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Explore implemented projects under Specific Objective 1.1, detailing activities aimed at boosting tourism through trainings, infrastructure improvements, and promotional events.
Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania programme 2014-2020 INFORMATION SEMINAR 3rd Call for proposals Overview of implemented projects under Specific Objective 1.1
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 1.1 Information on applications for the 1 and 2 Calls for proposals Committed ERDF funds Received applications “Average” project under SO 1.1. Number of partners: 5 Duration (planned): 23 months Budget: 570 000 EUR Numberofattractions/objectscreated/improved: 4 Project mainoutput: Increaseinexpectednumberofvisits to supportedsitesofcultural and naturalheritage and attractions:increase by 22 000 tourists Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 www.latlit.eu Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2014-2020 www.latlit.eu
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 1.1 Projects’ activities • Trainings, workshops, seminarsfortourismguides, tourismenterpreneurs,municipalemployes andstakeholders • Participationinexperienceexchangevisits, studyvisitsin Latvia, Lithuania and outsideProgrammearea • Databases, e-cataloguesfortourismproducts/services • Created/improved websitesfor cultural and naturalsites and developedtourismroutes • QR codeswith an audio materials • Interactivemapsfordevelopedtourismroutes • Virtual realitytours • Interactive exhibitions • Mobileapplications Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 www.latlit.eu Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2014-2020 www.latlit.eu
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 1.1 Projects’ activities • Cognitive, educational and health improvement walking nature trails • Eco sign and cultural heritage objects route for tourists • Heritage gardens tourism cross-border tour itineraries • Active tourism route,gastronomic tourism route • Bicycle route itinerary • 10 agritourism heritage routes • Joint mannors and parks tourism routes and packages • Tourismroutes forLatvian and Lithuanianwaterobjects • Water tourismrouteat Venta river • Tourismroute“Balt’s road” • Participationinlocal and internationaltourismfairs • Organized promotion trips for media representatives and stakeholders • Electronic and printedbrochures, leaflets, interactivetourismmaps, virtual adds, applications • Advertising in the public transport, media • Socialmediaaccounts • Organizationofpromotionaleventsatcreated/renovatedobjects Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 www.latlit.eu Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2014-2020 www.latlit.eu
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 1.1 Projects’ activities • Nature trails • Bicycle adventure trail • Installation of benches and dustbins • Playgrounds with various equipment, viewing platforms • Bird watching towers • Tourism infrastructure for accessibility to water objects • Tourism infrastructure for people with disabilities • Improvement of tourism information centers • Renovation of museums, installation of expositions, purchase of audioguides, equipment for excursions/exhibitions • Establishment of outdoor interactive tourism information stands and LED screens • Installation of video surveillance system • Installationof bicycle parking stands • Improvementofcampingsites and river marksat Venta River Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 www.latlit.eu Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2014-2020 www.latlit.eu
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 1.1 Summaryon projects’ results • 10 resting places and recreational areas • 5 renovated tourism information offices • 6 new expositions and equipmentpurchased • 4 watching towers and platforms • 17 nature trails created/improved and 50 trailsmapped • 9 cultural heritage objects infrastructure renewed • 11 new camp sites Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 www.latlit.eu Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2014-2020 www.latlit.eu
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 1.1 Forinspiration (1) Green Railway The general aim of the Green Railway project is to create a new non-motorized tourism route for locals, domestic and foreign visitors, using old narrow-gauge railway causeways in South-Estonia and North-Latvia. Altogether the route will be ca 700 km long.The tourism route will be available for hiking and cycling either by foot, bike or by other means of light traffic (and on skis in winter season). Total budget: 1 174 938.10 EUR ERDF contribution: 998 697.36 EUR 13 project partners Photo made by Nils Smelterishttps://estlat.eu/en/estlat-results/green-railway.html Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 www.latlit.eu Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2014-2020 www.latlit.eu
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 1.1 Forinspiration (2) Coastal Hiking The objective of the project is to develop a hiking tourism route along the Baltic sea coastline in Estonia and Latvia. The route will stretch along the Southwest coastline in Latvia, starting from the border with Lithuania and through Latvia to Laane county region in Estonia, including Estonian islands as a side attraction. Total budget: 1 089 737.80 EUR ERDF contribution: 926 277.13 EUR 8 project partners Photo made by Ilmārs Znotiņš https://estlat.eu/en/estlat-results/coastal-hiking.html Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 www.latlit.eu Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2014-2020 www.latlit.eu
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 1.1 Forinspiration (3) Baltic Wings In the European context the Central Baltic region has great natural resources with relatively untouched wildlife areas, but is still rather unknown to nature tourists. The project aims to increase visits to already known sites for birdwatching and other nature activites as well as to develop new sites in order to extend the now short tourism season.Birding infrastructure, such as birding platforms, trails, hides and nature information centres/info points suitable for national as well as international tourism is needed and will be built within the project Total budget: 1 438 273 EUR ERDF contribution: 1 100 272 EUR 5 project partners Photo from http://database.centralbaltic.eu/project/97 www.estlat.eu Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 www.latlit.eu Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2014-2020 www.latlit.eu
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