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宇宙線エネルギースペクトルの解釈. 柳田昭平 (茨城大学) 三宅晶子 (茨城大学) 村石浩 (北里大学) 吉田龍生 (茨城大学). Part 0. Introduction. Generation of the Observed Cosmic Rays. C(E,A,Z)=D[M[P[A[I[S(E’,A’,Z’)]]]] Ø(E,A,Z)=M -1 [D -1 [C(E’,A,Z)]] R. E. Lingenfelter, 16th ICRC(1979). Spectrometers (DA = 1 resolution,
宇宙線エネルギースペクトルの解釈 柳田昭平 (茨城大学) 三宅晶子 (茨城大学) 村石浩 (北里大学) 吉田龍生 (茨城大学)
Part 0 Introduction
Generation of the Observed Cosmic Rays C(E,A,Z)=D[M[P[A[I[S(E’,A’,Z’)]]]] Ø(E,A,Z)=M-1[D-1[C(E’,A,Z)]] R. E. Lingenfelter, 16th ICRC(1979)
Spectrometers (DA = 1 resolution, good E resolution) Air showers Calorimeters (less good resolution) Air-shower arrays on the ground to overcome low flux. Don’t see primaries directly. Direct measurements Knee Ankle
Spectral Energy Distribution (linear plot shows most E < 100 GeV) (4p/c) Ef(E) = local differential CR energy density Energetics of cosmic rays • Total local energy density: • (4p/c) ∫ Ef(E) dE ~ 10-12 erg/cm3 ~ B2 / 8p • Power needed: (4p/c) ∫ Ef(E) /tesc(E) dE galactic tesc ~ 107 E-0.6 yrs Power ~ 10-26 erg/cm3s • Supernova power: 1051 erg per SN ~3 SN per century in disk ~ 10-25 erg/cm3s • SN model of galactic CR Power spectrum from shock acceleration, propagation
Lessons from the heliosphere • ACE energetic particle fluences: • Smooth spectrum • composed of several distinct components: • Most shock accelerated • Many events with different shapes contribute at low energy (< 1 MeV) • Few events produce ~10 MeV • Knee ~ Emax of a few events • Ankle at transition from heliospheric to galactic cosmic rays R.A. Mewaldtet al., A.I.P. Conf. Proc. 598 (2001) 165
Part 1 Solar Modulation of the Galactic Cosmic Rays Revisit by a Relatively New Method
diffusion convection drift adiabatic energy loss : particle guiding center : particle momentum : Wiener process given by Gaussian distribution 1. Motivation Numerical simulation methods Parker’s transport equation(Parker 1965) : solar wind velocity : time : distribution function : gradient-curvature drift velocity : particle momentum : diffusion coefficient tensor SDE equivalent to Parker’s transport eq. (Yamada, Yanagita and Yoshida 1998; Zhang 1999)
Stochastic differential equation (SDE) • The SDE method is easy to solve. • The solution of the SDE backward in time provides information not available by other numerical methods. e.g. • distribution of energy loss and arrival time • trajectory of particles • distribution of entrance points of GCRs • (heliolatitude-longitude distribution) What’s new in the present work • steady and 3-D solar modulation problem • flat current sheet Zhang (1999) : ★We developed the time-dependent and 3-D code adapted for the wavy current sheet.
⊙ 2. Model Relevant some parameters • boundary of the heliosphere : • solar wind velocity : • Magnetic field : Parker spiral • diffusion coefficient :
⊙ ⊙ Model of the current sheet change of over the 11-year period : ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ (cf. Jokipii and Thomas 1981) radius of the sun constant
3. Results - Sample trajectories - Distribution of exit point - 22-year modulation cycle - Energy spectrum
qA>0 (Positive) qA<0 (Negative) Sample trajectories Drift pattern of a sample particle Red : Positive polarity Blue : Negative polarity
Distribution of exit (entrance) point at the boundary Observer : northern the current sheet Observer : southern the current sheet
negative negative positive positive (http://neutronm.bartol.udel.edu/modplot.html) 22-year modulation cycle
negative negative positive positive Flat Sharp (http://neutronm.bartol.udel.edu/modplot.html) 22-year modulation cycle
Energy spectrum • existence of the random transverse component of the HMF at the polar regions • (Jokipii and Kota 1989) • fast polar solar wind The particles for Positive polarity will be more modulated.
