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Learn how to manage MetaShare's workspace configurations, settings, and permissions effectively. This guide covers definitions, roles, taxonomy, and document metadata customization. Get step-by-step instructions for creating workspaces and assigning permissions.
MetaShare Administration User Guide Carl Mårn Carl Mårn carl.marn@ways.se +46 70 423 33 37 Latest updated: 2018-03-27
Topics Definitions in MetaShare Roles and permissions in MetaShare How to create and manage MetaShare’s taxonomy (term sets and terms) How to create and manage MetaShare’s document metadata (site content types and site columns) How to configure MetaShare’s general settings How to customise MetaShare’s Workspace Manager How to configure MetaShare’s workspace configurations How to create workspaces and assign permissions to them Recommended browsers settings • • • • • • • • •
Definitions in MetaShare MetaShare workspace MetaShare workspace - a document centric workspace. • MetaShare Workspace Manager MetaShare Workspace Manager - MetaShare’s start-page that shows a list of all workspaces that the logged in user is supposed to see. • MetaShare Settings MetaShare Settings - MetaShare’s centralised settings pages, accessible through MetaShare Workspace Manager for all users that have been granted the Content Administrator role. •
Elements in a MetaShare Workspace MetaShare’s top bar with general functions MetaShare’s filter zone, in this case document filters MetaShare’s toolbar, in this case with document specific actions MetaShare’s list view zone, in this case showing a list of documents
Elements in MetaShare Workspace Manager MetaShare’s top bar with general functions MetaShare’s filter zone, in this case workspace filters MetaShare’s toolbar with workspace specific actions MetaShare’s list view zone, in this case showing a list of workspaces
Elements in MetaShare Settings MetaShare’s top bar with general functions MetaShare settings' left navigation menu MetaShare’s toolbar with specific actions for MetaShare settings This is where the settings are done, based on selection in the left navigation menu
Roles and Permissions in MetaShare Permissions for activation of MetaShare Permissions for configuration of MetaShare Permissions for administration of MetaShare 1. 2. 3.
Permissions for Activation of MetaShare The account that activates MetaShare must be a Global Administrator in an Office 365 tenant. If you don’t have access to such an account, someone else, with this permission, must assist in activating MetaShare for you. Observe that a Global Administrative account does not have, by definition, access-rights to all sites/workspaces and its documents. Such an account can however always grant permissions to any site/workspace. • •
Permissions for Configuration of MetaShare MetaShare can be configured with a normal Office 365 user-account. To fully be able to configure all parts of MetaShare, this account needs these 6 privileges 1. 1. Have access to SharePoint's root Have access to SharePoint's root- -site site - to be able to access SharePoint and thereby also MetaShare, all users' accounts need to have at least read permissions on SharePoint's root-site, https://[tenant].sharepoint.com. 2. 2. Be a MetaShare content administrator Be a MetaShare content administrator - to be able to manage MetaShare's settings, assign the account the "MetaShare Content Administrator" role by following these instructions. 3. 3. Be a MetaShare workspace creator Be a MetaShare workspace creator - to be able to create MetaShare workspaces, assign the account to the "MetaShare Workspace Creator" role by following these instructions. 4. 4. Be a Term Store Administrator Be a Term Store Administrator - to be able to manage MetaShare's taxonomy (tags/terms) in SharePoint's "Term Store Management Tool", (https://[tenant].sharepoint.com/_layouts/termstoremanager.aspx), assign the account to the "Contributors group" on the "term set group" named "MetaShare". Delegated administration of MetaShare's taxonomy could be managed by splitting MetaShare's "term sets" to different "term set groups" and by assigning different users to the different groups' contributors. 5. 5. Be a Content Type Hub Administrator Be a Content Type Hub Administrator - to be able to create content types and site columns, the account needs to be granted administrative rights in the Content Type Hub, https://[tenant].sharepoint.com/sites/contentTypeHub (the account needs "Full Control" permissions). If a user is a "MetaShare content administrator" and the user will not create content types and site columns (only configure MetaShare's configurations e.g. defining which filters and columns to show or to define preferred templates and document types), the user just needs to be able to read from the Content Type Hub (the account needs "Read" permissions). If the logged in users do not have access to the hub, a simple way to grant the permission is to click on any of the workspace configurations in MetaShare settings and to use one of the links that MetaShare provides in the missing permissions notification page's instructions. 