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Adam Mickiewicz University a long tradition of Academic Poznań. The U niversity was opened in 1919 but …. Where we are ?. Poland in the UE now. Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1619.
Adam Mickiewicz Universitya longtradition of Academic Poznań The University was opened in 1919 but …
Where we are? Poland in the UE now Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1619 Polonya(Lehçe: Polska (yardım·bilgi), okunuşu: /pɔls.ka/), resmî adı Polonya Cumhuriyeti (Lehçe: Rzeczpospolita Polska (yardım·bilgi), okunuşu: /ʐɛt͡ʂ.pɔsˈ.pɔ.lʲita pɔls.ka/) Orta Avrupa'da bulunan bir ülke. Komşuları, batıda Almanya, güneybatıda Çek Cumhuriyeti, güneyde Slovakya, kuzeydoğuda Rusya Federasyonu ve Litvanya, doğuda Belarus, güneydoğuda Ukrayna ve kuzeyde Baltık Denizi'dir. Ülke 312.679 km²'lik yüzölçümüyle Avrupa'nın dokuzuncu, dünyanın altmış dokuzuncu büyük ülkesidir. Yaklaşık 38 milyonluk nüfusuyla dünya sıralamasında en kalabalık 33. ülkedir. OttomanEmpire
A flash from history… • Xthcentury – christianization of Poland since 966 by the Duke Mieszko I (in Poznań) • Since 1025 – Kingdom of Poland • Since 1385 until 1572 – Jagiellon dynasty - Poland is a regionalpower (in rivalrywithtTurkey for the south-east Europe) • 1414 – firstdiplomaticagreementbetween Poland and Turkey (Władysław Jagiełło-Mehmed I) • (firstdiplomaticcontactsbetween the OttomanEmpire and Christian Europe • XVI-XVII century – in multiplewarsagainstRussia, Sweeden, Turkey, Cossackuprisings, • Battle of ViennaaginstOttomanarmy (Kara Mustafa) 1683 • XVII wars and decline of the Kingdom • partitions of Poland in 1772, 1793, 1795 • Polishpatriotsparticpate in the Napoleon Bonaparte wars • political and moralsupport from the OttomanEmpire for Polishindependence (Turkey neverrecognized the partition of Poland) • Russo-Turkish war (1768-1774) for Polishindependence • Polishlegionsparticipated in the Crimean War (1853-1856) as a part of TurkishArmy 1500 • verygood relations between Poland and Turkey after the First World War. Verygoodbilateralcontacts. • Poland joined the EU on May 1, 2004. JagiellonianKingdoms OttomanEmpire
Collaboration for war and peace At the Crimean War polishpartiotsattemted to form a Polish Legion (initiative of Adam Mickiewicz) Michał Czajkowski, Sadyk Pasza, Mehmed SadykEffendi (Polonezköy), Crimean War (1853-1856) Mickiewicz's temporary grave under his Istanbul apartment, now Adam Mickiewicz Museum Władysław Miśkiewicz (1820?-1883) in the Czajkowski’s Legion Collaboration between the Adam Mickiewicz University and TurkishGovernment Researchmission by prof. Tadeusz Vetulani in Anatolya A Polishnoblemen in typicalorientalcostume of Turkishorigine(kontos) (XVII c.)
Womans in commonhistory HasekiHürremSultan, Roxelana (born Aleksandra Lisowska (1506-1558)) Wife of Suleiman the Magnificent Ayşe Leyla Gencer, (d. 10 Ekim 1928; Polonezköy, ö. 10 Mayıs 2008[1]; Milano), Türkopera sanatçısı. 20. yüzyılın en önemli sopranolarından birisi olarak görülür Leyla Gencer 1928'de Polonezköy'de doğdu. Babası Safranbolulu köklü Müslüman bir ailenin oğlu olan Hasanzade İbrahim Bey, annesi PolonyalıKatolik bir ailenin kızı olan Alexandra Angela Minakovska'dır. Ailesi sonradan Çeyrekgil soyadını aldı. Annesi, İbrahim beyle evlendikten sonra Müslüman olup Atiye adını aldı. Gencer ileriki yıllarda bir röportajında "Müslüman ve oryantal bir altyapıdan geliyorum" demiştir.[1]
Womans in commonhistory HasekiHürremSultan, Roxelana (born Aleksandra Lisowska (1506-1558)) Wife of Suleiman the Magnificent Ayşe Leyla Gencer(ur. 10 października1928 w Polonezköy, zm. 10 maja2008 w Mediolanie[1][2]) – turecka śpiewaczka operowa, sopran, jedna z najsłynniejszych wykonawczyń ról bel canto. Nazywana "Królową" oraz "Divą turecką". Jej matka Alexandra Angela Minakovska była Polką, pochodzącą z Polonezköy – polskiej wioski w Turcji. Ukończyła konserwatorium w Stambule, po czym uczyła się prywatnie w Ankarze razem z włoskąsopranistkąGianninąArangi-Lombardi i śpiewała w chórze tureckiego teatru narodowego. W 1950 r. zadebiutowała jako Santuzza w Rycerskości wieśniaczej. Jej talent został szybko dostrzeżony w kraju, jednak artystka już po trzech latach wyjechała na zawsze z Turcji, by robić karierę na scenach włoskich. Miała tam spędzić resztę swojego życia.
