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Version 1.0. Drive Pro Start Screen. Drive Pro Start Screen. Drive Name: This identification will carry through the analysis and printout. Any combination of characters may be used. The field can be left blank. Drive Pro Start Screen.
Drive ProStart Screen Drive Name: This identification will carry through the analysis and printout. Any combination of characters may be used. The field can be left blank.
Drive ProStart Screen No. of Pulleys: Input the total number of pulleys in the drive, including idler pulleys.
Drive ProStart Screen Belt Type: Click on the drop-down box to select a belt type. This will enable the Belt Cross-Section selection box.
Drive ProStart Screen Belt Cross-Section: Click on the drop-down box to select a belt cross-section. A belt type must be selected before this box is enabled for selection.
Drive ProStart Screen Select System of Dimensions: Select either Inch-Pound or Metric units. All dimensional data in input fields and output fields will be based on this selection. Inch-Pound and Metric units cannot be intermixed in this program.
Drive ProGeometry Options Screen A tensioning option must be selected to proceed from this screen.
Drive ProGeometry Options Screen No Idler – Locked Center Use this option for drives which are statically tensioned.
Drive ProGeometry Options Screen Moveable Idler - This option can be used on drives with pivoted idlers or slotted idlers. Idler coordinates are input at the nominal position and all calculations are based on this position. No details of the idler path are required.
Drive ProGeometry Options Screen Pivoted Idler Use this option to get a complete analysis of idler path for a pivoted idler. Idler arm length and pivot point are required on the next screen.
Drive ProGeometry Options Screen If Moveable Idler or Pivoted Idler options are selected the Idler Pulley No. box will appear. The number of the idler is required. To determine the idler number start with the driver pulley as Number 1 and proceed around the drive opposite to belt direction.
Drive ProDrive Analysis Output Screen Parameters are shown for each load condition. Note that hovering over Slip Factor and Effective Pull labels will show the maximum recommended values for these parameters.
Drive ProDrive Analysis Output Screen • Our philosophy in creating this program was to provide a tool that would assist in good drive design. • Reliable and consistent belt performance depends upon the design of the drive itself. • We’ve tried to provide as much information about the feasibility of the drive as possible.
Drive ProDrive Analysis Output Screen • Various cautions and warnings will appear when appropriate to help the user recognize potential problems.
Drive ProDrive Analysis Output Screen • The most eye-catching part of the output is the calculated life.
Drive ProDrive Analysis Output Screen • Note that we have expressed life in “flex units” rather than in hours or cycles. This term is a reminder that this is a number that requires interpretation. • The parameters that go into the life calculation are based on controlled laboratory tests. The number of flex units approximate average hours of life with the same drive on a controlled lab test.
Drive ProDrive Analysis Output Screen • However, actual field conditions are so varied that this does not necessarily translate directly to hours of belt life at field conditions. • For example, a mower blade drive may have the same geometry and loading as the lab test, but the drive must operate under a variety of conditions detrimental to belt life. These include various degrees of misalignment, shock loads, clutching, dust and grit, and higher temperatures. All of these parameters reduce belt life but cannot be clearly accounted for in a drive analysis.
Drive ProDrive Analysis Output Screen • A practical way of using flex units is to compare the new drive to one that you already have experience with. • For example, if you are designing a mower blade drive, compare the flex units of the new drive to a successful existing blade drive.
Drive ProDrive Analysis Output Screen • When trying to determine which pulley or load condition is doing the most damage to the belt life look at the “Life / Pulley” numbers. • The pulley with the lowest life is the one that is limiting the overall life of the drive. • The pulley diameter and the belt tension over that pulley are the major factors that contribute to the life calculation. • Simply increasing the diameter of the pulley will increase the belt life. This is especially true for backside idlers.
Drive ProEffective Diameter Help Screen • Helps to quickly determine pulley effective diameter from diameter over pins or from the pulley groove dimensions. • The steps required are listed on the screen. • The program will recalculate the desired diameter each time the Calculate button is clicked.
Drive Pro Effective Diameter Help Screen • A handy shortcut is to copy the calculated effective diameter from this screen and paste it in the appropriate field on the Drive Geometry Screen.
