You are trying to control dallisgrass in a bermudagrass turf and need to apply MSMA at a rate of 3 lbs. per acre. How much Daconate do you need to add to each tankful of spray mix? Assume you are using a 200 gal. Sprayer that applies 40 gals. per acre. (Daconate contains 6 lbs. MSMA per gallon). 200 gals. / tank 40 gals. / acre = 5 acres / tank
You are trying to control dallisgrass in a bermudagrass turf and need to apply MSMA at a rate of 3 lbs. per acre. How much Daconate do you need to add to each tankful of spray mix? Assume you are using a 200 gal. Sprayer that applies 40 gals. per acre. (Daconate contains 6 lbs. MSMA per gallon). 200 gals. / tank 40 gals. / acre = 5 acres / tank 5 acres/tank x 3 lbs. MSMA/A = 15 lbs. MSMA/tank 15 lbs. MSMA/tank 6 lbs. MSMA/gal. of Daconate 2.5 gals. of Daconate/tank =
You are trying to control dallisgrass in a bermudagrass turf and need to apply MSMA at a rate of 3 lbs. per acre. How much Daconate do you need to add to each tankful of spray mix? Assume you are using a 200 gal. Sprayer that applies 40 gals. per acre. (Daconate contains 6 lbs. MSMA per gallon). 200 gals. / tank 40 gals. / acre = 5 acres / tank 5 acres/tank x 3 lbs. MSMA/A = 15 lbs. MSMA/tank
How much Barricade 65 WG do you add to a 150 gallon sprayer to apply 1.5 lbs. product per acre? The sprayer was calibrated to apply 25 gallons water per acre. 150 gals. / tank 25 gals. / acre = 6 acres / tank
How much Barricade 65 WG do you add to a 150 gallon sprayer to apply 1.5 lbs. product per acre? The sprayer was calibrated to apply 25 gallons water per acre. 150 gals. / tank 25 gals. / acre = 6 acres / tank 6 acres/tank x 1.5 lbs. Barricade 65 WG/acre = 9 lbs. Barricade 65 WG/acre
You have had a severe problem with crabgrass in the past years and this year you decide to treat your fairways (30 acres) with the preemergent herbicide, Pre-M 60 DG at a rate of 3 lbs. of active ingredient per acre. Your 100 gal. capacity sprayer is calibrated to put out 25 gpa. How much Pre-M 60 DG do you add to each tankful of spray mix? 100 gals. / tank 25 gals. / acre = 4 acres / tank
You have had a severe problem with crabgrass in the past years and this year you decide to treat your fairways (30 acres) with the preemergent herbicide, Pre-M 60 DG at a rate of 3 lbs. of active ingredient per acre. Your 100 gal. capacity sprayer is calibrated to put out 25 gpa. How much Pre-M 60 DG do you add to each tankful of spray mix? 100 gals. / tank 25 gals. / acre = 4 acres / tank 4 acres/tank x 3 lbs. a.i./A = 12 lbs. a.i./tank
You have had a severe problem with crabgrass in the past years and this year you decide to treat your fairways (30 acres) with the preemergent herbicide, Pre-M 60 DG at a rate of 3 lbs. of active ingredient per acre. Your 100 gal. capacity sprayer is calibrated to put out 25 gpa. How much Pre-M 60 DG do you add to each tankful of spray mix? 100 gals. / tank 25 gals. / acre = 4 acres / tank 4 acres/tank x 3 lbs. a.i./A = 12 lbs. a.i./tank 12 lbs. a.i./tank 0.6 lbs. a.i./1 lb Pre-M 60 DG 20 lbs. Pre-M 60 DG/tank =