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Update on final state decay searches with two leptons using TMVA - improved sensitivity, updated variable distributions, additional requirements. Training details with BDTG method optimization and proposed cuts for BDTG. Comparison of signal significance in SF and OF channels. Sensitivity analysis with cut11 and cut12 configurations.
Heavy stop directdecaysearches in finalstateswithtwoleptonsusing TMVA M. Bianco, E. Gorini, L. Longo, M. Primavera, M. Reale, A. Ventura on behalfof the analysisgroupsof Lecce, Milano, Pavia, Texas, Udine
Updates wrt December 2011 • https://indico.cern.ch/getFile.py/access?contribId=7&resId=1&materialId=slides&confId=165089 • Simulation: from p621 to p832 • More signal points considered in grid • Updated cross sections • Trainings based on channels (ee,mumu,emu) and not on streams (Egamma,Muons) • Different set of input variables (from 6 to 12) • Relative systematic uncertainty on NB in sensitivity brought from 0.6 to 1.0
MC samples and preliminarycuts • In allplots the signalpointusedis: mstop= 300 GeV, mchi10 = 50 GeV(127849_p832) • MC background sourcesconsidered: • Z+jets, T1, diboson, Drell-Yan, Wt, W+jets • Stillmissing: {Z,T1,DY}+bb+jets, T1+{Z,W,WW} • Allresultsnormalizedto 4.71 fb-1 • Preselectioncuts: • Exactly 2 OS leptonswithusualpTcuts and mll> 20 GeV • At least 2 jetswithpT > 50, 20 GeV
Variable distributions, ee 1-6/12 ETmiss Meff MT2 mll bJet1 bJet2
Variable distributions, ee 7-12/12 (l1,l2) (l1,l2) (l1,ETmiss) (l2,ETmiss) (l2,j1) (l1,j1)
Additional requirements • Two possible sets of additional requirements are applied to improve TMVA performance: • “cut11”: strong cut against all SM: ETmiss > 50 GeV and Meff > 300 GeV or, alternatively, • “cut12”: Anti-Z cut on SF dileptons only: |mll – 91| < 20 GeV.
Unnormalizeddistributions, ee, cut12 Signal mstop=300 GeV, mchi10=50 GeV SM background 1-6/12 Similar plots for the case mumu
Unnormalizeddistributions, ee, cut12 Signal mstop=300 GeV, mchi10=50 GeV SM background 7-12/12 Similar plots for the case mumu
Other variables (not included) • Wehavealsocheckedmanyothervariables on SF and OFchannels, and foundthemnoteffectiveforsignal-backgroundseparation: • ETmiss/Meff, pTl2 , pTl1+pTl2 , pTj2 , pTj1+pTj2 , MCT , (j1,j2) , (j1,j2) , (j1,ETmiss) , (j2,ETmiss) , (l1,j2) , (l2,j2) , (l1,j1) , (l1,j2) , (l2,j1) , (l2,j2) . • In the previous set ofresults(December 2011) wewereconsidering 6 variables: • ETmiss, meff, pTj2, pTl2, mT2 , mll
Correlations among the 12 variables, ee • Meff and ETmissobviouslycorrelated • MT2hascorrelationwithlepton-basedvariables • (Anti)correlations on phi angles.
Unnormalizeddistributions, emu, cut12 Signal mstop=300 GeV, mchi10=50 GeV SM background 1-6/12
Unnormalizeddistributions, emu, cut12 Signal mstop=300 GeV, mchi10=50 GeV SM background 7-12/12
Correlations among the 12 variables, emu • Correlations are similar to what observed in the SF channels (a bit more evident in phi angles).
Some training details • Wetriedmanydifferentmethods in TMVA (Fisher, Likelihood, PDEFoam, HMatrix, BDT, MLP, SVM …). • As observedalso in manyother ATLAS analyses, BDTGlooks the best method: • Weoptimizeditsusewithparameters: NTrees = 1000, nCuts=20, NNodesMax=5. • Foreach set ofpreselectioncuts (cut11 and cut12), wehaveseparatelytrainedee, mumu and emu. • Weused the chosensignalpointagainst the full SM sample. By default, eventswith negative weightswereignored in the training (butwereusedby TMVA). • The “BDTG value” rangesfrom –1 (ideallyfor background only) to +1 (ideallyforsignalonly)
Proposed cuts for BDTG • Tochoose the cut foreachconfiguration/channel, wetook the BDTG valueforsignal and SM background MC sampleswhichmaximisessensitivity (in the chosensignalpoint), definedas: • Togetstable and reliablevalues, the maximizedquantityisactuallyS – S. • NBisaskedtobeobtainedfrom2 unweighted SM events. • The uncertainty on the cut valueisfoundtobeoforder0.1.
BDTG value distributions 0.130 -0.184 0.482 cut11, mumu cut11, ee cut11, emu 0.564 0.744 0.616 cut12, mumu cut12, ee cut12, emu
Sensitivity for cut11, SF and OF • Comparisonwithsignalsignificance in cut-basedanalysisisnowpossibleforbothSF and OF • cut11favours OF
# of events for cut11, SF and OF NB = 0.7611 0.1367 NB = 0.1091 0.0545 • SFhaslowersignificancethanOF owingto more surviving background events
Sensitivityfor cut12, SF and OF • Comparison with signal significance in cut-based analysis is now possible for both SF and OF • Results for SF and OF are comparable
# ofeventsfor cut12, SF and OF • Signal and background have comparable number of surviving events in both SF and OF NB = 0.1208 0.0570 NB = 0.1131 0.0566
Eventsselectedafter BDTG cut • Main SM backgrounds are ttbar and dibosons • Other minor backgrounds are still missing • Only statistical errors shown here
Summary and outlook • We have a reasonable set of variables and of preliminary cuts for a multi-variate analysis to obtain expected sensitivities higher than those in the cut-based analysis. • “cut11” performs better in OF dileptons, “cut12” in SF. • We plan to get results also by training 2-3 other relevant signal points in the grid. • We need to define adequate CRs for the main known backgrounds. • We need to estimate fake leptons. • We are testing consistency and stability of results, especially for systematic purposes. • A draft of an INT note is being prepared. • We plan to take a look at the chargino-b grid.
Sensitivity for cut11, mumu and ee • Combined SF = mumu + ee improves sensitivity almost everywhere in the grid
# ofeventsfor cut11, mumu and ee NB = 0.3641 0.0940 NB = 0.3970 0.0993
Sensitivity for cut12, mumu and ee • CombinedSF = mumu + eeimprovessensitivityalmosteverywhere in the grid
# ofeventsfor cut12, mumu and ee NB = 0.0955 0.0551 NB = 0.0253 0.0146