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UNIT 2. Yes,They´re materials. 3. 1. 4. 5. 2. 1. gold 2. concrete 3. cardboard 4. ice 5. sand 6. stone 7. dung 8. latex 9.plaster 10. wood 11. marble 12. silver 13. denim 14. brick 15. corduroy 16. polyestyrene 17. fur 18. silk 19. cork 20.straw 21. linen 22.bronze. 8.

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  1. UNIT 2

  2. Yes,They´rematerials 3 1 4 5 2 • 1. gold • 2. concrete • 3. cardboard • 4. ice • 5. sand • 6. stone • 7. dung • 8. latex • 9.plaster • 10. wood • 11. marble • 12. silver • 13. denim • 14. brick • 15. corduroy • 16. polyestyrene • 17. fur • 18. silk • 19. cork • 20.straw • 21. linen • 22.bronze 8 10 6 7 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 17 19 20 21 22

  3. Vocabulary from the text Terracedhouse sculptures striking melts Prize-winning Barehands succeeded items cast heritage Award-winning Growth and decay warmer dung Free of charge Waste of money tribute Racistgang tears plaster

  4. VERBAL TENSES THE PRESENT THE FUTURE Conditional THE PAST 1 SIMPLE: I go SIMPLE: I went SIMPLE: I willgo / I wouldgo 2 Continuous: I´mgoing Continuous: I wasgoing Continuous: I willbegoing/ I´dbegoing 3 Perfect: I havegone Perfect: I hadgone Perfect: I willhavegone / I´dhavegone PerfectContinuous: I willhavebeengoing / I´dhavebeengoing 4 PerfectContinuous: I havebeengoing PerfectContinuous: I hadbeengoing

  5. Song No sleep _______ _______ until I´m done with _____ the ______ __________, won ´t _______ before I ______ the ______ for this ________ and sometimes I _______ like _______ down and ______ ___________ but ________ I know that I _____ _______ to be _______ _____ been ________, ______ been ______ in the shadows for my ______ _____ been ________, ______ been ______ for tomorrows all my _______ they _____ that I _____ ______ to ______ before I can feel ______ but I ____ rather ______ myself than _______ into their ________ and sometimes I feel that I _______ and play with the _______ somehow I ______ don ´t ______ _____ and wait for a ________ ____ _____ been _____ walking in ______ watching, ______ for something __________ me, ________ me, heal me come take me ______ • No sleep / finding / answer • Won ´t stop / stop / find / cure / cancer • Feel / going / so disconnected • Somehow / am haunted / wanted • I´ve/watching/I´´ve/ waiting/ time • I´ve/searching/I´´ve /living/ life • Say/was going / cure /safe • ´d /kill/turn /slave • Should go /thunder • Just/wanna

  6. Grammar 1 2 • What have they been doing? Or what have they done?. Write sentences. • 1.he´s been playing football but he hasn ´t won the game • 2. they have been shopping , they have bought lots of things • 3.He´s been repairing the car but he hasn ´t finished yet • 4.She has been writing letters.She has just finished • 5.She has been having a shower and she has washed her hair • 6. He´sbeen cleaning the floor • 7. She´s been doing the washing,she´s just hang it up • 8.He´s been running • 9.They have been fighting • 10. They have ben palying tennis.They have just finished 4 3 6 5 7 8 9 10

  7. How long has he been… 1 2 • How long has he neen playing football? He´s been playing for an hour/since 7:30 • How long have they been shopping?. They´ve been shopping for 2 hours, since 3 • How long has he been repairing cars? Since he was 15 • How long has she been writing letters?. For 3 hours/ since 7 • How long has she been having a shower?. For 15 minutes • How long has he been cleaning the floor?. Since 10 • How long has she been hanging the washing?. For 20 minutes • How long has he been running? For an hour, since 4:30 • How have they been fighting? Since the one on the right punched the other one • How long have they been playing tennis? 4 3 6 5 7 8 9 10

  8. ¿Cuánto tiempo lleva(s) trabajando …? Make questions with How long …?. Then answer with for and sice • 1. R. Williams started performing pop songs in 1990. • 2. JK. Rowling wrote her first story in 1971at the age of six. • 3. G Clooney started acting in 1979 • 4. Jennifer Lopez started singing in 1975 • 5. Ronaldo started playing professional football at the age of 18 • Howlong has he beenperforming pop songs?. For 19 years/ since 1990 • Howlong has shebeenwritingstories? For 38 years/ since 1971 • Howlong has he beenacting? For 30 years / since 1979 • Hpwlong has shebeensinging? For 34 years/ since 1975 • Howlong has he beenplayingfootball?. Since he was 18

  9. UNIT 2(2) • A baker • A butcher • A hairdresser • A caretaker • A maid • A reporter • A cashier • A judge- gavelwig • Fireman- hose, hydrant, fireextinguisher • Policeman- truncheon, whistle, badge,gun,handcuffs • Detective • Fingerprints • Taylor • Mechanic • Plumber- `pipes • Waiter • Waitress • Carpenter • Painter • Movers • Lorry driver

