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Mission Statement

GPP empowers at-risk students to complete high school, gain job skills, and enter the workforce. By reducing dropout rates, GPP is creating a path to success while benefiting communities and employers in Georgia.

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Mission Statement

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mission Statement GPP is a public-private partnership that empowers and equips at-risk students to complete high school while gaining real-worldjob skills and experience, creating a path to personal success and the workforce of the future. Engaging with GPP offers Georgia employers an opportunity to address the critical need of recruiting and developingthe next generation of workforce talent.

  2. Why GPP?

  3. Georgia’s Challenges Great Promise Partnership Has Answers Economic Development Challenge Lack of a Trained, Motivated Workforce GPP is Training Georgia’s Workforce Between 2011-2018, 916 at-risk students have been employed and trained through their participation in the GPP program. Social Challenge High School Dropouts and the High Cost for Communities GPP is Decreasing the Dropout Rate 2011-2018, 696 at-risk students graduated from high school through their participation in GPP, representing an average yearly dropout rate of 2%.

  4. Taxpayer Burden of High School Dropouts • $215,580 per dropout over their lifetime in lost tax revenue, criminal justice expenses, public health expenditures and welfare payments*  • $596,640 = total social burden per dropout over their lifetime in lost earnings, costs associated with crime, and increased health costs* *Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education: The Economics of Education, 4th Edition

  5. $150,043,680: Estimated savings to Georgia by GPP graduates from 2011-18 based on $215,580 lifetime cost to society of a dropout

  6. 5900% Return on Investment Since 2011 the State of Georgia has invested $2,507,702 in GPP through grants and personnel.$150,043,686 $2,507,702 $147,535,984 $147,535,984 $2,507,702 5883% ROI

  7. GPP operates from the belief that every sector of society is responsible for the success of all children and that education is the basis for all economic development.

  8. The Model

  9. 1. Work ExperienceStudents working entry-level jobs, really needed by the employer

  10. 2. Life/Employability Skills Teaching those soft skills so employers can concentrate on training for the job

  11. 3. Mentoring Mentoring guarantees young people that there is someone who cares about them, assures them they are not alone in dealing with day-to-day challenges, and makes them feel like they matter. Studies have shown that employees that participate in mentoring programs have a higher job satisfaction. Higher job satisfaction leads toincreased productivity and reduced turnover.

  12. Our Students • In danger of not graduating from high school • Without major or consistent behavioral problems • Qualify for free/reduced priced lunch • At least 16 years old and eligible to work in Georgia • High potential but who don’t typically get opportunities

  13. GPP SuccessA State-Wide Initiative Driven Locally

  14. What GPP, Inc. Brings Once a community embraces GPP, we work with all sectors of the community to ensure successful implementation of a local GPP worksite. Political/Community- attends meetings to present GPP and answer questions; helps identify community partners Education – trains school staff on implementing a GPP site; helps identify GPP students for employer interviews Chamber/Economic Develop - attends meetings to present GPP to members and answer questions; one-on-one meetings with key employers Employers - helps identify appropriate jobs for GPP students; helps solve implementation challenges with employer; trains mentors and supervisors regarding working with teenagers; trains GPP students on expectations; looks for areas of growth

  15. Great Promise Partnership is NOT Charity

  16. Schools Win! Fewer Dropouts More Engaged Students Community and Business Partnerships

  17. Communities Win! More Educated and Engaged Citizenry Appealing Location for Business Better Local Economy Higher Quality of Life This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

  18. Employers Win! Skilled and Profitable Workforce Stronger Local/State Economy Leadership Role in Community

  19. Kids Win! High School Diploma Workplace Skills Plan for the Future – college, military, full-time employment HOPE

  20. Businesses Win!Communities Win!Schools Win! Students Win! Skilled and Profitable Workforce!Stronger Economy! Fewer Dropouts! Hope for the Future!

  21. Get Involved • Develop a worksite and employ students • Become a mentor; facilitate life skills sessions • Provide financial support state-wide or locally

  22. Questions?

  23. Lori HeemannExecutive DirectorLori@gppartnership.org404-694-0328

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