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Relational Database Design Theory. Lecture 6. Relational Database Design. Features of Good Relational Design First Normal Form Decomposition Using Functional Dependencies Functional Dependency Theory Algorithms for Functional Dependencies and Dependency preserving Decompositions
Relational Database Design Theory Lecture 6
Relational Database Design • Features of Good Relational Design • First Normal Form • Decomposition Using Functional Dependencies • Functional Dependency Theory • Algorithms for Functional Dependencies and Dependency preserving Decompositions • BCNF and 3D Normal Form • Decomposition Using Multivalued Dependencies and 4th Normal Form • Database Design Process • Modeling Temporal Data
University Schema • Classroom (bldg, rid, capacity) • Department (dname, bldg, budget) • Course (cid, title, dname, credits) • Instructor (ID, name, dname, salary) • Section (cid, sid, semester, year, bldg, rid, timeslotId) • Teaches (ID, cid, sid, semester, year) • Student (ID, name, dname, totCredit) • Takes (ID, cid, sid semester, year, grade) • Advisor (stID, inID) • Timeslot (tid, day, startH, startM, endH, endM) • Prereq (cid, prereqID)
Combine Schemas? • Suppose we combine instructor and department into inst_dept as shown in a table below • Result is possible repetition of information (see CS department) • Furthermore if a new department is created but staff is not hired yet, nulls must be introduced
A Combined Schema Without Repetition • Consider combining relations • sec_class(sec_id, building, room_number) and • section(course_id, sec_id, semester, year) into one relation • section(course_id, sec_id, semester, year, building, room_number) • No repetition in this case Why?
A Combined Schema Without Repetition • Consider combining loan_branch and loan loan_amt_br = (loan_number, amount, branch_name) • No repetition (as suggested by example below) Why?
What About Smaller Schemas? • Suppose we had started with inst_dept. How would we know to split up (decompose) it into instructor and department? • Denote as a functional dependency: dnamebuilding, budget • In inst_dept, because dname is not a candidate key, the building and budget of a department may have to be repeated. • This indicates the need to decompose inst_dept • Not all decompositions are good. Suppose we decomposeemployee(ID, name, street, city, salary) into employee1 (ID, name) employee2 (name, street, city, salary) • The next slide shows how we lose information -- we cannot reconstruct the original employee relation -- and so, this is a lossy decomposition.
Example of Lossless-Join Decomposition • Lossless join decomposition • Decomposition of R = (A, B, C) R1 = (A, B) R2 = (B, C) A B C A B B C 1 2 A B 1 2 1 2 A B r B,C(r) A,B(r) A B C A (r) B (r) 1 2 A B
First Normal Form • Domain is atomic if its elements are considered to be indivisible units • Examples of non-atomic domains: • Set of names, composite attributes • Identification numbers like CS101 that can be broken up into parts • A relational schema R is in first normal form if the domains of all attributes of R are atomic • Non-atomic values complicate storage and encourage redundant (repeated) storage of data • Example: Set of accounts stored with each customer, and set of owners stored with each account • We assume all relations are in first normal form
First Normal Form • Atomicity is actually a property of how the elements of the domain are used. • Example: Strings would normally be considered indivisible • Suppose that students are given roll numbers which are strings of the form CS0012 or EE1127 • If the first two characters are extracted to find the department, the domain of roll numbers is not atomic. • Doing so is a bad idea: leads to encoding of information in application program rather than in the database.
Goal — Devise a Theory for the Following • Decide whether a particular relation R is in “good” form. • In the case that a relation R is not in “good” form, decompose it into a set of relations {R1, R2, ..., Rn} such that • each relation is in good form • the decomposition is a lossless-join decomposition • Our theory is based on: • functional dependencies • multivalued dependencies
Functional Dependencies • Constraints on the set of legal relations. • Require that the value for a certain set of attributes determines uniquely the value for another set of attributes. • A functional dependency is a generalization of the notion of a key.
