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Acidity is the discomforting burning sensation that can take place in the chest region as well as in the throat region. The other causes of acidity can be Indigestion, Constipation, Restlessness, Nausea, Burping, Sour taste etc. There are many home remedies that can be effective in bringing down the acidity. They are like having foods that are low in fat but high in protein, don't skip meals, have proper sleep, take less stress etc.
INTRODUCTION Acidity is one of the most common problems seen in everyone, includingthe clientsofTruweight.Whileacidityisn’tamajorconditionlikediabetesorheart disease but the discomfort it causes is equivalent or evenmore! There could be numerous reasons of you suffering from acidity. For different cases, the reasons or causes differ, the dietary approach has to be custom- ized according to theircauses. Do you suffer from acidity and are brushing it under the carpet? Don’t avoid it, instead Consult a TruweightNutrition Coach forFREE.
ARE THEIR ANY ACIDITYSYMPTOM TO LOOK OUTFOR? Usual Symptoms ofacidity: Heartburn or a burning sensation in the chest. Sometimes it can be present in the throattoo. Indigestion Constipation Restlessness Nausea Burping Sourtaste
COMMON ACIDITY-RELATED FOODMYTHS, FINALLYBUSTED! Havinganattack?Peoplewillrushtoyouwithabunchofsolutions.Themost common and popular one being the cold milk! However does it really work? Weexplore2suchfoodswhicharesupposedtocureaciditypermanently.
IS COLD MILK GOOD FOR ACIDITY? Cold milk only provides temporary relief from heartburn or acid reflux. If you happen to drink cold milk on a full stomach, then chances of it releasingacid increases. Instead, go for a glass ofwater!
WHICH FRUIT JUICE IS GOOD FOR ACIDITY? Avoid citrus fruit juices instead, go for the vegetable juices like carrot juice, aloe vera juice, apple juice, and green leafy juice are fine. Citrus fruits can increase acidsecretion. Whenever consulting a dietician for a diet, make sure you run through your dietician with your food sensitivities, if you haveany.
WHAT ARE THE REASONS FOR ACIDITY? There are 11 most common causes of acidity. We list them down foryou. Long gaps betweenmeals Irregularmealtimings,longandoddworkinghoursaresomeofthecommon reasons. Most people working the night shift have acidity and other gastric problems.
SENSITIVE TO SOURFOODS Many people cannot tolerate sour foods, this can aggravate their acidity. For some, acidity can be aggravated even with mild acidic food. Usually, acid containing food like Trujuice, Amla drink, lemon water, citrus fruits are not tolerated on empty stomach. You can try to eat them at different timing by combining with a neutralfood.
TOO MUCH COFFEE OR TEA This again is a common cause. When taken on an empty stomach, tea or coffee could triggeracidity. High fibrefoods Many women face acidity problems after starting on high fibre foods like brown rice, vegetable juice, raw salads, sprouts etc. In such cases, theycan gradually proceed from white rice to semi-polished rice. Boiled or steamed vegetables and sprouts are rather better than raw. They can consume Trufi- ber with small quantity until they are comfortable to increasefurther.
GUT BACTERIA IMBALANCE Imbalance in the gut bacteria can also cause acidity. This can be tackled by having probiotic supplements and foods with a natural probiotic like butter- milk. Spicyfood Most people with acidity complaint cannot tolerate spicy food as spices increase acid secretions in thestomach.
LOW ACIDLEVEL While acidity always brings out the image of excess acid secretion; bloating andindigestionalsofallsunderthiscategory.Formanypeople,lowstomach acidproductioncanhinderdigestionandcausebloating.Insuchcases,acid- ityandbloatingcanbemanagedbydietarymodification.Addingafewacidic foods canhelp.
Lack ofsleep • Too muchstress • Other foodsensitivities • Food sensitivities like alcohol, gluten, dairyetc can also causeacidity. • Medications • Antibiotics, steroids, anti-depressants etc can lead to low acidlevels. • Bottom-line – Understand the underlyingcause of acidity and the related symptoms. The first and foremost thing would be to eliminate the cause rather than giving our ownremedies.
TRUWEIGHTTIP Usual Symptoms ofacidity: Hyperacidity is a medical condition wherein the stomach is known tosecrete an abnormal level of acid. Hurry, worry, and spicy curry are the reasons for hyperacidity. How to know if you have hyperacidity? Well, you will have symptoms like sudden stomach pain, vomiting, loss of appetite, flatulence, andheartburn.
HOW TO CURE ACIDITYPERMANENTLY? Youcansaygoodbyetoacidityforeverbytweakingyourlifestyle.Hereare4 simple ways you can dothat.
EATING ANDLIFESTYLE Acidity can be conquered by simply tweaking yourdiet. For starters, always prefer foods that are low in fat but high in protein! So when given an option to consume grilled chicken sandwich or paneer sand- wich or pizza; go for the protein sandwich. Eating small frequent meals is also a trick so that you give something to your stomach acid to keepworking on. And importantly remember ‘Hara Hachi Bu’ which means don’t stuff yourself till you feelfull.
KNOW YOUR TRIGGERS Does chocolate bring out the acidity attack or is it that can of cola? DO you feel your throat burning after that evening cup of coffee? Then try eliminating these foods from your diet and notice if it makes adifference!
SLEEP MAKES THEDIFFERENCE! To counter acidity, you need to get 8 hours of sleep. Sure! But according to WebMD, these sleeping positions can help you counter the flush of stomach acid into your food pipe. Trick 1: Place few logs of wood under the head of the bed. This will help keep the con- tents of the stomach to travel up and prevent heartburn. More pillows under your head don’t help somuch. Trick 2: Give a gap of 2-3 hours afterdinner
ADOPTING A HEALTHYLIFESTYLE Acidityisnotaseriouscondition,youcanovercomeitifyoufollowsomehealthylifestyle tips. Apart from these healthy lifestyle tips, you can remember these pointstoo: Don’t wear tight belts or pants as it can put pressure on your belly. It could make the stomach acid travel upwards into the food pipe to causeheartburn. If you are obese or overweight, then it is just like like wearing a tight belt! Lose some weightnow.Hereisagoodstartforyou,afreeconsultationfromaTruweightnutritionist. Stop smoking if you do! Smoking increases the secretion of stomach acid and this one can’t be managed simply by dietarychanges.
SOME HOME REMEDIES FORACIDITY Although doctors may recommend an antacid whenever you are down with a bad bout ofacidity,somehomeremediescanbethefirststeptocureaciditypermanently.Welist them down and how to eat them foryou. Banana: Ripe bananas have potassium which can reduce the production of stomach acid. Overripe ones have even more! So when everything seems to be burning up, douse the flames with a ripebanana Tulsi:Chewingon5-6tulsileavescanhelpabatetheacidwavesinthebody.Whytulsi? Because it helps produce mucous, the slimy protective layer in the food pipe which makes it immune to the acidattack. Aniseedor saunf:Thevolatileoilsinthesefragrantseedsdoesthetrick.Chewafew and find relief. Or add a teaspoon in a glass of hot water, strain and drink thewater. Jeera,cloveandelaichi:Thisisforindigestionrelatedacidity.Allthesemasalashelp stimulate the saliva and jack up the digestionprocess. Mint leaves: Just as mint is associated with a cooling effect, it does exactly the same to your stomach too. Chew a few leaves or boil them in water to have theiressence. Amla: According to Ayurveda, amla’s vitamin C is a kappha and pitta pacifier! A tea- spoon of amla powder consumed twice a day can do thetrick.