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This document covers Montenegro's legal framework on gender equality and climate change, including constitutional and strategic provisions. It addresses the importance of mainstreaming gender in climate change initiatives based on basic gender statistics like education, employment, and earnings. Recommendations for policymakers include gender-balanced decision-making, gender-sensitive planning, capacity building, gender analysis, and public awareness campaigns for climate change adaptation. Contact Directorate for Climate Change and Mediterranean Affairs for more information.
Women and Climate Change MONTENEGRO
Legal and Strategic Framework for Gender Equality • Constitution (2007) • Law on Gender Equality (2007) • Strategy for Gender Equality (2013-2017; 2017-2021) • Strategy for Women Entrepreneurship (2015-2020)
Strategic Framework for Climate Change • National Climate Change Strategy (2015) • First National Communication (2011) • Second National Communication (2015) • First Biennial Update Report (2016) • TNC and SBUR – under development Only FBUR recognises gender as a topic that should be mainstreamed within climate change, emphasising that there are no activities in this direction in Montenegro.
First BUR • Two scenarios: • WEM (“with existing measures” approach), in line with the goals of Montenegro in terms of energy efficiency and other relevant objectives. • WAM (“with additional measures” approach) based on current best practices in Europe and the world, as well as current and future sectorial strategies, policies and programs that have already been adopted or should be adopted in Montenegro. Gender aspect not taken into account in any of the scenarios
Basic statistics that should be taken into account when preparing a SBUR Women's participation in decision-making on climate change (source: MSDT Human Resources Research for the Implementation of Directives in Chapter 27) • Example 1: The Parliamentary Committee on Tourism, Agriculture, Ecology and Spatial Planning consists of 5 men and 2 women, while Parliamentary Committee on Economy, Finances and Budget consists of 6 men and 1 woman; • Example 2: MSDT and 6 other relevant ministries, plus 5 institutions responsible for implementing decisions related to climate change: • Out of a total of 86 middle and lower management positions and 15 high management positions: • 45% are women in middle and lower management positions • 13% of women is on the position of senior executives.
Basic Gender Statistics to be taken into account for SBUR: Level of education of men and women in Montenegro (Population aged 15 and over, source: MONSTAT - Census 2011)
Basic Gender Statistics to be taken into account for SBUR Employment by sector: (source: MONSTAT, Statistical Yearbook 2016) • In the total number of employees in Montenegro, 46.1% are women (data for 2015); • In the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector, 32.9% are women; • In the sector of mining and quarrying, 15.3% are women; • In the sector of electricity and gas supply, women make up 20.7% of employees; • In the transport and storage sector, 24.7% are women; • In the sector of water supply and waste water management, 20.3% are women; • In the housing and food service sector, women account for 51.6% • In the manufacturing industry, women make 32.3%.
Basic Gender Statistics to be taken into account for SBUR Earnings (source: MONSTAT, Statistical Yearbook 2016) • In Montenegro, women earn 86.12% of a man's earning, on average • The biggest difference in earnings is in areas where men are prevalent as employees • Even when there is the same salary for the same job at the same workplace, a woman earns less than her male colleague (e.g. due to business trips, participation in commissions, etc.).
Basic Gender Statistics to be taken into account for SBUR: Women in agriculture • The total number of agricultural holdings is 48,870. • Of these, 48.824 represent family farms. • Women at family farms: • 13% are landowners, • 39.60% are workers.
Basic Gender Statistics to be taken into account for SBUR: • Owners of a vehicle Women in Transport • Owners of a driving license
Recommendations for Policy Makers • Include an equal number of women and men in policy-making, decision-making, and implementation of climate change measures. • Keep gender-disaggregated statistics, as a basis for planning gender-sensitive programs and projects and as an instrument for monitoring their implementation. • Build capacity of institutions, as well as the capacity of civil society organizations to create and implement gender-sensitive programs and projects at all levels. • Regularly perform gender analyses in order to understand the different needs and limitations of men and women, make an assessment of the impact on women and men, and determine the directions of action in terms of program and project allocation, gender sensitive budget planning, and capacity building of institutions for their more effective implementation. • Conduct public information and education campaigns in order to develop awareness of the impact of climate change on various social groups and to encourage actions to help develop civil conscience and solidarity in adapting to climate change and mitigating their impact.
THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION! Directorate for Climate Change and Mediterranean Affairs danijela.racic@mrt.gov.me