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TreeWorks the web development company www.tree.ro/en. TreeWorks In Five Bullets Large Scale Online Publishing Platforms Community-Centric Websites Scalable Server Infrastructure And Complex Algorithms Online Video Is Our Core Competency Major Projects Contact.
TreeWorks In Five Bullets • Large Scale Online Publishing Platforms • Community-Centric Websites • Scalable Server Infrastructure And Complex Algorithms • Online Video Is Our Core Competency • Major Projects • Contact
WHO WE ARETreeWorks in five bullets • TreeWorks was founded in 2002. We have developed over 100 projects so far, many of them being complex solutions used by hundreds of thousands (even millions) users every month. • We won 12 awards at major Internet Industry Festivals and Competitions, like RoWebDesign 2008, Webstock 2008 or Internetics 2006, 2007 and 2008. • Our client portfolio includes major companies, more than 80% of them being large Romanian media groups like: PRO TV - part of the Central European Media Enterprises,Prima TV – part of ProSiebenSat1 Group, Realitatea TV – no. 1 Romanian News TV station, Mediafax – no.1 Romanian News Agency, Adevarul – no. 1 Romanian Quality Newspaper. • We have long term collaborations with important international clients like VacationHomeRental.com, Fxonline.co.jp etc. 1
WHAT WE DELIVERLarge Scale Online Publishing Platforms • Our platform powers the most important online properties of six of the top ten Romanian media groups: ProTV.ro, Sport.ro, AcasaTV.ro, PrimaTV.ro etc. • We organize information into intuitive structures, offering at the same time the possibility of fast and efficient content updating. • We can determine the most probable information someone would search for. We know how to create applications in order to optimize the content for search engines. • We know how to structure information and to facilitate content administration. We can, therefore, provide competent solutions, adapted to our client's wishes. 2
WHAT WE DELIVERCommunity-Centric Websites • We know how to build and maintain websites that will generate vibrant communities, online places where people are interacting depending or their interests and hobbies generating interesting content and return frequently. • We developed major community sites like: • Gustos.ro – no. 1 Romanian culinary website in terms of monthly unique visitors. Gustos.ro is similar to epicurus.com. • TPU.ro - a collaborative platform which provides a digital environment where users post or answer questions and, at the same time, can share opinions, thoughts or socially interact. TPU.ro is similar to Yahoo Answers. • ZeList.ro - the most important Romanian blog ranking/searching instrument that can also be used to promote your blog and discover similar blogs. ZeList.ro is similar to Technorati.com. 3
WHAT WE DELIVERScalable Server Infrastructure and Complex Algorithms • We are high tech wizards when it comes to infrastructure or algorithms. • Scalable hardware platform: • We developed for our clients large websites with high complexity levels. This is why we have the expertise in creating large scalable infrastructures with more than 2.5 million unique visitors per month (Sport.ro for example). • Solutions like our online video ad server (NoPrimeTime) or the video delivery platform serving Sport.ro require intelligent server architecture with redundancy and ability to deal with traffic spikes. Smart algorithms to solve difficult problems: • We have also developed a ranking instrument that creates objective tops of the Romanian blogosphere, following the criteria of the so-called link love. • The system is based on an algorithm similar to the one used by Google when setting the PR ranking of websites according to the authority of sites that are linking to them. This system enables a monitoring of the weekly evolution, enables finding other blogs that are included on the same blogrolls, and so on. 4
WHAT WE DELIVEROnline Video Is Our Core Competency • Video Content Management: • We are experienced in developing large TV stations websites that need a complex but in the same time easy-to-use video content management system. Examples: Sport.ro, ProTV.ro, PrimaTV.ro etc. Online Video Ad Server: • We also developed NoPrimeTime, an online VIDEO AD SERVER that can be used to monetize online content by inserting ads into online videos. • Our system is compatible with all the existing content management platforms based on Adobe Flash technology and Microsoft technologies and can also deliver ads into live streaming feeds based on Flash Media Server. • Our system allows the inclusion of all type of ads: preroll/midroll/postroll video ads, static or dynamic overlayers, interactive clips, dynamically delivered content, companion banners. 5
MAJOR PROJECTSSport.ro - No. 1 Romanian Sports TV Website • Sport.ro is the most important Romanian sports TV station website with 1.229.108 unique visitors last month (on February 2009, according to Trafic.ro) • Sport.ro is part of the Central European Media Enterprises and broadcasts major sports events like: Champions League, UEFA Cup, Euro 2008, K 1, Nascar, Wimbledon tennis tournament etc. • Sport.ro is a very attractive site for advertisers. Important brands like GlaxoSmithKlein, Gillette etc. have successfully used the NoPrimeTime Video Ad Server embedded in the online video content to advertise products. • With a friendly and dynamic design and a very well organized interface, the sport.ro website provides for its users fresh, constantly updated information, and interactive games, along with a communication platform. 6
