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D. Busetta 1 ; A. Cistaro 2 ; A. Sperandeo 1 ; N. Paligoric 1 ; R. Mangiapane 1 ; U. Ficola 1 . 1.O.U Nuclear Medicine Oncologic Dept, La Maddalena Hospital, Palermo, Italy 2. Positron Emission Tomography Center IRMET S.p.A., Torino, Italy. Introduction
D. Busetta1; A. Cistaro2; A. Sperandeo1; N. Paligoric1; R. Mangiapane1; U. Ficola1.1.O.U Nuclear Medicine Oncologic Dept, La Maddalena Hospital, Palermo, Italy 2. Positron Emission Tomography Center IRMET S.p.A., Torino, Italy Introduction Our nuclear medicine department has begun the PET activity in 2002. Injectable doses were prepared manually and directly from the main vial, so operators were getting high absorbed doses and nearly reached the limit. That’s why we had the urgency of an automatic dispensing system. • RP 300 Dispenser (MASPRES) • Period of utilization : October 2006- November 2008 • Problems related to this model were related to: • Lack of an automatic diluition option for both single doses and vials • Impossibility to make vials with a volume greater then 20 ml Experiences on various automatic dispenser for [18F]-FDG. DDS-A system (TEMA Sinergie) Period of utilization: September 2003-October 2006 Problems related to DDS-A were due to several pump failures,with consequential errors in doses preparations. Due to that, operators were exposed to unnecessary extra doses while trying to reinitialize the entire process. Motore Siringa 5 ml Vial Radiofarmaco Motore Siringa 3 ml Motore Siringa 10 ml Fisiologica Waste Waste Punto prelievo Clips fissaggio Pompa peristaltica Carrello scorrevole Pannello in alluminio Calibratore di dosi 18F-FDG Out Aim Optimization of dispensing procedures of 18F-FDG to decrease absorbed doses by operators. RP 300+ Dispensing unit (MASPRES) Period of utilization: Sill in use since November 2008 Differences between this model and the former one (RP 300), consist mainly in adding a second withdrawal exit (for the physiological solution) and a larger accomodation, suitable for 30 ml vials. Gestional software has been updated with the automatic dilution for both vials and syringes. Moreover,a new dose calibrator has been installed inside the manipulating cell to allow a direct check on dispensed activity. Results and Conclusions Using the first automated system (DDS-A), doses absorbed to hands by operators were lowered roughly by 50% (compared to manual operations) Using the RP300 Dispensing system,that value has been lowered by another 30% Motore Siringa 3 ml Motore Siringa 10 ml Fisiologica Motore Siringa 5 ml Anyway,due to the problems listed above, there was still the necessity of corrective actions on those devices, that were exposing operators to extra absorbed doses. Using the upgaded version of RP 300 (RP 300+ System), has been noted a further reduction on absorbed doses. Punti di prelievo Alloggio vial da 30 ml Carrello scorrevole Soluzione Fisiologica Radiofarmaco Calibratore di dosi E-mail: sperandeo@lamaddalenanet.it