6. 6. Be a MetaShare document template administrator Be a MetaShare document template administrator - to be able to create and customize a document library for MetaShare’s document templates, the account needs to have administrative rights in SharePoint’s root site or in any other site where this library is to be created (the account needs Full Control permissions in the site where the library is to be created). An alternative is that someone else, with the proper administrative permissions creates a document library and only grants the account Contributor rights on the library. Note that all MetaShare users that are to be able to create documents based on document templates need to have read permissions in this library. •
Permissions for Administration of MetaShare By default, the account used when activating MetaShare is defined as the MetaShare administrator. If needed, it can be replaced with another account in MetaShare settings. The MetaShare administrator account will be granted full access-rights in all workspaces (added as Site Collection Administrator to the site collections MetaShare creates) and it should therefore preferably be a system account (not a normal user account). The account can either be a regular SharePoint/Office 365 account or be a SharePoint Service Administrator (no SharePoint licence needed). As the account in some cases will be shown to the end-users, e.g. when unexpected errors occur, enabling end-users to send e-mails to the account, the account needs a Microsoft Exchange Online license and the account’s e-mail should also be monitored by an administrator. • • • •
How to Create and Manage MetaShare’s Taxonomy (Term Sets and Terms) How to access the term store 2. Term store definitions 3. MetaShare’s term set group 4. How to manage terms 5. Language settings in the term store 1.
How to Access the Term Store If you are assigned the role “MetaShare Content Administrator” you can access the Term Store Manager by: 1. Clicking on the "Settings" function in MetaShare's Top Bar 2. Clicking on the “Term store” element in MetaShare settings' left navigation menu •
Term Store Definitions Term set group • A term set group contains one or several term sets. • Permissions can be set on a term set group (define which users that should be able to edit its term sets and terms). • Term set groups can be Created or Deleted. If deleted, all term sets under them will also be deleted. Term set • A term set contains terms that can be hierarchically structured. • A term set can be open (allow normal users to add terms to it) or closed (terms can just be managed by term store administrators). • Term sets can be Created, Imported (requires a term set import file), Deleted or Moved to another term set group. Term • A term can be available for tagging or just used as a grouping of terms. • Terms can be Created, Updated (when a term is renamed, the change is not propagated till an hourly scheduled timer job propagates these changes to all workspaces), Deleted, Moved, Sorted, Merged or Reused. • • •
Screenshot of the Term Store Manager MetaShare’s term set group A MetaShare term set, in this case Document types The term set group’s contributors A MetaShare term, in this case Agreement
MetaShare’s Term Sets When MetaShare is activated, it creates a term set group in the term store with the name “MetaShare”. Under it these 3 term sets are created, containing sample taxonomies: • Areas Areas • Document Types Document Types • Keywords Keywords Each term set group has a setting to define which users are to be allowed to manage all the term sets and terms under the group. MetaShare’s terms sets can be located under any term set group. A good reason to keep them under one term set group is to make it simple for all content administrators to have permissions to manage these terms. For larger organisations, where different administrators are to manage different parts of the taxonomy, the term sets can be split amongst several term set groups. • • •
How to manage Terms (1/2) New terms are created by clicking on the arrow next to the term set group’s name and thereafter selecting the ”Create Term” function (new terms can also be created as sub-terms to another term). • Thereafter the term is named. • If a term is not to be used as a document’s tag (only used to group similar terms), then unmark the check box ”Available for tagging” and click on the “Save” button. •
