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Evaluation of Chest Pain in the Emergency Department

Evaluation of Chest Pain in the Emergency Department. Rachel Steinhart, MD, MPH CCRMC Emergency Dept. 5-1-2008. Chest Pain in the ED. There an estimated 4.6 million annual ED visits for “non-traumatic chest pain” by adults ≥25 in the US 27.7 visits per 1,000 persons annually

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Evaluation of Chest Pain in the Emergency Department

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  1. Evaluation of Chest Pain in the Emergency Department Rachel Steinhart, MD, MPH CCRMC Emergency Dept. 5-1-2008

  2. Chest Pain in the ED • There an estimated 4.6 million annual ED visits for “non-traumatic chest pain” by adults ≥25 in the US • 27.7 visits per 1,000 persons annually • Acute Cardiac Insufficiency is estimated to account for 11% of these non-traumatic chest pain visits* Burt CW. Am J Emerg Med. 1999 Oct;17(6):552-9.

  3. Chest Pain in the ED • At SFGH, 2.5% of all visits in patients >35 were for “non-traumatic chest pain” • Of these, 37.6% were hospitalized, 45% of whom received significant diagnoses • 10.7% MI • 22.5% UA or Stable CAD • 11.2% Serious Pulmonary Etiology • 0.4% Aortic Dissection • 0.3% Pulmonary Embolism • Overall, approximately 16% of visits with serious etiology • (Calculated) Kohn MA, et al. J Emerg Med. 2005;29(4):383-90.

  4. Chest Pain in the ED Litigation • Missed myocardial infarction represents approximately 10% of malpractice suits filed • Missed myocardial infarction represents approximately 30% of the dollars paid out in malpractice claims Emerg Med News. 2006: 28(2); 20-7

  5. Proportion of final diagnoses in patients presenting with CP Family Practice. 2001;18(6):586-8

  6. Chest Pain: HPI • P: pattern (temporal sequence) • A: associated features • SOB, N/V, diaphoresis • Fever, cough, chills • Neurologic symptoms • I: initiation and improvement • N: nature (quality)

  7. Chest Pain: Location Myocardial ischemia Intra-peritoneal fluid Pericarditis Pleurisy Aortic dissectionBoorhave’s Myocardial ischemia Pulmonary embolism Pericarditis Myocardial ischemia Cervical spine Thoracic outlet Myocardial ischemia CHF Pancreatitis Cholecystitis Peptic disease Pulmonary embolism Pneumonia Splenic infarction Intraperitoneal fluid

  8. Clear cut alternative diagnosis • Patients given a clear-cut alternative non-cardiac diagnosis • At significantly lower risk of revascularization, MI or death in the subsequent 30 days HOWEVER Still with 4% event rate at 30 days Acad Emerg Med. 2007 Mar; 14(3):210-5

  9. Character of Chest Pain JAMA 2005; 294:2623.

  10. Nitroglycerine in ER Chest Pain Annals of Internal Medicine 2003 Improvement in chest pain with nitroglycerine proved: 35% Sensitive 30% Specific Ann Intern Med. 2003;139:979-986 Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine 2006 Improvement in chest pain with nitroglycerine proved: 72% Sensitive 37% Specific Can J Emerg Med 2006;8(3):164-9

  11. Chest Pain: PMH • CAD - self or family • Hypertension • Diabetes • Recent surgery, travel • Substance abuse - alcohol, cigarettes, meth/coke • DVT/PE/Aortic dissection - self or family • Lupus • Marfan’s/connective tissue dz - self or family • Medications - HAART, estrogen Ann Rheum Dis 2000;59;321-325 N Engl J Med 2007 Apr 26;356(17):1723-35

  12. Chest Pain: Physical Exam • Vital signs - Hypoxia? Tachycardia? Hypertension? • General appearance - Marfanoid? • Carotids and JVP, check neck for crepitus • Lungs • Cardiac exam • Thoracic cage - Trauma? Pectus excavatum? • Abdominal exam - Hepatomegaly? • Periphery - symmetric pulses? edema? • Skin - dermatomal rash?

