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Dive deep into the formal approach to diagnostics and the diagnostically process. Explore the history, controversy, and current practices in psychological assessment. Discover the essential components of assessment - behavioral theories, measurement models, and testing instruments.
DEEL II FORMELE BENADERING: Wat is diagnostiek; diagnostisch proces? Hoofdstuk 4 en 5.
Assessment: Part IIFormal approach 21-9-05 Reminding Part I:History, Controversy, Current situation Review book: I and II 3 x3 and III; Chapter 10: Quality Introduction: Assessment as “phenomenon” -Who is the client? -Who is the diagnostician/assessor? Chapter 1: Historical Review of Testing Movement Chapter 2: Controversy: Clinical vs Statistical prediction Chapter 3: Present: Assessment in theory and practice in the Netherlands
What is Psychological Assessment? • Page 29 (Ch. 1): preliminary definition Inquiry, judgment of a client’s behaviors In order to describe, diagnose, predict, explain (problematic) behaviors • Chapter 4:A formal systematic definition, I.e., including all elements and relations of assessment a comprehensive definition.
What is Psychological Assessment? • Assessment: No “own” formal and material object! No separate psychological discipline! 2. Current definitions stress a salient element, I.e., -individual differences and selection -decision process; problem solving -hypothesis testing model (HTM) 3. A comprehensive definition includes all elements and their relations!
PsychologicalAssessmentThree inevitable elements, components:1. Behavioral theories / constructs: e.g., intelligence, personality characteristics, deviant behavior 2. Models to depict these constructs:e.g., unidimensional scales to depict individual differences3. Instruments: Tests, questionnaires
Relations between three components • Six possible paths; • Three familiar and important: • Theoretical / conceptual path:Conceptual analysis of behavior measurement model instrument/test • Practical path:Instrument measurement model theory/construct • Psychometric theory path:IRT modelinstrument behavioral construct.
Component 1: Theories /constructs • Three perspectives to describe/explain “behaviors” (i.e., cognition, motivation, feeling, behavior): • 1. Individual differences • 2. Development • 3. Context / adaptation Most theories/constructs in handbooks can be ordered in 1,2, 3. Try to order some familiar psychological constructs in 1, 2 ,3
Component 2: Models • Depicting behaviors using measurement models: • Specific role in assessment of : a. Classical Test Theory: model for estimating random errors in measurements. b. Item Response Theory: collection of IRF’s specifying the probability of an answer as a function of a latent “trait”. a. model for errors: no content b. (small) model for (tiny) content
Component 3: Tests, questionnaires • Typical performance • Maximum performance • Paper and pencil tests • Multiple choice / open questions • Objective • Subjective /projective • Observation/ talking with a client? • Definition (Drenth & Sijtsma)
Inleiding op diagnostisch proces: Video persoonlijkheidsonderzoek: Let op: • Psychologische constructen • Instrumenten • Informatie integratie • Betrokken subdisciplines • Hoe , welke vorm zullen de adviezen hebben?
What is the question? (See video “Personality Investigation” for the court) Not theory/construct per se; not CTT, or IRT or test or questionnaire, but Answering the question of a client The assessing professional needs knowledge of three components; moreover Assessment is a judgment process using information about the behaviors of a client and his/her environment. Chapter 5 the assessment process
Assessment Process: • Judges are fallible • Defining failure implies criteria: • Rules of logic • Statistical rules: Cfr. clinical vs statistical prediction. Solution: Assessment is scientific research; sort of; resembles the empirical cycle
Assessment Process • The process is conducted according to the hypotheses testing model (HTM). • The steps are described on page 155 and 156. • One step is hypothesis testing. • This model rules now (in Belgium and the Netherlands). • Every judgment can be modeled as an information processing task • Due to the work of Tversky and Kahneman we know failures in information processing
Alternatives to the HTM • Stressing the dialogue • Rhetoric and argumentation • A story with a plot: a good story • The experiment can also be modeled as a “romantic” story, let’s try.
Modeling the assessment process • Brunswik’s model • Regression models • Decision aids: MAUT en Bayes rule • The assessment process is the core of assessment. • Complex: three components; the process of information integration; probabilistic nature; information processing failures