Charge dependence (A>0, 30deg)
Charge dependence (A>0, 30deg)
4. Summary • The results anticipated by the drift pattern are obtained for the sample trajectories and the distribution of exit (entrance) point at the heliospheric boundary. • Our simulation based on the SDE method reproduced a 22-year modulation cycle which is qualitatively consistent with observations. • Our model spectrum for qA < 0 agrees with BESS result, however it fails to reproduce the observed spectrum for qA > 0. • The modifications on the heliospheric structure at polar region are required.
Part 2 Galactic Modulation of Extragalactic Cosmic Rays Speculation of the Origin of the Knee
Simplified Stationary 1-dimensional Model Spectrum bends at Solar modulation Galactic modulation Rmax PCbend
1. Introduction -CR spectrum, origin of CRs, etc.
CR all particle spectrum ∝E -2.7 knee ∝E -3 SNR origin [Differetial Flux (m-2 s-1 sr-1 (GeV/particle)-1) ]×E 2.5 unknown Total Energy E (eV/particle) 3×1015eV →Power law spectrum ~E -2.7 (<3×1015 eV) ~E -3.0 (3×1015ー 1018 eV) →Spectral break around 1015 eV (refered to as the ‘knee’)
SNR origin of CRs below 1015 eV General arguments (1) Energetics (2) Shock acceleration mechanism (3) Elemental and Isotopic Composition • SNRs have the necessary power and the Fermi shock acceleration mechanism provides the observed spectrum. Direct evidence (1) GeV CRs • Synchrotron radio emission from SNRs • π0 decay γ-rays from several SNRs by EGRET (Esposito et al. 1996) (2) TeV CRs • Synchrotron X-rays from several SNRs (SN1006, RXJ1713,…) (Koyama et al. 1995; Koyama et al. 1997, etc.) • TeV γ-rays from SNRs RX J1713.7-3946have been detected !! (Muraishi et al. 2000; Enomoto et al. 2002; Aharonian et al. 2004) ※CRs above the ‘knee’ is still unknown !
※ Possibility of the Galactic modulation of extragalactic CRs ? Muraishi, Yanagita & Yoshida, Prog. Theor. Phys. 113 , pp.721-731(2005) Possible origin of CRs between 1015 and 1018 eV (1) Escape from the galaxy of more energetic particles (Peters 1960) (2) Z dependence of the maximum energy in shock acceleration (Drury 1983, Lagage & Cesarsky 1983) (3) Reacceleration of GCRs (Jokipii & Morfill 1985) (4) Change of the interaction models in EAS (Erlykin & Wolfendale 2000) (5)Necessity of anomalous (extragalactic) CRs ?? (Fichtel & Linsley 1986)
2. Galactic modulation of extragalactic CRs -Motivation -Simulation method and Results
Motivation -Possible existence of V.H.E. CRs in IGS - ○ recent observational results from ICM • EUV and hard X-ray emissions from ICM (Ensslin et al. 1999) • Isotropic extragalactic γ-ray background (Loeb & Waxman 2000) →Existence of L.E. CR electron If nuclear components with energy up to 1018 eV also exist in the inter-galactic space including around our galaxy, these components modulated by the galactic wind should be directly observable !!! → We numerically examine such a possibility.
Schematic view of our model knee Intergalactic space ∝E-3 ∝E -3 [Differetial Flux (m-2 s-1 sr-1 (GeV/particle)-1) ]×E 2.5 Galactic sphere hypothetical extragalactic CRs Galactic wind Total Energy E (eV/particle) 3×1015eV Solar system r = 8.5 kpc G.C. Boundary R
― Fokker-Plank Eq.(spherical symmetric case) ― (Parker 1965) radial distance time speed of the galactic wind distribution function particle momentum diffusion coefficient for radial propagation ― SDEs equivalent to F-P eq. ― (Yamada, Yanagita & Yoshida 1998) Wiener process given by a Gaussian distribution
☆diffusion coefficient Bohm diffusion coefficient the ratio of diffusion mean free path to Larmor radius magnetic field in the galactic halo
Galactic modulated spectra of protons at Earth (r = 8.5 kpc) ・ radial distance of the galactic sphere: ∝E-3 (Zirakashvili et al. 1996) ・ speed of the galactic wind: (Zirakashvili et al. 1996) ・ magnetic field: → The spectrum breaks around the knee energy. → If eta increased by some factor, the break point is shifted to lower energy by the same factor.
