1. Chapter 5: External Recruitment
Chapter 6: Internal Recruitment
2. CHAPTER FIVE Staffing Activities:
External Recruitment
3. Staffing Organizations Model
4. Chapter Outline Recruitment Planning
Organizational Issues
Administrative Issues
Strategy Development
Open vs. Targeted Recruitment
Recruitment Sources
Choice of Sources
When to Look
Communication Message
Communication Medium
Applicant Reactions
Transition to Selection
Legal Issues
Definition of Job Applicant
Targeted Recruitment
Electronic Recruitment
Job Advertisements
Fraud and Misrepresentations
5. Recruitment Planning Organizational issues
Administrative issues
6. Recruitment Planning: Organizational Issues In-house vs. external recruitment agency
Many companies do recruiting in-house
Recommended approach for large companies
Smaller companies may relyon external recruitment agencies
Individual vs. cooperative recruitment alliances
Cooperative alliances involve arrangements to share recruitment resources
Centralized vs. decentralized recruitment
7. Recruitment Planning: Administrative Issues Requisitions
Exh. 5.1: Personnel Requisition
Number of contacts
Yield ratio - Relationship of applicant inputs to outputs at various decision points
Types of contacts
Qualifications to perform job must be clearly established
Consideration must be given to job search and choice process used by applicants
8. Exh. 5.1: Personnel Requisition
9. Recruitment Planning: Administrative Issues (continued) Recruitment budget
Exh. 5.2: Example of a Recruitment Budget for 500 New Hires
Development of a recruitment guide
Exh. 5.3: Recruitment Guide for Director of Claims
Process flow and record keeping
Selecting recruiters
Training recruiters
Rewarding recruiters
10. Considerations Related to Recruiters: Selection Desirable characteristics of recruiters
Strong interpersonal skills
Knowledge about company, jobs,and career-related issues
Technology skills
Various sources of recruiters
HR professionals
Line managers
11. Considerations Related to Recruiters: Training and Rewards Training
Traditional areas of training
Interviewing skills, job analysis, interpersonal skills, laws, forms and reports, company and job characteristics, and recruitment targets
Nontraditional areas of training
Technology skills, marketing skills, working with other departments, and ethics
Performance must be monitored and rewarded
Effective recruiter behaviors
End results
12. Strategy Development Open vs. targeted recruitment
Recruitment sources
Choice of sources
When to look
13. Open vs. Targeted Recruitment Open recruitment
Targeted recruitment
14. Recruitment Sources Unsolicited
Employee referrals and networks
Recruiting online
Colleges and placement offices
Employment agencies Executive search firms
Professional associations and meetings
State Employment services
Outplacement services
Community agencies
Job fairs
Co-ops and internships
15. Approaches to Recruiting Online Job postings on Internet job boards
Searching Web-based databases
Exh. 5.4: List of Recruiting Web Sites
Job postings on organization�s Web site
Mining databases
16. Innovative Recruitment Sources Religious organizations
Interest groups
Senior networks
17. Strategy Development: Criteria Affecting Choice of Sources Sufficient quantity and quality
Past experience with source
Impact on HR outcomes
18. Effectiveness of Recruitment Sources Effectiveness
Involves assessing impact of sources on increased employee satisfaction, performance, and retention
Research results
Most effective
Referrals, job postings, rehiring offormer employees
Least effective
Newspaper ads, employment agencies
19. Strategy Development: When to Look Lead time concerns
Goal -- Minimize delay in filling vacancies
Effective planning requirements
Establishment of priorities for job openings
Prepared recruiters
Time sequence concerns
Staffing flowchart
Time-lapse statistics
20. Searching: Communication Message Job requirements and rewards matrices
Type of messages
Realistic recruitment message -- RJP
Exh. 5.5: RJP for Elementary School Teachers
Targeted messages
Choice of messages
Nature of labor market
Vacancy characteristics
Applicant characteristics Traditional message
Job applicant may be given relatively little concrete or accurate info.
Unlimited growth opportunities
Realistic recruitment message
RJP - Job applicants are given a �vaccination� by being told what the actual job is really like
Tells it like it is
Great deal of research has been conducted on effectiveness of RJPs
Traditional message
Job applicant may be given relatively little concrete or accurate info.
Unlimited growth opportunities
Realistic recruitment message
RJP - Job applicants are given a �vaccination� by being told what the actual job is really like
Tells it like it is
Great deal of research has been conducted on effectiveness of RJPs
21. Searching: Communication Medium Recruitment brochures
Videos and videoconferencing
Types of ads
Classified ad
Classified display ad
Display ad
Online ad Telephone messages
Organizational Web sites
22. Applicant Reactions Reactions to recruiters
Influence of recruiter vs. job characteristics
Influence of recruiter on attitudes and behaviors
Demographics of recruiters
Influential recruiter behaviors
Reactions to recruitment process
Relationship of screening devices to job
Delay times in recruitment process
Funding of recruitment process
Credibility of recruiter during recruitment process
23. Transition to Selection Involves making applicants aware of
Next steps in hiring process
Selection methods used and instructions
Expectations and requirements
24. Legal Issues Definition of job applicant
Definition according to EEOC and OFCCP
Importance of establishing written application policies
Affirmative Action Programs
Guidelines of OFCCP for recruitment actions
Electronic recruitment
Usage may create artificial barriers to employment opportunities
Job advertisements
Fraud and misrepresentation
25. Ethical Issues Issue 1
Many organizations adopt a targeted recruitment strategy. For example, Home Depot has targeted workers 50 and above in its recruitment efforts, which include advertising specifically in media outlets frequented by older individuals. Other organizations target recruitment messages at women, minorities, or those with desired skills. Do you think targeted recruitment systems are fair? Why or why not?
Issue 2
Most organizations have in place job boards on their web page where applicants can apply for jobs online. What ethical obligations, if any, do you think organizations have to individuals who apply for jobs online?