How to manage Terms (2/2) If a term is to be renamed then change the term’s label and click on the “Save” button. • If a term is to be merged with another term, then select the ”Merge” function. Documents/projects that previously were tagged with the merged term will later be tagged with the term that it was merged to. • A term can be deleted by selecting the “Delete function” •
Language Settings in the Term Store Language selector drop down The term store’s default language The languages that the term store is configured to use
Language Settings in the Term Store Note that the Term Store can be configured to manage multiple languages. If that’s the case, the names of the term sets and the terms will be shown in the language that the browser is set to use as a preferred language. If you do not intend to use more than one language, the recommendation is to not add any other languages to the term store, as it will make updates more complicated and in many cases people forget to translate terms. If you go to a workspace and some term changes are not reflected in the workspace, it’s likely that you have made changes to the term in the wrong language. If you have more than one language in the term store, one is always set as a default language. To switch between different languages the term store, you can easily swop by selecting another language in the language selector drop down. • • • •
How to Create and Manage MetaShare’s Document Metadata Definition of site columns, site content types and the content type hub 2. MetaShare’s site columns and site content type 3. How to create a site content type 4. How to add/create site columns to a site content type 5. How to set the column’s order and define if they are mandatory or optional 6. How to publish a site content type 1.
Definition of Site Columns In SharePoint, all metadata is defined in something called a Column. There are two kinds of columns: • Site column - a column that is created on a site level and can be reused across a site’s lists and libraries. • List column - a local column that is created at a list/library level. It cannot be reused in other places. • There are many different kinds of site columns but in MetaShare these are the currently supported ones, for documents: • Single line of text Single line of text (a free-text field with maximum 255 characters) • Managed metadata Managed metadata (flat or hierarchical values corresponding to terms in a term set) • Can allow fill-in choices (the end-users have the right to create new terms, if they are missing in the term set) or not (all values are managed by the content administrators) • Can be single value (default) or multiple value (only single value columns are sortable in the document view) • Person or group Person or group (lookup to the user directory in Azure’s Active Directory) • Can be single value (default) or multiple value (only single value columns are sortable in the document view) • Date Date (a date field) • Choice Choice, of type radio buttons and without fill-in choices (for values that do not change over time) • Apart from a column’s type columns also have: • A name (can be multi-lingual, if needed, which is done by renaming the name after changing the site’s language) • A description (if filled in, it will be presented under the fields, as a help-text. can also be multi-lingual) • A default value (optional for all columns, apart from Person or group columns) •
Definition of Site Content Types In SharePoint, metadata is used in something called a Content Type. There are two kinds of content types: • Site content type - a content type that is created on a site level and can be reused across a site’s lists or libraries. List content type - a local column that is created at a list/library level. It cannot be reused in other places. • • A content type defines: • Which columns to show in a form Which of these are mandatory and which are optional In which order the columns are displayed in the form • • •
Definition of the Content Type Hub In SharePoint, site content types can be reused across multiple workspaces (site collections) if they are created and later published in something called a Content Type Hub. In MetaShare all Site Column and Site Content Types are created in the content type hub. When a content type is published it will, with the help of SharePoint timer jobs, be subscribed to all workspaces. If the definition of a site column is changed, e.g. its name, description, values (for choice columns), default values, etc. are changed, these changes will not be reflected in the workspaces unless a content type that has the column in its definition is republished. • Changes to the values of managed metadata columns (changes to terms in term store) are propagated directly to all workspaces and are not dependent on a content type’s publishing. In SharePoint Online there is no way to control the frequency that these timer jobs run and therefore there is no way to predict when the published content types will be available in the workspaces. Normally it will take about an hour but this can vary up to a day. • • • • •
