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Understanding Psychological Assessment: Diagnostics and Procedures

Dive deep into the formal approach to diagnostics and the diagnostically process. Explore the history, controversy, and current practices in psychological assessment. Discover the essential components of assessment - behavioral theories, measurement models, and testing instruments.

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Understanding Psychological Assessment: Diagnostics and Procedures

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  1. DEEL II FORMELE BENADERING: Wat is diagnostiek; diagnostisch proces? Hoofdstuk 4 en 5.

  2. Assessment: Part IIFormal approach 21-9-05 Reminding Part I:History, Controversy, Current situation Review book: I and II 3 x3 and III; Chapter 10: Quality Introduction: Assessment as “phenomenon” -Who is the client? -Who is the diagnostician/assessor? Chapter 1: Historical Review of Testing Movement Chapter 2: Controversy: Clinical vs Statistical prediction Chapter 3: Present: Assessment in theory and practice in the Netherlands

  3. What is Psychological Assessment? • Page 29 (Ch. 1): preliminary definition Inquiry, judgment of a client’s behaviors In order to describe, diagnose, predict, explain (problematic) behaviors • Chapter 4:A formal systematic definition, I.e., including all elements and relations of assessment a comprehensive definition.

  4. What is Psychological Assessment? • Assessment: No “own” formal and material object! No separate psychological discipline! 2. Current definitions stress a salient element, I.e., -individual differences and selection -decision process; problem solving -hypothesis testing model (HTM) 3. A comprehensive definition includes all elements and their relations!

  5. PsychologicalAssessmentThree inevitable elements, components:1. Behavioral theories / constructs: e.g., intelligence, personality characteristics, deviant behavior 2. Models to depict these constructs:e.g., unidimensional scales to depict individual differences3. Instruments: Tests, questionnaires

  6. Relations between three components • Six possible paths; • Three familiar and important: • Theoretical / conceptual path:Conceptual analysis of behavior measurement model instrument/test • Practical path:Instrument measurement model theory/construct • Psychometric theory path:IRT modelinstrument behavioral construct.

  7. Component 1: Theories /constructs • Three perspectives to describe/explain “behaviors” (i.e., cognition, motivation, feeling, behavior): • 1. Individual differences • 2. Development • 3. Context / adaptation Most theories/constructs in handbooks can be ordered in 1,2, 3. Try to order some familiar psychological constructs in 1, 2 ,3

  8. Component 2: Models • Depicting behaviors using measurement models: • Specific role in assessment of : a. Classical Test Theory: model for estimating random errors in measurements. b. Item Response Theory: collection of IRF’s specifying the probability of an answer as a function of a latent “trait”. a.  model for errors: no content b.  (small) model for (tiny) content

  9. Component 3: Tests, questionnaires • Typical performance • Maximum performance • Paper and pencil tests • Multiple choice / open questions • Objective • Subjective /projective • Observation/ talking with a client? • Definition (Drenth & Sijtsma)

  10. Inleiding op diagnostisch proces: Video persoonlijkheidsonderzoek: Let op: • Psychologische constructen • Instrumenten • Informatie integratie • Betrokken subdisciplines • Hoe , welke vorm zullen de adviezen hebben?

  11. What is the question? (See video “Personality Investigation” for the court) Not theory/construct per se; not CTT, or IRT or test or questionnaire, but Answering the question of a client The assessing professional needs knowledge of three components; moreover Assessment is a judgment process using information about the behaviors of a client and his/her environment. Chapter 5 the assessment process

  12. Assessment Process: • Judges are fallible • Defining failure implies criteria: • Rules of logic • Statistical rules: Cfr. clinical vs statistical prediction. Solution: Assessment is scientific research; sort of; resembles the empirical cycle

  13. Assessment Process • The process is conducted according to the hypotheses testing model (HTM). • The steps are described on page 155 and 156. • One step is hypothesis testing. • This model rules now (in Belgium and the Netherlands). • Every judgment can be modeled as an information processing task • Due to the work of Tversky and Kahneman we know failures in information processing

  14. Alternatives to the HTM • Stressing the dialogue • Rhetoric and argumentation • A story with a plot: a good story • The experiment can also be modeled as a “romantic” story, let’s try.

  15. Modeling the assessment process • Brunswik’s model • Regression models • Decision aids: MAUT en Bayes rule • The assessment process is the core of assessment. • Complex: three components; the process of information integration; probabilistic nature; information processing failures

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