Drive ProCautions & Warnings • Cautions and warnings may appear as the program is executing and will appear on output printouts. • Following is more detail about each warning and how they can affect drive performance.
Drive ProCautions & Warnings EFFECTIVE DIAMETER IS BELOW RECOMMENDED MINIMUM DIAMETER: This warning displays the recommended minimum effective diameters for inside and backside pulleys for the specified cross-section. Although calculated life may be adequate even at this below minimum diameter, you will achieve more consistent performance if you increase the diameter. This is especially true for backside pulleys. Belt construction becomes more critical for back bending on small pulleys.
Drive ProCautions & Warnings HIGH SLIP FACTOR (LT). EXCESSIVE SLIP IS POSSIBLE: The Slip Factor, which is also called LT, is the ratio of effective pull to belt wrap and is calculated for each pulley at each load condition. It is a function of horsepower, speed, pulley diameter, and drive geometry. The warning message appears when maximum recommended values are exceeded at a specific load/rpm condition.
Drive ProCautions & Warnings HIGH SLIP FACTOR (LT). EXCESSIVE SLIP IS POSSIBLE: (continued) Although this usually occurs at the Driver pulley, it can occur at any loaded pulley. Look for the highest value of LT to determine the critical pulley. LT can be reduced by reducing horsepower, increasing speed, increasing pulley diameter, or changing drive geometry to increase belt wrap on the critical pulley.
Drive ProCautions & Warnings HIGH SLIP FACTOR (LT). EXCESSIVE SLIP IS POSSIBLE: (continued) LT is just one of many factors which are used to evaluate the robustness of a belt drive. Since it is derived from horsepower load data, it is only as reliable as that data. A belt can slip through momentary peak loads without significant damage due to slip. However, if a drive runs for continuous periods with high LT, the belt life may be low and unreliable.
Drive ProCautions & Warnings HIGH EFFECTIVE PULL. ARAMID CORD RECOMMENDED: Effective Pull (EP) is a function of horsepower load and belt speed. The warning message appears when EP exceeds approximately 12 percent of the belt tensile strength with polyester cord. EP can be reduced by reducing horsepower, increasing speed, or increasing driver pulley diameter (increases belt speed).
Drive ProCautions & Warnings PULLEY RIM SPEED EXCEEDS 6500 FEET/MINUTE (33 METERS/SECOND): Cast iron should not be used as a pulley material if rim speeds exceed 6500 fpm (33 m/s). The pulley may explode at speeds above this. Use steel or ductile iron. Dynamic balancing may also be desirable at these speeds to minimize drive vibration.
Drive ProCautions & Warnings CALCULATED BELT LIFE IS LESS THAN 100 FLEX-UNITS. DRIVE RELIABILITY IS VERY LOW: This warning is a message that your drive will have low reliability if input load data is realistic. A flex unit is equal to one hour of life on a lab test with the same parameters. Actual drives in the field will usually exhibit lower life due to conditions such as misalignment, shock loads, excessive heat, etc. It is recommended that drives with less than 100 flex units calculated life be reexamined to improve life.
Drive ProCautions & Warnings CALCULATED BELT LIFE IS LESS THAN 100 FLEX-UNITS. DRIVE RELIABILITY IS VERY LOW: (continued) Some of the most effective ways to improve belt life are larger pulley diameters, reducing load (and belt tension), or selecting a different belt cross-section. If you become locked into a low life drive, belt construction will become critical to achieving acceptable performance. Consult with your Carlisle belt application engineer regarding ways to improve this situation.
Drive ProCautions & Warnings BELT WRAP ON PULLEY IS LESS THAN 100 DEGREES: This message appears when a loaded pulley has less than 100 degrees of belt wrap. This situation can mean a chronic slip problem especially if combined with low or unreliable belt tension. If you’re stuck with this situation on a pulley with significant horsepower load, use the tension calculated by this program as minimum tension. One way to judge the significance of the load is to examine the Slip Factor (LT); if it exceeds a value of 15 on this pulley, the load is significant and tension will be critical to performance.
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