MAJOR PROJECTSAdevarul.ro – No. 1 Romanian Quality Newspaper • Adevarul.ro is the most important Romanian quality newspaper with 893.329 unique visitors last month (February 2009, according to Trafic.ro). • Adevarul.ro is part of the Adevarul Holding owned by Dinu Patriciu. He is the richest man in Romania, and the 397th richest person in the world according to Forbes Magazine. • Adevarul.ro is developed on the Content Management System platform by TreeWorks and holds together all the web 2.0 tools, required by a media site. Due to the strategy created by TreeWorks, Adevarul website gained better ranking in search engines. 7
MAJOR PROJECTSPrima TV.ro – Part Of The ProSiebenSat.1 Group • PrimaTV, part of the ProSiebenSat.1 Group, is one of the the most important Romanian entertainment TV station in Romania. PrimaTV.ro website has achieved 308.938 unique visitors last month (February 2009, according to Trafic.ro). • In order to stand up to the high standards imposed by the position and the importance of the media group it is part of, Prima TV wanted to re-build its website to better reflect the brand values of the station and to allow quicker update for the content. • The website created by TreeWorks is structured in sections specific to an entertainment media website and allows inserting multimedia content and image galleries in the relevant pages. 8
MAJOR PROJECTSZeList.ro – Romanian Technorati and blog search engine • Zelist is the most important ranking and blog search instrument in Romania monitoring more than 30.000 blogs, 1.500 twitters and 40 online media sources. • ZeList.ro received many awards such as Microsoft Innovation Award at Internetics 2008. • ZeList.ro creates objective tops of the Romanian blogs, following the criteria of the so-called link love. • The system is based on an algorithm similar to that used by Google when setting the PR ranking of websites according to the authority of sites that are linking to them. • This system enables monitoring the weekly evolution, finding other blogs that are included on the same blogrolls, and so on. 9
MAJOR PROJECTSGustos.ro – No. 1 Romanian culinary website • Gustos.ro is the most important Romanian culinary website, constantly having a higher number of visits than its main competitors with 345.952 unique visitors in February (according to Google Analytics). • Gustos.ro is a culinary website which follows three paths: Gustos.ro provides advice concerning meals at home, eating out and on vacation. • With a glossy design and high-end articles, Gustos.ro provides the viewers with the newest culinary tips throughout the articles. • Also, our website wants to help out the culinary online community by implementing a system that monitors the main culinary blogs, so that the users can follow the latest posts from the culinary blogosphere. 10
MAJOR PROJECTSVacationHomeRentals.com – Top 3 Vacation Home Rental Website In The World • VacationHomeRentals.com is a major portal for those interested to find a location for spending their next vacation. • The system needed to have the following features: • posting complex renting ads complete with photos, prices for various seasons, reviews, facilities, attraction spots; • searching for locations using an advanced search engine, including calculating average prices for various seasons, availability; • online payment for listed ads, as well as the means for traditional payment: check, cash; • automated email alerts for interested persons through search agents; • saving ads in favourite ads lists; • easy management system through an online module with multiple features. 11
MAJOR PROJECTSLiveBroadway.com • Livebroadway.com is the official site of the Theatres and American Producers League, professional association of the most important theatres from America, reuniting all the prestigious theatres on Broadway and the most famous producers. • The website aim is to refresh the public image and to offer the right information to its audience. The website had to be user-friendly and to allow for easy continuous content update. • The new graphic interface for the site is simple and elegant. The website has section that present the shows offered by the program; the administrative interface allows for continuous content updating, exporting the addresses databases and backups. 12
MAJOR PROJECTSFXOnline.co.jp • The partnership between FXOnline, the Asian leader of the FOREX market, and TreeWorks began in 2003. • FXOnlineJapan wanted a competitive FOREX application, a solution that would answer its users' needs. • The system had to provide the clients with unlimited real time access to online markets through the Internet or the phone, and, at the same time, it had to be a trading platform that could offers specialized tools for transaction charts and quotations, hedging and vocal quotations. 13
CONTACT • Catalin Tenita • Managing Partner • Address: 17 Alexandru Papiu Ilarian Str., 3rd District, 031 693 Bucharest, Romania • Phone: +40.21.324.14.04 • Mobile: +40.723.199.611 • Fax: +40.21.326.72.33 • Email: catalin@tree.ro 14