ADAM MICKIEWICZ UNIVERSITY Founded in 1919 it inherits from the tradition of Lubrański Academy founded in 1519 and the tradition of Jesuit College founded in 1573. The College of Jesuits was transformedinto the University by a law of privilege of October 28, 1611 from the King Sigismund III Vasa (but this law was never applied). After the Second World War (in the 50ties) the university gave birth to a number ofacademic schools like the University of Medicine, University of Agriculture, Academy of Sports. Now, UAM constitutes the community of students, teachers and administrative staff which amounts to more then 50,000 people. It is divided into 15faculties: Biology, Chemistry, English, Educational studies, Geography and Geology, History, Law and Administration, Mathematics and Computer Science, Modern Languages and Literature, Pedagogy and Fine Arts, Physics, Polish and Classical Philologies, PoliticalSciences and JournalismSocial Sciences, Theology. The AMU Centre for Sport and Exercisehasinter-facultycharacter
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science The main research domains at the Faculty of mathematics and computer science arethe following in mathematics: functional analysis, number theory, graph theory, mathematical logic, theory of formal languages, numerical analysis. in computer science:language engineering and computer linguistics (computer undestanding of natural language, electronic language resources), AI, theoretical computer science. Teachingisbased on lectures, practicallaboratorywork, projects and individualconsultations. Research is organised in seminars and projects which often have inter-faculty character and involve students. Faculty of Mathematics and ArtificialIntelligence PL-61614 Poznań ul. Umultowska 87 tel. +48-61-8295308, fax +48-61-8295315
Department of Computer Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence – recent and currentresearchareas Prof. Zygmunt Vetulani Natural Language Understanding (text) Dialogue Systems, Man-Machine Communication WordNet („PolNet-PolishWordnet”) MorphologicDictionaries, parsing of freeword order languages Publications: www.amu.edu.pl/~vetulani Dr Jacek Marciniak LT and AI in application to e-learning; inteligent tutoringsystems; ontologies Dr Tomasz Obrębski Development of rule based dependency parsingTextprocessing technologies in the research on speech disorder in schizophrenia. Dr Marek Kubis Tools for wordnetprocessing and maintenance Department of Computer Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence PL-61614 Poznań, ul. Umultowska 87 tel. +48-61-8295380, fax +48-61-8295315 Head of Department: Prof. dr hab. ZygmuntVetulani http://main/amu.edu.pl/~zlisi vetulani@amu.edu.pl
Department of Computer Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence – recent and currentresearchareas Everytwoyears the Departmentorganises the Language and Technology Conferences: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics. Formerconferenceswereorganised in 1995, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013 in Poznań. 3 days, over 100 paperspresentedeachtime; participants from over 40 countries (in increase). Information: http://www.ltc.amu.edu.pl Department of Computer Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence PL-61614 Poznań, ul. Umultowska 87 tel. +48-61-8295380, fax +48-61-8295315 Head of Department: Prof. dr hab. ZygmuntVetulani http://main/amu.edu.pl/~zlisi vetulani@amu.edu.pl
Department of ComputerLinguistics and ArtificialIntelligence Currentresearchteam members and LTC 2013 organisers Department of Computer Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence PL-61614 Poznań, ul. Umultowska 87 tel. +48-61-8295380, fax +48-61-8295315 Head of Department: Prof. dr hab. ZygmuntVetulani http://main/amu.edu.pl/~zlisi vetulani@amu.edu.pl