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As it is understood in Christian Initiation. From the Latin: discernere “Sifting through, separating apart”. Listening to God Learning how to remain in Christ Recognizing God’s voice here and now Perceiving something concealed Outward signs of inner conversion.
From the Latin: discernere “Sifting through, separating apart”
Listening to God • Learning how to remain in Christ • Recognizing God’s voice here and now • Perceiving something concealed • Outward signs of inner conversion
It is a spiritual discipline. • It draws us closer to God: 1) when we practice discernment, and 2)by the results of our work. • It is prayerful.
4. It is meant to uncover God’s action. 5. It is a sacred undertaking.
Decision making is • Primarily rational Discernment • Combines the heart, the spirit and the intellect
Decision-making is about • Surfacing pros and cons Discernment is about • Intuitions,inclinations and urges…seeing potential messages in the seemingly unrelated
Decision making concerns itself with • Possible outcomes Discernment concerns itself with • God’s movement and direction/action
Decision-Making: Decisions are made based upon the BESTinformation Discernment: Decisions are made based upon observingGod’s action and direction.
Decision making may include prayer • Discernment is a prayer from start to finish
Decisions are made with a consideration to their timeliness; pay attention to the clock and calendar • Discernment concerns itself with God’s time, which is eternal. It is measured not in seconds and minutes, hours and seasons, but in conversion, and repentance, in change and growth.
Write your definition of discernment now. Did it include elements of: Ongoing activity of prayer/listening Conversation with God and others Reflection to uncover the ways God is at work Interpreting God’s activity in each stage of the catechumenal process?
Hand on this spiritual discipline to catechumens and candidates because this is how Jesus lived • Be in conformity with The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults which calls for discernment to be part of initiation preparation
Jesus was captured by a transformative vision: THE KINGDOM OF GOD
Jesus relied on a continuous relationship with God
Jesus’ pattern was to yield his whole self to God and then tolistenfor God’s direction
Jesus became God-with-us by • Receptive practices of silence, solitude, listening, prayer, reverent attention and trust • Active practices of exercising kindness, compassion, justice, healing, and proclaiming God’s presence now.
Does your initiation process model Jesus’ way of living? • Does your initiation process offer times for both receptive and active spiritual practice for catechumens and candidates? • Do team members live Jesus’ transformative life?
Paragraph 1 “at the proper time” • Paragraph 6 “periods for making inquiry and maturing” • Paragraph 10 “a sponsor stands as witness” • Paragraph 11 “ godparents give testimony” • Paragraph 18 “A rite of acceptance should be delayed until candidates have had sufficient time”
Paragraph 37 “Evangelization leads to conversion; …called away from sin…drawn toward God’s love” • Paragraph 42 “The prerequisite for making this first step…” • Paragraph 43 “…Time should be set aside to evaluate…” • Paragraph 75 “The catechumenate is an extended time…during which dispositions manifested…brought to maturity.” • Paragraph 76 “Time spent in the catechumenate should be long enough…for conversion and for faith to become strong.”
Paragraph 119 “At this second step, on the basis of the testimony of godparents and catechists and of the catechumens’ reaffirmation of their intention, the Church judges their state of readiness and decides on their advancement toward the sacraments of initiation. Thus the Church makes its ‘election,’ that is, the choice and admission of those catechumens who have the dispositions that make them fit to take part, at the next major celebration, in the sacraments of initiation.” (emphasis mine)
“Before the rite of election is celebrated, the catechumens are expected to have undergone a conversion in mind and in action and to have developed a sufficient acquaintance with Christian teaching as well as a spirit of faith and charity.(emphasis mine) With deliberate will and an enlightened faith they must have the intention to receive the sacraments of the Church, a resolve they will express publicly in the actual celebration of the rite.” Paragraph 120
Paragraph 121.2: “Before the rite of election the bishop, priests, deacons, catechists, godparents and the entire community, in accord with their respective responsibilities and in their own way, should, after, considering the matter carefully, arrive at a judgment about the catechumens’ state of formation and progress.”
