Robot Soccer RoboCup is an international competition whose goal is to advance research and education in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics through friendly competition.The event was founded in 1993 and it poses a grand challenge: to develop autonomous robots capable of winning against the human World Cup soccer team by 2050. Every year, teams from all over the world gather for some friendly competition, and the event has been held in many places including USA, Germany, China,Austria and Singapore. RFC Cambridge is a joint Harvard-MIT undergraduate team that competes in the small-size robot soccer league. The club was created in 2005. We participate in the small-size league, where each team creates a robot team of five autonomous robots that cooperate to defeat another team’s robots at soccer. The rules are very similar to real soccer (even yellow cards and penalty kicks!) The small-size league brings together many disciplines of engineering: Students design their own robots and can innovate in body and electrical design. Students also design the software: the vision algorithms and the robot motion control. And the “intelligence” which is how the robot team decides what actions to take in order to win.RFC has over 30 active members, from freshman to seniors. We are supported by Harvard SEAS, MIT Edgerton Center, and many corporate sponsors. ggggg ggggg kkkkkkkkk gggggggggg kkkkkkkkk www.rfccambridge.com