Functional Dependencies (Cont.) • Let R be a relation schema R and R • The functional dependency holds onR if and only if for any legal relations r(R), whenever any two tuples t1and t2 of r agree on the attributes , they also agree on the attributes . That is, t1[] = t2 [] t1[ ] = t2 [ ] • Example: Consider r(A,B ) with the following instance of r. • On this instance, AB does NOT hold, but BA does hold. • 4 • 1 5 • 3 7
Functional Dependencies (Cont.) • Let R be a relation schema R and R • The functional dependency holds onR if and only if for any legal relations r(R), whenever any two tuples t1and t2 of r agree on the attributes , they also agree on the attributes . That is, t1[] = t2 [] t1[ ] = t2 [ ] • Example: Consider r(A,B ) with the following instance of r. • On this instance, AB does NOT hold, but BA does hold. • 4 • 1 5 • 3 7
Functional Dependencies • Let R(A1, A2, ….Ak) be a relational schema; X and Y are subsets of {A1, A2, …Ak}. We say that X->Y, if any two tuples that agree on X, then they also agree on Y. • Example: Student(SSN,Name,Addr,subjectTaken,favSubject,Prof) SSN->Name SSN->Addr subjectTaken->Prof Assign(Pilot,Flight,Date,Departs) Pilot,Date,Departs->Flight Flight,Date->Pilot
Functional Dependencies • No need for FD’s with more than one attribute on right side. But it maybe convenient: SSN->Name SSN->Addr combine into: SSN-> Name,Addr • More than one attribute on left is important and we may not be able to eliminate it. Flight,Date->Pilot
Functional Dependencies • A functional dependency X->Y is trivial if it is satisfied by any relation that includes attributes from X and Y • E.g. • customer-name, loan-number customer-name • customer-name customer-name • In general, is trivial if
Closure of a Set of Functional Dependencies • Given a set F set of functional dependencies, there are certain other functional dependencies that are logically implied by F. • E.g. If A B and B C, then we can infer that A C • The set of all functional dependencies logically implied by F is the closure of F. • We denote the closure of F by F+.
Closure of a Set of Functional Dependencies • An inference axiom is a rule that states if a relation satisfies certain FDs, it must also satisfy certain other FDs • Set of inference rules is sound if the rules lead only to true conclusions • Set of inference rules is complete, if it can be used to conclude every valid FD on R • We can find all ofF+by applying Armstrong’s Axioms: • if , then (reflexivity) • if , then (augmentation) • if , and , then (transitivity) • These rules are • sound and complete
Example • R = (A, B, C, G, H, I)F = { A BA CCG HCG IB H} • some members of F+ • A H • by transitivity from A B and B H • AG I • by augmenting A C with G, to get AG CG and then transitivity with CG I
To compute the closure of a set of functional dependencies F: F+ = Frepeatfor each functional dependency f in F+ apply reflexivity and augmentation rules on fadd the resulting functional dependencies to F+for each pair of functional dependencies f1and f2 in F+iff1 and f2 can be combined using transitivitythen add the resulting functional dependency to F+until F+ does not change any further Procedure for Computing F+
Closure of Attribute Sets • Given a set of attributes a, define the closureof aunderF (denoted by a+) as the set of attributes that are functionally determined by a under F:ais in F+ a+ • Algorithm to compute a+, the closure of a under F result := a;while (changes to result) do for each in F do begin if result then result := result end
There are several uses of the attribute closure algorithm: Testing for superkey: To test if is a superkey, we compute +, and check if + contains all attributes of R. Testing functional dependencies To check if a functional dependency holds (or, in other words, is in F+), just check if +. That is, we compute + by using attribute closure, and then check if it contains . Is a simple and cheap test, and very useful Computing closure of F For each R, we find the closure +, and for each S +, we output a functional dependency S. Uses of Attribute Closure
Example of Attribute Set Closure • R = (A, B, C, G, H, I) • F = {A B, A C, CG H, CG I, B H} • (AG)+ 1. result = AG 2. result = ABCG (A C and A B) 3. result = ABCGH (CG H and CG AGBC) 4. result = ABCGHI (CG I and CG AGBCH) • Is AG a key? • Is AG a super key? • Does AG R? == Is (AG)+ R • Is any subset of AG a superkey? • Does AR? == Is (A)+ R • Does GR? == Is (G)+ R
Extraneous Attributes • Consider a set F of functional dependencies and the functional dependency in F. • Attribute A is extraneous in if A and (F – {}) {( – A) } logically implies F,or A and the set of functional dependencies (F – {}) {(– A)} logically implies F. • Example: Given F = {AC, ABC } • B is extraneous in AB C because {AC} logically implies ABC, A C. • Example: Given F = {AC, ABCD} • C is extraneous in ABCD since {AB D,A C} implies ABC