MetaShare’s Columns and Content Type When MetaShare is activated, it creates: • 3 managed metadata site columns • Area Area (mapped to the Areas term set) • Document Type Document Type (mapped to the Document Types term set) • Keywords Keywords (mapped to the Keywords term set) • 1 document content type called MetaShare Document to. MetaShare’s standard content type and site columns can be used, modified or deleted without effecting the solution. For a simple implementation of MetaShare, it is recommended to only have one content type for all MetaShare or one Content Type per workspace configuration. Content Types are created from MetaShare Settings, under a workspace configuration’s document content type section. By using this link, user’s can be sure that they are creating the content type in the content type hub. • MetaShare Document that the three columns are added • • •
How to Create a Site Content Type Click on the "Settings" function in MetaShare's Top Bar. Open one of the MetaShare configurations in MetaShare settings' left navigation menu. Underneath the selected configuration, select the submenu “Document content types”. On the right hand side, click on the button “Create content type”. In the new window that opens, give the content type a meaningful Name. In the drop-down “Select parent content type from”, select “Document Content Types“. In the drop-down “Parent Content Type”, select “Document“. In the drop-down “Put this site content type into”, select “MetaShare“. Klick the “OK” button. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Screenshot of MetaShare’s document content type The link to publish the content type The available columns in the content type The status of the columns (required, optional or hidden) Links to add or create columns and to reorder the columns
How to Add/Create Columns to a Site Content Type Go to the content type’s page (MetaShare Settings > Open one of the MetaShare configurations > Document content types > Click on one of the available content types). To add a site column to a content type that is already defined in the content type hub, e.g. a column that already is used in another content type: 1. Click on the link “Add from existing site columns”, at the bottom of the Content Type’s page. 2. Select one or more of the available columns and move them over to the “Columns to add” section. 3. Klick the “OK” button. To create a new site column and add it to a content type: 1. Click on the link “Add from new site column”, at the bottom of the Content Type’s page. 2. Give the column a meaningful name. 3. Select what type of column you want to create (check this slide for more details). 4. In the drop-down “Put this site column into”, select “MetaShare columns“. 5. Set any other settings, such as Description, Default Value, etc. 6. Klick the “OK” button. 1. 2. 3.
How to Set the Column’s Order and Define if they are Mandatory or Optional Go to the content type’s page (MetaShare Settings > Open one of the MetaShare configurations > Document content types > Click on one of the available content types). Define which columns should be mandatory/optional: 1. On the list of columns available in the content type the status column defines whether they are Required/Optional/Hidden. 2. To change a status, click on one of the columns name and change the status. 3. Columns that have been added to a content type can also be removed, by clicking on the “Remove” button but certain columns like “Title” cannot be removed and normally this columns is therefore set to “Hidden” and will therefore not be displayed in any of the document forms. 4. Klick the “OK” button. Define in which order the columns are sorted: 1. Click on the link “Column order”, at the bottom of the Content Type’s page. 2. Per column, select a number in the drop-downs under the “Position from top” header. 3. Klick the “OK” button. • • •
How to Publish a Site Content Type Go to the content type’s page (MetaShare Settings > Open one of the MetaShare configurations > Document content types > Click on one of the available content types). Under the Settings section, click on the link called “Manage publishing for this content type”. 1. 2. If the content type has not been published before, select the “Publish” option and then klick on the “OK” button”. 3. 4. If the content type has been published before and you now want to republish the content type, after having made changes to it, select the “Republish” option and then klick on the “OK” button”.
