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College of Architecture, Urban and Public Affairs. Strategic Plan Presentation. CAUPA. Student Enrollment, Diversity and Graduation. Strategic Plan. Goal 1, Objective 6 – Adopt strategies that assure racial and ethnic diversity within the student body.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. College of Architecture, Urban and Public Affairs Strategic Plan Presentation CAUPA

  2. Student Enrollment, Diversity and Graduation Strategic Plan • Goal 1, Objective 6 – Adopt strategies that assure racial and ethnic diversity within the student body. • Goal 1, Objective 7 – Adopt strategies that assure that degree completions reflect the racial and ethnic composition of the student body.

  3. Student Enrollment and Diversity Fall 2006 Headcount Enrollment

  4. Student Enrollment and Diversity

  5. Student Enrollment and Diversity

  6. Student Graduation and Diversity 2006 Degrees Awarded (Calendar Year)

  7. Faculty Diversity Faculty Diversity 2006/2007

  8. Student Retention Strategic Plan • Goal 1, Objective 3 – Promote the academic success and improve the retention rate of first-time-in-college (FTIC) students. • Goal 1, Objective 4 – Promote timely completion of degrees and increase the graduation rate of FTIC students. • Goal 1, Objective 5 – Promote the timely completion of degrees and increase the graduation rate of Associate in Arts transfer students.

  9. Student Retention

  10. Faculty Salary Comparison • Goal 3, Objective 5 – Provide competitive faculty salaries that will assure recruitment and retention of a diverse and highly productive faculty who will contribute to building superior academic programs and research capacity. Strategic Plan

  11. Faculty Salary Comparison

  12. Technology Strategic Plan • Goal 5, Objective 1 – Provide colleges and non-academic units adequate and stable funding to maintain the information technology (IT) infrastructure necessary for instruction, research and other creative activities, and support and administrative functions. • Goal 5, Objective 4 – Provide improved information technology infrastructure and support for University and college research and collaborative projects.

  13. Technology • New resources in the School of Architecture are making the integration of design and technology much better for students. Faculty are developing new digital design courseware to teach Building Information Management as part of the digital design sequence in the curriculum. They are currently negotiating the remaining software needed to outfit a teaching lab. • A college goal over the next three years is to find the resources to purchase a 3-D printer, a laser cutter and a 3-axis milling machine (approximately $60,000 in equipment and software). This equipment would be used for digital fabrication. This type of equipment is widely available in peer institutions. • Students in the School Architecture built three information kiosks. One will be placed in the lobby of the Askew Tower to exhibit student work, one will be at the Boca Raton campus and the third will be housed at the Fort Lauderdale campus

  14. Community Outreach Strategic Plan Goal 4, Objective 4 – Communicate effectively to both internal and external audiences the University’s community outreach activities Goal 4, Objective 5 – Engage students, faculty and staff in service activities that mutually benefit the University and the community.

  15. Community Outreach • School of Architecture and the Department of Urban and Regional Planning collaborated on a 12 day intensive course, “The Informed City,” in which through the collaborative efforts of students and faculty they developed a 4-D model of the Fort Lauderdale campus. This model has been presented to the City Commission and elsewhere. • School of Public Administration, in partnership with the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics, is having a one-day training program, Accountability and Ethics in Public Procurement in April. • The Department of Urban and Regional Planning celebrated its fifth year of its Adopt-A-Waterway Program in partnership with Broward County, Broward Urban River Trails, and the Wildlife Research team.

  16. Community Outreach • Students in Architectural Design Studio worked with faculty to design an orphanage and school for orphans in Uganda. The project was initiated by the local charity, Food, Shelter, Health Ministries who approached the School of Architecture about developing a master plan for the site that could serve as the basis for a real facility outside of Kampala. • The Department of Urban and Regional Planning in collaboration with the School of Architecture has developed a 4-D model for cities which can be used for airports, ports, harbors and other public facilities for security, planning, zoning and other activities.

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