Paragraph 122: Within the rite of election the bishop celebrant or his delegate declares in the presence of the community the Church’s approval of the candidates.
122 (continued) Therefore, to exclude any semblance of mere formality from the rite, there should be a deliberation prior to its celebration to decide on the catechumens’ suitableness. This deliberation is carried out by the priests, deacons, and catechists involved in the formation of the catechumens, and by godparents and representatives of the local community.
122 (con’t) “If circumstances suggest, the group of catechumens may also take part. The deliberation may take various forms, depending on local conditions and pastoral needs. During the celebration of election, the assembly is informed of the decision approving the catechumens.”
Time to reflect To imitate the Blessed Mother and ponder Time to figure things out…. Worksheet time…
Trust in God in the Spirit • Called to discipleship • Public, inter-dependent, communal • Discerning God’s action is HOW the initiation process takes place from the beginning • We hand on this spiritual practice by doing it • Not negotiable
Bless us, O Lord, and these thy gifts Which we are about to receive… From thy bounty, Through Christ, our Lord. Amen
Self-assessment • A look at your initiation process • Suggesting skills to develop individually and communally • Anchor this in the community of the faithful • When precisely should discerning happen?
Hinge One: Our own images of God Hinge Two: Level to which we trust God Hinge Three: Patterns we have to sustain our relationship with God
Image of God Great judge in the sky? Far away, judgmental, scornful, hoping he can catch us doing wrong, meting out punishment swiftly, stern disciplinarian? Obedience and fear. Nearby? Loving parent, seeking us when we have run away? Patiently waiting, always ready to guide/correct, always respecting our free will?
Do you believe that God’s will, God’s ways and God’s kingdom are the most important things to be considered? • Are you able to give up your will for the sake of discerning God’s will? • How far do you trust God is at work in/through your initiation process?
Receptive spiritual practices we offer in our initiation process include: • Active spiritual practices we offer in our initiation process include: • We reflect on these processes by:
To build an emotional relationship with the Lord by: • Worship and praise “Make a joyful noise” • Journaling “The Lord numbers the hairs on your head.” • Exercise “Clear the mind by moving the body” • Music “with a timbrel, lyre and harp” • LectioDivina“Put yourself on the way with Jesus”
To build an intellectual relationship with the Lord by: 1.Scripture study: “Ignorance of the Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” (St. Ambrose) 2. Ongoing formation: Faith is supported by reason and understanding. Knowledge and understanding are gifts of the Spirit.
Personal ongoing spiritual development through: 1. Knowing yourself 2. Praying for yourself and your spiritual desires 3. Engaging in spiritual direction
The Rite presumes the following has been happening throughout the initiation process: • Ongoing invitation to the Holy Spirit • A willingness to do God’s will • Those within it gifted by God to discern spirits • That the practices of discernment have permeated the process and so are part of the catechumen/candidate’s learning
Paragraph 43: sponsors, catechists, deacons, priests/pastors • Paragraph 75: Priests, deacons, catechists, the faithful, godparents • Paragraph 119: Testimony given by godparents and catechists
Paragraph 121: Bishop, priests, deacons, catechists, godparents, the entire community in accord with their respective responsibilities • Paragraph 122:Priests, deacons, catechists (those involved in their formation), godparents [sponsors], the local community and the catechumens themselves
In individual conversations • In group conversations/discussions • During celebrations of the Word • During Team meetings
Train other initiation team members around discernment • Make time to do it by going “year-round” • Form sponsors and godparents as spiritual companions • Change gatherings to include times of silence, solitude and lectiodivina into your initiation process regularly You could do one or more of the following to begin discern-ment in your initiation process…
I hope you take home with you: • WHAT discernment is • WHY we do it based on Jesus and Rite • HOW we can do it in initiation ministry • WHEN we can do it • SOME IDEAS about what comes now • WONDER and AWE for the work of God in this ministry • CHALLENGE to make that more possible by our choices And so we come to a close…