to identify distant family members in a database • Can be used for protein family classification • Advanced gene and promoter prediction • Transmembrane protein prediction • Protein fold recognition • Nucleosome positions • HMMer (http://hmmer.wustl.edu/) suite of linux programs • hmmalign, aligns sequences to an HMM profile. • hmmbuild, build a hidden Markov model from an alignment. • hmmcalibrate, calibrate HMM search statistics. • hmmconvert, convert between profile HMM file formats. • hmmemit, generate sequences from a profile HMM. • hmmfetch, retrieve specific HMM from an HMM database. • hmmindex, create SSI index for an HMM database. • hmmpfam, search one or more sequences against HMM database. • hmmsearch, search a sequence database with a profile HMM.
Chapter 7 Protein Motif and Domain Prediction
A motif is a conserved sequence 10-230 aa long • Eg. Zn-finger motif • Domain is 40-700 aa in length • Eg. transmembrane domain • Motifs and domains are often evolutionally conserved • Useful to identify functions of proteins that should little homology over full sequence • Motifs and domains often identified by PSSM and HMMs • Motifs or domains can be stored in a database • Unknown proteins can be matched to this database to identify motifs and domains and illuminate possible protein fundctions • Motifs domains can be stored as • regular expression ([ST]-X-[RK]) • Or as PSSM or HMMs
Regular expressions • E-X(2)-[FHM]-X(4)-{P}-L • Invariant • Conserved in square [] brackets • Disallowed in curly {} brackets • Nonspecific shown by X • Repetions by number in round () brackets • PROSITE (http://expasy.org/prosite/) • High number of false negatives • Database must be continually updated • PSSM, profiles and HMMs incorporate statistical information and are much more accurate
PRINTS Matches smaller regions of a motifs called “fingerprints” to query http://www.bioinf.manchester.ac.uk/dbbrowser/ BLOCKS PSSM or aligned sequences used to define blocks that are larger than motifs http://blocks.fhcrc.org/blocks/ ProDom Database generated with PSI-BLAST http://prodom.prabi.fr/prodom/current/html/home.php Pfam Contains HMMs of seeded smaller alignment from SWISSPROT and trEMBL http://pfam.sanger.ac.uk/ SMART Database of HMMs based on manual structural alignments or PSI-BLAST profiles http://smart.embl-heidelberg.de/
Protein family databases COG (Cluster of orthologous groups) All against all comparison of all sequenced genomes If best fit is obtained in prokaryotes, archeae and eukaryotes, defined as cluster Clusters can be searched to identify possible function of unknown protein http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/COG/ ProtoNet Pairwise BLAST alignment of all protein sequences in SWISSPROT Query sequence searched against this database http://www.protonet.cs.huji.ac.il/
Finding distant/little conserved motifs Expectation Maximization Use predicted alignment of sequences Calculate PSSM Iterate over used sequences and modify PSSM to better fit each in turn Gibbs Motif sampling Use estimated alignment of all but one sequence Calculate PSSM Recalculate PSSM with one left-out sequence Iterate process to convergence setting
Weblogo Graphical representation of the motif sequence Highly conserved residues are shown as larger symbols Ambiguity indicated http://weblogo.berkeley.edu/logo.cgi Helix-turn-helix motif of E. coli CAP family protein