  13. Physical Signs

  14. Chest Pain: Laboratory • EKG - serial • Chest x-ray • Blood studies • CBC • Cardiac enzymes • Liver function • Lipase • D-Dimer • BNP • Imaging: Ultrasound, CT, Nuclear Study

  15. EKG Findings in Adult Patients with Chest Pain: Association with Ischemic Events

  16. Adverse Cardiac Events(12 mo out) Patients discharged with chest pain of unclear origin: Abnormal ECG OR 9.5 (2.0 - 45.8) Preexisting DM OR 7.1 (1.8 - 27.2) Preexisting CAD OR 28.4 (3.5 - 229.0) Ann Emerg Med. 2004 Jan;43(1):59-67

  17. Potential Underlying Causes of ACS • Tachyarrhythmias • Severe anemia/acute hemorrhage • Medication withdrawal • Stimulant substance abuse • Hyperthyroidism • Sepsis • Hypotension

  18. Post-op Chest Pain and SOB • 70 yo man 10 days following CABG • Developed acute dyspnea and right-sided chest pain on awakening • Exam revealed tachypnea, tachycardia, and hypoxemia Normal RUL pna R pl eff

  19. Studies in suspected PE Initial CXR in PE virtually always NORMAL Westermark sign - RARE Hampton hump – LATE & RARE EKG Evidence: • Tachycardia - sinus, afib or aflutter • RV Strain • S1, Q3, T3 • Poor R wave prog + TWI V1-4 Atelectasis, small pleural effusion & Elevated hemidiaphragm may develop 24-72 hours – focal infiltrates D-Dimer - Only useful to rule out PE in LOW RISK

  20. Acute Upper Back Pain • 49 yo man with long standing hypertension • Sudden mid back and interscapular pain • Associated with nausea and sweats • Unrelieved by change of position • Some radiation toward the left chest Wide mediastinum - Dissection

  21. Aortic Dissection: clinical presentation • Sudden severe pain 90% • Migrating pain 31% • Tearing pain 39% (spec. 95%) • Hypertension 49% • Diastolic murmur 28% • Pulse deficits or BP differential 31% • Focal neurologic deficits 17% • Syncope 13% • ECG criteria for AMI 7% Klompas et al, JAMA 2002; 287:2262-2272. Nallamothy et al, Am J Med 2002; 113:468-471.

  22. Aortic Dissection: etiology • Prevalence of major risk factors: • Hypertension 50-90% • Bicuspid AoV 9-13% • Marfan syndrome 3-5%

  23. Radiographic Signs of Thoracic Aortic Dissection • Studies suggest up to 90% of patients will have “abnormal” CXR* • Widened mediastinum (>8cm on AP film) [50-65%] • Left pleural effusion (hemothorax) • Ring Sign (displaced intimal calcification >5mm) • Blurred aortic knob • Tracheal deviation to the Right • Esophageal deviation to the Right (seen via NGT) • Left apical cap • Depressed Left mainstem bronchus • Loss of paratracheal stripe *Hogg K. Sensitivity of a normal chest radiograph in ruling out aortic dissection. Best Evidence Topics. 9 March 2004.

  24. Aortic Dissection

  25. Wrestler with Chest Pain • 18 yo high school wrestler develops right-sided chest pain while pinning his opponent. Pneumothorax

  26. Alcoholic with Chest Pain and Cough • 45 yo alcoholic man with fever, chills and productive cough over two days RUL Pneumonia

  27. Hyperemesis with Chest Pain • 26yo G1P0 at 10wks presents with 4 days refractory emesis and 12 hours progressive, severe substernal chest pain Pneumomediastinum - Boerhaave’s

  28. Smoker with Chest Pain • 68 yo former smoker with persistant, non-exertional, left substernal and left shoulder pain

  29. Summary • Chest pain in the ED differs from chest pain in primary care • Not all serious chest pain is ACS • Diagnosis of chest pain in the ED is rarely straight forward • Chest pain in the ED is a high-stakes evaluation

  30. Parting Words • Neither NTG nor GI cocktail response, nor reproducibility on palpation are diagnostic • Post-prandial pain may be ischemic • Use caution when diagnosing “non-cardiac” chest pain in patients with CAD risk • Atypical may be typical of something else • Careful history and physical are imperative • Observation can be key

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