  10. A cook • Anarchitect • A doctor • A fishmonger • A nurse • A flightattendant • A lawyer • A postwoman A baker A butcher A hairdresser A caretaker A cashier A judge A fireman A policeman A mechanic A plumber A waiter A mover An architect A fishmonger A nurse A flight attendant A lawyer A postwoman • Bakes, makes and sells bread, cakes, rolls, muffins, etc. • cuts, slices, chops and sellsmeat • Cuts and stylesyourhair • Assistpeopleonthephone • Collects and givesyoumoney in a shop orbank • Listenstotheevidence in a trial and sentecesdefendants • Putsfiresout • Arrestscriminals • Repairs cars • Repairsnadputs up pipes • Servesfoof and drinks in a bar or restaurant • Heplspeopletomovetheirhouses • Designs and plansthebuilding of bridges, houses, etc • A personwhocuts and sellsfish • Looks afterpatients in a hospital • Assistspeople in a plane • Heplspeoplewith legal problems • Deliversletterstoyourhouse Is a personwho

  11. Lecturer • Engineer • Vet • Carpenter • Plumber • Dentist • Accountant • Electrician • Treat • Assist • Look after • Operate • Repair • Build • Design • Buy /sell • Unskilled • Skilled • Medical • Legal • Arm • emergency 3. Complete this short textwithsuitablewords. Jobswhereyouworkwithyourhands and don ´t needanyabilityor training are called ______ jobs. Ifyouworkwithyourhandsbutthejobrequires a lot of ability and training, wecallit a ________ job. Werefertodoctors and lawyers as professionalpeople: doctor work in the ______ profession, lawyerswork in the _______ profession. Peoplewhodefendthe country , such as sailors ,soldiers, are part of the _________ forces. Firefighters and ambulance drivers are part of the ________ services

  12. What do you do for a living? • How much do you earn? • Do you have to pay income tax? • How much holiday do you get? • Do you have to work overtime in your job? • Do you get holiday pay? • Do you get sick pay? • What does your job involve? 1. G; 2.C;3.D;4.F;5.A:6.H;7.B ; 8.E 1. F 2.D 3.B 4.E 5.A 6.C

  13. Tobedismissed/fired Unemployed Resign Promoted Prospects Retire Staff 1.B 2.E 3.D 4.A 5.F 6.C Part-time Course Start Market Rise Payroll Over Applyfotit

  14. Yes , they´re film extras. What does this job involve? • A film extra • What´s it like? • Spent • Bored • Takes • Scene • Catch sight of • Join • Charge • screen

  15. Who`swho? What do they do?

  16. What´sthemeaning of…? • Te pagan bien • Hay muchas veces que no haces nada • Hemos estado grabando • Fue la doble de Penélope Cruz • Estuvo bastante bien • Todavía no he tenido suerte • Es extraño/ paradójico • El teléfono no ha parado de sonar • Grabando en el estudio • He tenido muchas ofertas • He tenido solo dos trabajos hasta ahora • Parece que hay poco trabajo • Hacía mucho frío • ¿Cómo les ha ido a los otros? • It´s good money • There´s alot of hanging about • We´ve been on location • I was doubling for P.Cruz • It was rather nice • But not luck yet • That´s odd • The phone´s been ringing non –stop • On set • I´ve had plenty of offers • I´ve only had 2 jobs so far • There seems to be very little work about • Freezing • What´s been likefor others?

  17. Do youremember? Temporary What´sitlike? deliver style join assist Putout Look after design Sentence/trial movers Gavel/ wig Hydrants/hoses/ fireextinguishers caretakers truncheon/whistle/badge and handcuffs charges Catch sight of cashier muffins Fingerprints/ footprints

  18. When • What • Who • Who • What • Who • Where • Who • Who • How • Who • How

  19. Present Perfect We have already won a prize • we have just won a prize • I have never won a prize • I haven ´t won a prize yet • Have you won a prize yet? • We still haven´t won a prize • Have you ever won a prize? • I have lived in San Lorenzo for 4 years • I have lived in San Lorenzo since 1995  • Already (aff.) – ya • Just (aff.) – acabo de • Never (aff.) - nunca • Yet (neg.) – todavía • Yet (quest.) – ya • Still (aff./ neg.) – todavía • Ever (quest.) – alguna vez • For + period of time- durante • Since + point in time - desde Already just never yet still ever for since so far

  20. 4.Complete the sentences with a verb from the box using Present Perfect and one of the particles in brackets. Break buy finish do go be find lose paint read take • 1. Are they still having dinner?. No, they ______ . (already) • 2.I ___ some new shoes. Do you want to see them?. (just) • 3.Is Tom here?. Yes, he ______ to work. (yet) • 4.Where is your key?. I don ´t know. I _____________________ it ____ . (yet) • 5. ___________ you _____________ the shopping ____ ?. No, I , m going to do it later. (yet) • 6. ___________ you _____________ to the USA?. No, never. (ever) • 7. Look!. Somebody _______________ that window. • 8. Your house looks different. _______________ you ____________ it?. • 9. I can ´t find my umbrella. Somebody _________ it. (just) • 10. Do you want the newspaper?. No, thanks. I ________________________ it. (already). • Have already finished • Have just bought • Hasn ´t gone (to work) yet • Haven ´t found it yet • Have you done /the shopping) yet • Have you ever been • Has broken • Have you painted • Has just taken • have already read