How to Configure MetaShare’s General Settings MetaShare administrator How to manage MetaShare’s document templates How to add Quick Parts to Word templates 1. 2. 3. 4. How to customise the search result page
MetaShare Administrator The e-mail address of an administrative account that gets full access-rights on all MetaShare's workspaces (Site Collection Administrator). Currently this account is only added as Site Collection Administrator to workspaces that are created after the account has been added to the setting. Any earlier created workspaces will have the earlier MetaShare administrator as the site collection administrator. Future plans for this setting is to get it to propagate the new setting to all previously created workspaces and also to move this setting down to the workspace configurations, so that different workspace can be assigned different MetaShare administrators. • • •
How to Manage MetaShare’s Document Templates To be able to create documents from templates, from within a workspace: 1. A document library for MetaShare’s document templates needs to be created. 2. Document templates need to be uploaded to this library. 3. All MetaShare users need to be granted read permissions in this library. • The document template library is normally created in SharePoint’s root site but can be created in any SharePoint site. • In the document template library, the following files can be uploaded: • Template files from Word, PowerPoint and Excel, with these file-extensions: 1. .dotx documents created from them will get the extension .docx 2. .potx documents created from them will get the extension .pptx 3. .xltx documents created from them will get the extension .xlsx • Regular documents of any other extension documents created from them get the same extension as the documents have. • Once the document template library has been created and document templates have been uploaded to it, copy the path to the document library and paste it into the “Document template library” field in MetaShare’s general settings page and klick on the “Save” button. Now this will be possible: 1. In the workspaces users will be able to create documents from templates. 2. For each and one of the workspace configurations, administrators can define suggested templates •
How to Add Quick Parts to Word Templates In order to create “smart” document templates that display metadata such as document type, area, etc. inside the actual document, the following needs to be done: 1. Add the site columns that should be added as metadata, to the document library (requires administrative permissions). 2. Open a word document from the document templates library. 3. Mark the spot on the document where you want to add the quick part. 4. Select the “Insert” tab in Word and then the “Quick Parts” and “Document Property”. 5. Select the appropriate metadata. 6. Save and close the document. 7. New documents that are created from the template will now contain the Quick Part (metadata). • Note that the language of the site where the document template library is created needs to be of the same default language that all workspaces are created in (the default language of the Content Type Hub).
How to Customise the Search Result Page When searching for documents in a MetaShare workspace, users will get the option to extend the search to also show results from other locations, such as other workspaces. • By default, SharePoint has a standard search result page that will be used to display the search results. This standard search result page shows results of all types (documents, users, conversations, etc.) and does only have these standard refiners: • Result type • Author • Modified date • To get a better search experience in MetaShare, the recommendation is to create a customised search result page that only shows documents (with the option to also switch to show other result types) and that has other relevant refiners (e.g. workspace, workspace type, document type, area, keyword, etc.). See this article for instructions for how to create a customised search result page in SharePoint. The search result page could also be customised to show results in a list-view rather than in the standard Google-like manner. • Contact a MetaShare partner or MetaShare support if you need assistance in creating a customised search results page. • Once the customised search result page has been created, copy the path to the search result page and paste it into the “SharePoint’s search result page” field in MetaShare’s general settings page and klick on the “Save” button. •
How to Customise MetaShare’s Workspace Manager How to create workspace metadata How to define which filters and columns to use/show in the workspace list 1. 2.
How to Create Workspace Metadata In MetaShare metadata can be applied to workspaces in order to: 1. Tag workspaces, both when creating workspaces but also when updating them at a later stage. 2. Filter workspaces in the workspace list, based on these metadata. 3. Show the workspace metadata in the workspace list as list columns. • Workspace metadata are in reality a term set in the term store. To create a workspace metadata: • Create a term set (the name of the term set will be the metadata’s name) Define whether it should be open or closed Create its terms (see this section for more details about managing terms in the term store) • • •
How to Define which Filters and Columns to use/show in the Workspace List Define which filters to use in Workspace Manager: 1. Click on the "Settings" function in MetaShare's Top Bar. 2. Click on “Workspace filters” in MetaShare settings' left navigation menu. 3. Move the metadata that are to be used as workspace filters from the "Available" zone to the "Selected“ zone. All term sets in the term store can be used as filters and they are displayed in the zones with their term set group names as prefix (the filters’ names will however just be the name of the term set). Define which columns to show in the workspace list: 1. Click on the "Settings" function in MetaShare's Top Bar. 2. Click on “Workspace columns” in MetaShare settings' left navigation menu. 3. Move the columns that are to be shown in the workspace list from the "Available" zone to the "Selected“ zone. All term sets in the term store can be used as workspace columns and they are displayed in the zones with their term set group name as a prefix (the columns’ names will however just be the name of the term set). • •
How to Configure MetaShare’s Workspace configurations Definition of a workspace configuration 2. How to create a workspace configuration 3. How to customize a workspace configuration (fields, filters, columns, suggested templates, etc.) 4. How to Delete a workspace configuration 1.