Modulated spectra of various nuclear components ∝E-3 → The break point of the nuclear components is shifted to higher energy by a factor of Z compared with that for protons. (ex)η=1000
Break point in the modulated spectrum of the hypothetical extragalactic CRs ∝E-3 →The resultant modulated spectrum depends on five parameters, η, Z, R, V, and B. →If we difine the breaking energy Ebreak as the energy at which the modulated spectrum becomes maximal, then…
3. A model of the all-particle spectrum near the knee region
― A model of the all-particle spectrum expected all-particle spectrum modulated extragalactic component (←usingour result!) component originating in SNRs in our galaxy atomic number each nuclear components maximum energy attained by proton accelerated in SNRs spectral index of each nuclear components z →We fit fSNR with the results of various direct observation in TeV energy region.
Energy spectra obtained using direct measurements and the fitted curves (ex) Emax=500TeV → We define the sum of these components as the SNR component, FSNR .
∝E -3 Single-component model for Fmodul(E ) proton (ex1) FModul(E) = fModul (E) proton → We can replace fModul with another nuclear component, fModul . Z Fe (ex2) FModul(E) = fModul (E) →Our model can reproduces the observed spectrum around the knee fairly well !
∝E -3 proton He FModul = fModul + fModul + fModul + fModul + fModul NeMgSi CNO Fe Composite model for Fmodul(E ) (ex3) →we can also reproduce the spectrum using the model with a composite hypothetical CRs
(ex1) Single-component model forFmodul = fModul (ex2) Single-component model forFmodul = fModul proton Fe Expected mean mass of CRs around the knee region all Fe → (ex3) Composite model for He proton FModul = fModul + fModul + fModul + fModul + fModul <ln A> CNO Fe NeMgSi All proton → → Our model should be tested by future experiments in an energy range much higher than the knee.
4. Discussion -Energetics of hypothetical extragalacticCRs -Possible origin
hypothetical extragalactic CRs ∝E-3 ★Energetics of the hypothetical CRs Upper limit • If the hypothetical CRs pervade the intergalactic space uniformly and the spectrum extends down to their rest mass energy ( ), • Corresponding density parameter ( ~ ) (Burles et al. 2001) →CRs contribute to Dark Matter ?? →The spectrum becomes harder in the energy lower than the knee? →CRs are confined in local regions?
hypothetical extragalactic CRs ∝E-3 ∝E-2 1014.5 eV Lower limit • If the hypothetical CR spectrum becomes harder with the index of 2 in the energy range lower than 10^14.5 eV, … →much small !
★Possible origin of hypothetical extragalactic CRs • Reacceleration of GCRs ? (Jokipii & Morfill 1985) • Early starburst in galaxy clusters? (Voelk & Atoyan 2000) • Cluster merger ? (Blasi 2001) • Shock acceleration in large-scale • structure formation ? More energetic ! (Miniati et al. 2000) In the future • TeV γ-ray observation from cluster merger →existence of shock accelerated extragalactic CRs →relation between extragalactic CRs and CRs above the knee
5. Conclusion • All-particle spectrum of CRs around “the knee” • region is reproduced well by a superposition of • the two components, GCRs of SNR origion and, the extragalactic CRs modulated by the galactic wind. • The position of “the knee” may give us ideas on the • structure of the galactic sphere (its size, the speed of • the galactic wind, and etc.‥‥etc.) . • Future observations of CRs above the knee region • will tell us the chemical composition of the • extragalactic CRs. • Simulation experiments in more realistic setting • for galactic structure are needed.