Testing if an Attribute is Extraneous • Consider a set F of functional dependencies and the functional dependency in F. • To test if attribute A is extraneousin • compute ({} – A)+ using the dependencies in F – { } {( – A) } 2. check that ({} – A)+ contains A; if it does, A is extraneous • To test if attribute A is extraneous in • compute + using only the dependencies in F’ = (F – {}) {(– A)}, • check that + contains A; if it does, A is extraneous
Canonical Cover • Sets of functional dependencies may have redundant dependencies that can be inferred from the others • Eg: A C is redundant in: {A B, B C, A C} • Parts of a functional dependency may be redundant • E.g. : {A B, B C, A CD} can be simplified to {A B, B C, A D} • E.g. : {A B, B C, AC D} can be simplified to {A B, B C, A D} • A canonical cover of F is a “minimal” set of functional dependencies equivalent to F, having no redundant dependencies or redundant parts of dependencies
Canonical Cover(Formal Definition) • A canonical coverfor F is a set of dependencies Fc such that • F logically implies all dependencies in Fc, and • Fclogically implies all dependencies in F, and • No functional dependency in Fc contains an extraneous attribute, and • Each left side of functional dependency in Fcis unique.
Canonical CoverComputation • To compute a canonical cover for F:repeatUse the union rule to replace any dependencies in F11 and 11 with 112 Find a functional dependency with an extraneous attribute either in or in If an extraneous attribute is found, delete it from until F does not change
Example of Computing a Canonical Cover • R = (A, B, C)F = {A BC B C A BABC} • Combine A BC and A B into A BC • A is extraneous in ABC • Set is now {A BC, B C} • C is extraneous in ABC • Check if A C is logically implied by A B and the other dependencies • Yes: using transitivity on A B and B C. • The canonical cover is: A B B C
Decomposition • All attributes of an original schema (R) must appear in the decomposition (R1, R2): R = R1 R2 • Lossless-join decomposition.For all possible relations r on schema R r = R1 (r) R2 (r) • A decomposition of R into R1 and R2 is lossless join if and only if at least one of the following dependencies is in F+: • R1 R2R1 • R1 R2R2
Normalization Using Functional Dependencies • When we decompose a relation schema R with a set of functional dependencies F into R1, R2,.., Rn we want • Lossless-join decomposition: Otherwise decomposition would result in information loss. • Dependency preservation: Let Fibe the set of dependencies F+ that include only attributes in Ri. (F1 F2 … Fn)+ = F+ .
Example • R = (A, B, C)F = {A B, B C) • Can be decomposed in two different ways • R1 = (A, B), R2 = (B, C) • Lossless-join decomposition: R1 R2 = {B} and B BC • Dependency preserving • R1 = (A, B), R2 = (A, C) • Lossless-join decomposition: R1 R2 = {A} and A AB • Not dependency preserving (cannot check B C without computing R1 R2)
To check if a dependency is preserved in a decomposition of R into R1, R2, …, Rn we apply the following simplified test (with attribute closure done w.r.t. F) result = while (changes to result) dofor eachRiin the decompositiont = (result Ri)+ Riresult = result t If result contains all attributes in , then the functional dependency is preserved. We apply the test on all dependencies in F to check if a decomposition is dependency preserving This procedure takes polynomial time, instead of the exponential time required to compute F+and(F1 F2 … Fn)+ Testing for Dependency Preservation
Boyce-Codd Normal Form A relation schema R is in BCNF with respect to a set F of functional dependencies if for all functional dependencies in F+ of the form , where R and R,at least one of the following holds: • is trivial (i.e., ) • is a superkey for R
Boyce-Codd Normal Form Example schema not in BCNF: instr_dept (ID, name, salary, dname, building, budget ) Functional dependencies: ID → name,salary,dname dnamebuilding, budget holds on instr_dept, but dname is not a superkey It is not in BCNF It preserves functional dependencies It is lossless
Example • R = (A, B, C)F = {AB B C}Key = {A} • R is not in BCNF • Decomposition R1 = (A, B), R2 = (B, C) • R1and R2 in BCNF • Lossless-join decomposition • Dependency preserving
Testing for BCNF • To check if a non-trivial dependency causes a violation of BCNF 1. compute + (the attribute closure of ), and 2. verify that it includes all attributes of R • Using only F is incorrect when testing a relation in a decomposition of R • E.g. Consider R (A, B, C, D), with F = { A B, B C} • Decompose R into R1(A,B) and R2(A,C,D) • Neither of the dependencies in F contain only attributes from (A,C,D) so we might be mislead into thinking R2 satisfies BCNF. • In fact, dependency AC in F+ shows R2 is not in BCNF.