Definition of a Workspace Configuration A workspace configuration is used to define, for all workspaces of its configuration: 1. Which metadata to set on the workspace. 2. Which content types to attach to the document library in the workspace. 3. Which filters to show in the workspace. 4. Which columns to show in the document view. 5. Which document templates should be preferred for each and one of the document types in the workspace. 6. Which document types should be preferred for each and one of a selectable metadata, e.g. area, in the workspace. •
How to Create a Workspace Configuration Click on the "Settings" function in MetaShare's Top Bar. 1. Click on “Workspace configurations” in MetaShare settings’ left navigation menu. On the settings page, type a name in the “Name” field. 2. 3. 4. Click on the “Save” button. Now the newly workspace configuration will appear as one of the workspace configurations, in MetaShare settings’ left navigation menu and will need to be configured. 5.
How to Customize a Workspace Configuration: step 1 - General Settings Click on the "Settings" function in MetaShare's Top Bar. 1. Click on the workspace configuration that you want to customise in MetaShare settings' left navigation menu. 2. On the settings page, you can rename the workspace configuration by changing the text in the “Name” field. 3. Optional general settings that can be done for a workspace configuration: 1. In the “Term set for document types” field, select the term set that the workspace configuration will use for document types (different workspace configurations can have different sets of document types). When a term set is selected, a sub-menu called “Suggested templates” will be made available, for the workspace configuration, where document types can be associated with suggested templates, helping users to find relevant templates when creating new documents. 2. In the “Column that defines suggested document types” field, select a column, whose values can be associated with suggested document types, helping users to find relevant document types. When a column is selected, a sub-menu called “Suggested document types” will be made available, for the workspace configuration, where document types can be associated with values of the selected column. Note that this field is disabled till at least one content type with a managed metadata column is selected to be used within the workspace configuration. 4. Click on the “Save” button to save your changes. 5.
How to Customize a Workspace Configuration: step 2 - Workspace Fields Click on the "Settings" function in MetaShare's Top Bar. 1. Click on the workspace configuration that you want to customise in MetaShare settings' left navigation menu. 2. Underneath the selected configuration, select the submenu “Workspace fields”. 3. On the settings page, you can now move the metadata that are to be used as workspace fields, for this workspace configuration, from the "Available" zone to the "Selected“ zone. All term sets in the term store can be used as workspace fields and they are displayed in the zones with their term set group names as prefix (the workspace fields’ names will however just be the name of the term set). Note - these workspace fields will always be shown in the top of the workspace creation form: Name, SharePoint URL, Time zone and Workspace configuration (not listed below). 4. Click on the “Save” button to save your changes. 5.
How to Customize a Workspace Configuration: step 3 - Document Content Types Click on the "Settings" function in MetaShare's Top Bar. 1. Click on the workspace configuration that you want to customise in MetaShare settings' left navigation menu. 2. Underneath the selected configuration, select the submenu “Document content types”. 3. On the settings page, you can now: 1. Create content types, by clicking on the button “Create content type” (check this slide for instructions on how to create content types). 2. Move any content type that are to be used in workspaces based on this workspace configuration from the "Available" zone to the "Selected“ zone. The selected content types' columns will later be available under the workspace configuration’s Document columns and Document filters. 3. If any content type needs to be modified, click on the content type’s “Manage” link and don’t forget to publish them. 4. Click on the “Save” button to save your changes. 5. Content types that are removed from a workspace configuration will not be available for new workspaces created from this workspace configuration. MetaShare can however not remove the content type from previously created workspaces as the content type might already have been used by documents in these workspaces. To remove content types from these workspaces the following needs to be done: 1. All documents referring to these content types either need to be deleted or their content types need to be changed. 2. The recycle bin needs to be emptied, as they might refer to the content type. 3. Now the content type can be removed from the document library. Contact a MetaShare partner or MetaShare support (support@metashare.com) if you need assistance in removing content types from old workspaces. 6.
