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Belgium. By: Anthony Angel Joseph Suh. The Flag. The flag was adopted Janurary 23, 1831. Each color represents a different meaning. The black represents a shield, yellow represents the lion, and the red represents the claws and tounge. Chapter 1: The Country’s Facts and Statistics.
Belgium By: Anthony Angel Joseph Suh
The Flag The flag was adopted Janurary 23, 1831. Each color represents a different meaning. The black represents a shield, yellow represents the lion, and the red represents the claws and tounge.
Chapter 1: The Country’s Facts and Statistics • CONTINENT: Europe • CORDINANTS: 5051 N and 421 E • 250 sq. meters of water surrounds the country • BORDERS: Germany, France, Luxemburg, and Netherlands • GEOGRAPHY: flat coastal plains in northwest, central rolling hills, rugged mountains of Ardennes Forest in southeast. • Languages: Dutch, Germany, French • National Gross Product: $416.27 Billion
… Continuing Chapter 1 • CAPITOL: Brussels • CLIMATE: Mild Winters, Cool Summers, • Results: They have been doing good because of the environment hasn’t treated the harshly, but they things they currently do hurts the zones they live in.
Statistics • Current population: 16.7% are under 18 yrs. 65.9% are over the age of 18 Currently there about 10,431,477 people who populate Belgium. having a birth rate of 10.03/1000 population, and a low mortality rate of 4.28 deaths/1000 live births expecting the reach the average life expectancy of 79.86 yrs. (76.49 yrs. for males & 82.95 yrs. for females). The population can be expected to be at 10,453,261 in the year 2025.
Chapter 2: Revolutions • BACKGROUND: During the 1830’s Belgium was pretty much like Germany after WW2 split with different powers controlling it. Having the northern part controlled by the united kingdom of the Netherlands, and a south under the influence of kingdom of the French.
Leading to a new beginning • CAUSES: Mainly in any revolution the rising of those who are mistreated. The people from the south mainly those who spoke French and were catholic. Also the economy didn’t help much as unemployment rates were down. This led to the riots and battles mainly of the capitol, Brussels. After nine months it all came to a end.
The new beginning • EFFECT: All the fighting led to a new unified and independent belgium. Calling themselves the Kingdom of Belgium. This new countryadopted the a federal parlamentary democracy, but follows the rules of a constitutional monarchy having the three branches of goverment.
Ch. 3: Industrialization • Belgium has become a fully industrialized country having GDP of $412 billion thru industries such as the automotive, scientific, metals, and food. It follows a sort of capitalist economy, but there is government involvement. They have now been a bigger in the textile industry as they export a large amount of carpets. Also have been able to get raw materials. Such as large zinc, copper, and lead refineries.
Auto Motive • One of the industries the bring more attention to the world is the automotive. Many international car companies have the assembly lines in Belgium. Some as General Motors, Ford, BMW, and Mercedes. The automotive industry accounts for a large part of Belgium's economy. As they build more than 1 million cars yearly. From all of these cars 95% are for export. Made to be sold in other places in Europe.
Science Industry • Belgium is one the major contributors of the science industry. The make chemicals such as polyethylene that’s used to package materials. Also polyvinyl chloride which has part in creating pipes for the markets in construction. Also have large chemical facilities. In which they export most of them to other countries.
Ch.4: Imperialism • THE RISE: After Belgium became their standing country. They followed the path that other Kingdoms followed. Establishing a colony in a foreign land. Lead by the ambitions of Leopold III
Belgium sets it’s sights on Africa • Belgium colonial empire had ruled Congo, it gave them new resources. They established rubber plantation in the Congo. King Leopold the III at the time only cared about the profit they received, and it led to treating the people of the Congo harshly . This led to an uprising.
Ch. 5: The world takes Notice • By 1914 the world took notice on an uprising Germany. Many went to war against Germany. Belgium remained neutral until like many countries it was dragged in. As Germany demanded free passage thru their country, the neutral country declined. So on August 1914 of that same years the country got invaded and had no choice to join the war, with the allied powers.