BCNF Decomposition Algorithm result := {R};done := false;compute F+;while (not done) do if (there is a schema Riin result that is not in BCNF)then beginlet be a nontrivial functional dependency that holds on Ri such that Riis not in F+, and = ;result := (result – Ri ) (Ri – ) (, );end else done := true; Each Riis in BCNF, and decomposition is lossless-join.
Example of BCNF Decomposition • R = (branch-name, branch-city, assets, customer-name, loan-number, amount) F = {branch-name assets branch-city loan-number amount branch-name} Key = {loan-number, customer-name} • Decomposition • R1 = (branch-name, branch-city, assets) • R2 = (branch-name, customer-name, loan-number, amount) • R3 = (branch-name, loan-number, amount) • R4 = (customer-name, loan-number) • Final decomposition R1, R3, R4
BCNF and Dependency Preservation It is not always possible to get a BCNF decomposition that is dependency preserving • R = (A, B, C)F = {AB C C B}Two candidate keys = ABand AC • R is not in BCNF • Any decomposition of R will fail to preserve AB C
Goals of Normalization • Let R be a relation scheme with a set F of functional dependencies. • Decide whether a relation scheme R is in “good” form. • In the case that a relation scheme R is not in “good” form, decompose it into a set of relation scheme {R1, R2, ..., Rn} such that • each relation scheme is in good form • the decomposition is a lossless-join decomposition • Preferably, the decomposition should be dependency preserving.
Third Normal Form: Motivation • There are some situations where • BCNF is not dependency preserving, and • efficient checking for FD violation on updates is important • Solution: define a weaker normal form, called Third Normal Form. • FDs can be checked on individual relations without computing a join. • There is always a lossless-join, dependency-preserving decomposition into 3NF.
Third Normal Form • A relation schema R is in third normal form (3NF) if for all: in F+ at least one of the following holds: • is trivial (i.e., ) • is a superkey for R • Each attribute A in – is contained in a candidate key for R. • If a relation is in BCNF it is in 3NF (since in BCNF one of the first two conditions above must hold). • Third condition is a minimal relaxation of BCNF to ensure dependency preservation.
Third Normal Form • Example • R = (A,B,C)F = {AB C, C B} • Two candidate keys: AB and AC • R is in 3NF AB C AB is a superkeyC B B is contained in a candidate key • BCNF decomposition has (AC) and (BC) • Testing for AB C requires a join
Testing for 3NF • Use attribute closure to check for each dependency , if is a superkey. • If is not a superkey, we have to verify if each attribute in is contained in a candidate key of R • this test is rather more expensive, since it involve finding candidate keys • testing for 3NF has been shown to be NP-hard • However, decomposition into third normal form can be done in polynomial time
3NF Decomposition Algorithm Let Fcbe a canonical cover for F;i := 0;for each functional dependency in Fcdo if none of the schemas Rj, 1 j i contains then begini := i + 1;Ri := endif none of the schemas Rj, 1 j i contains a candidate key for Rthen begini := i + 1;Ri := any candidate key for R;end return (R1, R2, ..., Ri)
3NF Decomposition Algorithm • Decomposition algorithm ensures: • each relation schema Riis in 3NF • decomposition is dependency preserving and lossless-join
Example • Relation schema: R(A, B, C, D) • The functional dependencies for this relation schema are:C AD AB C • The keys are: {BC}, {AB}