How to Customize a Workspace Configuration: step 4 - Document Columns Click on the "Settings" function in MetaShare's Top Bar. 1. Click on the workspace configuration that you want to customise in MetaShare settings' left navigation menu. Underneath the selected configuration, select the submenu “Document columns”. 2. 3. 4. On the settings page, you can now move the columns that are to be shown in the document list, for this workspace configuration, from the "Available" zone to the "Selected“ zone. Click on the “Save” button to save your changes. 5.
How to Customize a Workspace Configuration: step 5 - Document Filters Click on the "Settings" function in MetaShare's Top Bar. 1. Click on the workspace configuration that you want to customise in MetaShare settings' left navigation menu. Underneath the selected configuration, select the submenu “Document filters”. 2. 3. 4. On the settings page, you can now move the metadata that are to be used as document filters, for this workspace configuration, from the "Available" zone to the "Selected“ zone. Click on the “Save” button to save your changes. 5.
How to Customize a Workspace Configuration: step 6 - Suggested Temples Click on the "Settings" function in MetaShare's Top Bar. Click on the workspace configuration that you want to customise in MetaShare settings' left navigation menu. Underneath the selected configuration, select the submenu “Suggested templates”. On the settings page, you can now select a document type, from the drop-down, and then mark all document templates that are to be shown as suggested for the document type. If you are assigning templates for multiple document types, you do not need to click on the Save button in between each assignment. This can be done when all assignments have been done. Click on the “Save” button to save your changes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
How to Customize a Workspace Configuration: step 7 - Suggested Document Types Click on the "Settings" function in MetaShare's Top Bar. 1. Click on the workspace configuration that you want to customise in MetaShare settings' left navigation menu. 2. Underneath the selected configuration, select the submenu “Suggested document types”. 3. On the settings page, you can now select an item, from the drop-down, and then mark all document types that are to be shown as suggested for the item. If you are assigning document types for multiple items, you do not need to click on the Save button in between each assignment. This can be done when all assignments have been done. 4. Click on the “Save” button to save your changes. 5.
How to Delete a Workspace Configuration Click on the "Settings" function in MetaShare's Top Bar. Click on the MetaShare configuration that you want to delete, in MetaShare settings' left navigation menu. On MetaShare’s tool-bar, click on the Delete function. Click on “Ok” in the “Delete workspace configuration” warning message. Now the workspace configuration will disappear from MetaShare settings’ left navigation menu. Note: 1. Workspaces that are based on a deleted workspace configuration will not be deleted or hidden. 2. A deleted workspace configuration can always be restored by creating a new workspace configuration with the same name as the previously deleted workspace. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
How to Create Workspaces and Assign Permissions to them How to create a workspace 2. Automated steps during the workspace creation 3. How to modify a workspace’s metadata 4. How to assign permissions to a workspace 5. How to delete to a workspace 1.
How to Create a Workspace If you are assigned the role “MetaShare Workspace Creator” you can create workspaces by: 1. Go to MetaShare Workspace Manager. 2. Click on the ”Create workspace” function in the toolbar. 3. A workspace creation form is now shown on the right side of the page. There you can now: 1. Give the workspace a meaningful “Name”. 2. If needed, change the proposed “SharePoint URL”. 3. Select a suitable “Time zone” for the workspace. 4. Choose which “Configuration” the workspace should get. 5. If the workspaces configuration is defined to have custom metadata, more fields might be shown on the form. 4. Click on the “Create” button. •