  21. SPEAKING Saywhich of thesethings • A) youhavenever done • B) youhavealready done • C) youhaven´t done yet • D) youhavealwayswantedto do • E) thecraziest, themostexciting , etc. thingyou´veever done • Speak to a famous person • Be on TV • Have your fotune told • Se a James Bond film • See a house on fire • Fall in love • Win a lot of money • Buy a new car • Eat in a famous restaurant • Visit London or NewYork

  22. A painting/a frame • A paint brush • A model • A sculptor • An artist/canvas/ easel • A bust • A museum • An actor • An actress • A mask • A stage • A spotlight • director/megaphone • Audience/boos/ applause • Film projector/ reel/ film • Statue/pedestal • Screen • Usher • Palette • Tickets • Star, celebrity

  23. FILMS Doesorplays Script Shoots Tellsactorswhatto do Designs Play theparts Pays / makessure Act Business empty Comedy Action Adventure Sci-fi Horror Romantic Western Thriller Musical cartoon Stuntman Scriptwriter Cameraman Director Costumesdesigner Actor/actress Producer Extra Agency usher Casting Box office hit Take Screen Scene Double onlocation On set Feature film

  24. 1. Listen to the story of Philip Pullman Roald Dahl and fill in the gaps • Pullman or the S __________ • Without stories we wouldn´t be _______ ______ at all - • Author of an ______ ______ and best ____ trilogy • - The book ________ a girl on her _______ into ________ worlds • - It´s not an adventure story, it´s about ____, ____ and experience • - It explores the ________ ______ of ________ love and ______ • - He ______ part of his _______ travelling ________ • - As a child he went on _______ long sea _______ • - Soon ________ I discovered Batman too, ______ I loved ______ ______ • - I ______ that writing was much _______ than I _______ • - Before he _______ a _________ writer • - What I _______ _____ was telling ______ stories and _______stories and Greek ______ • - He used to ________ ____ his own stories • - One day he was _______ to get a letter even ____ the writer didn ´t know his address • - Dahl was named ______ Roald Amudssen. He _______ - ______ and was badly injured and ________ to England in 1960 • Storyteller • Human beings • Award-winning • Selling • Follows / journey/unknown • Growing up / innocence • Major /themes/truth/death • Spent /life / abroad • Several /voyages • Afterwards /whom /even more • Realized/harder/had expected • Became/ full-time • Enjoyed most/folk/ghosts/ Myths • Make up • Delighted /though • After /crash-landed /returned

  25. Sin historias no seríamos seres humanos en absoluto • Pasó una gran parte de su infancia viajando al extranjero • Antes de los 11 ya había estado en 8 colegios diferentes • La tele no había llegado a Australia todavía y poco después • Empecé a escribir y me di cuenta que era más difícil de lo que había pensado • Antes de dedicarse a escribir a tiempo completo, había estado de profe • Pero con lo que más disfrutaba era contando historias • Cuando era pequeño contaba incluso a sus amigos los mitos griegos y a veces se inventaba sus propias historias • Un día recibió una carta que decía era para el contador de cuentos. Pullman se dijo para si: “No se puede pedir nada mejor” • Without Stories we wouldn ´t be human beings at all • He spent a great deal of his life travelling abroad • Before he was 11, he had already been to 8 different schools • TV hadn ´t reached Australia yet and soon afterwards I … • I started writing and realized that it was much harder than I´d expected • Before I became a full-time writer I had been teaching … • But What I enjoyed the most was telling stories • When He was a child, he told his friends the Greek Mythsand sometimes he made up his own stories • One day he got a letter and the sender wrote : PhilipPullman the storyteller. He said to himself: “I can ´t ask for anything better”

  26. Do youremember? Full-time Best-selling myths themes Nameafter Enjoyedmost childhood delighted reached Crash-landed Humanbeings Soonafterwards Make up whom storyteller Eversince abroad Trips/voyages journeys realized Eventhough

  27. 1. False- It´s also about growing up, innocence and experience and it explores the themes of truth, love … • 2. N I • 3. True • 4. False- he loved batman even more than Superman • 5. False- He started writting his first novel the day after he´d finished his exams • 6. False- It was much harder than he had expected • 7. True • 8.N I • 9. true • 10. True

  28. Grammar practice • Was/had been • Had been reading/ discovered • Came/ had discovered • Had written/started • Came/ had created • Had been telling/ was

  29. Grammar: Past perfect /Continuous • She had been doing a crossword • He had been drawing her • He had drunk a glass of wine • He had eaten a sandwich • He had been looking at the girl • She had been reading the book • He hadbeenrunningtomeether • He hadbeen shopping • Shehadbeenwaiting • He hadbeendoingthewashing-up • He hadalreadywashed 4

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