Defending the home front • From 1915 to 1918 the Belgium people had their work cut out from them. They spent 4 years fighting a stalemate at the yes river which borders Germany from Belgium. During these four years many lives were lost, as they often faced the chance of death. Being out manned, gunned they held of until finally gaining support from the allies. Then to finally to push back the Germans.
Ch/ 6: The world is tested again • Soon a dehumanized Germany rose under a new flag, the Nazi flag. As they began to expand and began WW2 they saw Belgium once again as a path way to attack the enemies. As Belgium remained neutral they were dragged into the war once again as they were invaded.
Falling to foreign flag • As Germany began a massive assault on Belgium, it was too much to handle and on May 17, 1940 they fell under the Nazi banner. They were under the control for merely 4 year. Providing the equipment for the axis powers. September 2,1944 with allied support they were finally leading pushing back the Germans un February 4, 1995 they have pushed all the Germans out of Belgium.
The Aftermath • Once all the fighting was over 88,000 civilians and military officials lost their lives. Through years of battle most were ill, tired, scared, but still willing to fight for their freedom. The war left lot of restoration to be done, but Belgium slowly began to get better.
Ch. 7: Caught between two giants • A the world feel witness to the power of the nuclear bomb. Many tried to embrace it, while many feared it. The U.S and Russia began to use them as way to influence other to follow their ways. Belgium decided to join the U.S with NATO. They fell under the influence of the U.S after they where brought in.
Under Influence • Soon through a widespread of propaganda, Belgium chose a side. They followed the red, white, and blue as they gained financial support. Also was given the most deadliest weapon know to man the nuclear bomb to be able to have as defense.
Ch. 8 Technology • Belgium has come a longwaywith it’s technology. Theyhave different fields in which they have part of. Mainly they are focused on a more scientific fields. Try to find cures and also give the tools to the fields of biological engineering. Also have the basic assentials they need for communication.
Health and green technolgy • Belgian health technology is one of the most important in the economy of Belgium. As they various fields such as dental, orthopedic, and various others. Most of the are just located in the main capitol of Brussels. Also they are raising and developing green technology with the help of foreign countries such as the U.S, and India. They began to place wind spheres which begin to bring green energy to homes.
Computer and Communication Technology • They have a high communication rating in the world as they are in the top 100’s. The have both home and cell phone services, and can communicate internationally. They also have the internet, and computers. They have software can be found in Europe. They can access the web with a .be at the end to access a secure site in Belgium. Alsotheyhaveseveral cable providersfromcompaniesfoundonly in Europe.
Ch.9:The countries problems • Some problems they currently face is urbanization, dense transportation, and industrial polution. All of thesehave a majorpart in healthproblemsforthepeople. As they can getillnesesfromthe fumes, and alsogetvariouscancers, orheartattacks.
Polution • Thebiggestproblemweseeisthepolutionthatoccuredfromidustrulization. As theybecametoindustrilizeditbegantohaveitsnegativeeffectsonthepeople.This can negativelyeffectthe country with a decline in populationduetoillnesfromthetoxic fumes they inhale everyday. Theoneswhosufferthemost are thepeoplebecauseall are exposedtogasses , and needthe air tobreathe, butthatsame air iskillingthem.
The effect and solution • Whatthis can basically do isslowly decline thepopulation. Duetothefactthat a increase in themortalityrate can lowerthehighestlifeexpectancy and allwmanytolivelongenoghtorepopulate. A solutionwefoundisto stop dependingonoldworldmeans. Use windpower, and othermeansto reduce the CO2 in theatmosphere.
Things to do in Belgium • There are various things to do in Belgium. There are many sites to behold that been left thru out the growth of a country. Some examples are thing like, Lueven, the most famous university and beer town in Belgium. Also there are various ww2 museums in elgium such as the museum of Bastogne.
Foods • In Belgium there are foods that separate them from the world. They have things such as Smoutebollen, which is a fried pastry severed at carnivals. Also they have the best Gauffres in the world. In other words the best waffles. They’re not your typical freezer waffles. Made in special waffle irons, coated with brown sugar, golden , and toasty.
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