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CH. 6 Nonverbal Communication

CH. 6 Nonverbal Communication. ▪ Defined: Communication without words , or “…messages expressed by nonlinguistic means .” p. 147 ▪ A difference exists between vocal (by mouth) & verbal (with words) communication . ▪ “What we do often conveys more meaning than

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CH. 6 Nonverbal Communication

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  1. CH. 6 Nonverbal Communication ▪ Defined: Communication without words, or “…messages expressed by nonlinguistic means.” p. 147 ▪ A difference exists between vocal (by mouth) & verbal (with words) communication. ▪ “What we do often conveys more meaning than what we say.” p. 147 (KNOW THIS!) ▪ NV elements affect our perception of a message.

  2. 4 Nonverbal Characteristics 1) All NV behavior has communicative value • Whether or not we intend it • Men not as strong in recognizing NV messages 2) NV Communication is primarily relational • Both utilitarian (direct traffic) & social functions • Helps define the kind of relationship wanted • CMC uses emoticons to simulate NVC • NVC also conveys emotions (aware or not) 3) NV Communication is ambiguous • Usually more ambiguous than verbal & can be misinterpreted • In-groups are more accurate recognizing NV emotional display • Be sure to perception check! Cognitive complexity helps decode. 4) NV Communication is influenced by culture • Emblems: culturally understood substitutes for verbal expression • Meanings of gestures can vary culture to culture. • Some are universal (laughter) but cultural display rules may prevent showing openly *** Skilled Communicators adapt. when with other cultures or co-cultures

  3. 5 NV Functions: 1) Creating & maintaining relationships • Amount & coordination of ongoing touch = a strong measure of commitment. • In Families: NV cues tell relationship satisfaction and who controls interaction & decision-making. • Facial expression, eye contact, posture, gestures, & tone of voice are observed in seconds. • Use perception-checking to be safe if moving closer!

  4. NV Functions, cont. 2) Regulating Interaction “Regulators” are cues helping to control interaction. *Eye contact : regulates who is expected to respond *Changes in intonation at the end of a clause *Drop in pitch/volume at end of common phrase *Drawing out last or stressed syllable in a clause It takes children (or adults) time to learn to avoid interrupting

  5. NV Functions, cont. 3) Influencing Others • Deliberately or not, we sometimes use NVC to get others to satisfy our wants and needs. (boss/worker, male/female) • The way we act or dress can get attention, show more /less liking, power, and credibility.

  6. NV Functions, cont. 4) Concealing/Deceiving ▪ Majority of messages exchanged = not completely truthful! • But, not all deception is self-serving or malicious. • Saving face for self or others • High self-monitors are better at hiding deception. • Less-than-honest clues: more speech errors, pitch rises more when lying, more hesitation when lying. • Kids use words but adults use NVC to form impressions. • Avoid jumping to conclusions with limited information. • Take days, weeks or longer to form a conclusion. Think!

  7. NV Function, cont. 5) ManagingIdentity = getting others to see us as we want to be seen • We manage impressions NV in ways we hope will create a certain impression. • Manner: the way we act (interview vs. casual talk • Appearance: clothing, artifacts worn, perfume, hair, makeup, etc. (dress as you wish to be remembered but comfortably and confidently) • Setting: physical items we put in our surroundings what we put on walls, colors, home, car etc.

  8. 10 Types of NV Communication 1) Face & eyes: not the easiest to read; complicated channel to interpret • many muscles and each part of the face can have many expressions • gazing-usually interest or liking • Type of interest varies • Eye contact=interest, liking, turn-taking, or noticing • not always approval or attraction<police, teacher, parent, supervisor>

  9. NV Type: #2 Body Movement • Body Movement ● Kinesics: study of communication through bodily action. (The right kinds of gestures can increase persuasiveness.-hand & arm moves) ● Posture: many phrases tied to emotion & posture • Look for small changes to see how others feel –shifts in posture. ● Gestures: fundamental! Some social scientists say =1st language. Can be intentional or not, ambiguous or not (emblems) . Used to measure power & status. (Pointing may indicate higher status.) -- If sender & receiver have reasonably similar status, reciprocating gestures not a problem, but if a very different status, it may create a problem. ▪ Manipulators- fidgeting (group of ambiguous gestures) may be sign of discomfort, but not always (twirling hair). Body Movement

  10. NV Type #3: Touch • Touch =Haptics: the study of touching●Valuable for us: for infants, preemies, cancer and HIV patients= improves health & well-being) ●Influences how we respond to others: • Can increase liking • Can boost compliance (return the coin story: when touched on arm, more returned it) • On-the-job utility: bigger tips, more alcohol ordered • Legal actions for unwanted touching (women generally more comfortable than men about some touching) • Degree of touch goes along with interpersonal style and satisfactory relationships • Amount of touching usually decreases with age. • In school (kid to kid)- higher elementary grades touch less • Parent to child-older ones are touched less. (in general) • Later, more touching with a chosen partner.

  11. NVC #4: VOICE Paralanguage: the way a message is spoken • Older children & adults have more NV cue sensitivity than children 3-5. ▪Young children, poor listeners, the brain damaged, and those with weak intellectual skills may not “get” sarcasctic content. • We pay more attention to paralanguage than content. • A change in one cue can change a meaning: rate, pitch, tone, volume, and emphasis of words. • Rate affects perception of others: We perceive speakers w/slower speech as having more conversational control. • Communicators with same rate get more compliance when a request is made. • Attractive voices are rated more highly. • Pauses : length as well as disfluencies (vocal pauses) can seem to contradict content

  12. Type of NV #5: Proxemics Proxemics is the study of how using, organizing & perceiving space and distance affect communication. • Personal space- the invisible bubble of space around us, giving a nonverbal clue to our feelings. It has 4 zones: • Intimate Zone: contact – about 18” (trust) • Personal Zone: 18” -4’ (close, but less personal) • Social Zone: 4’-12’ (distance can affect on how we respond to others) • Public Zone: 12’ and out. (If 25’ or more, 2-way communication is almost impossible.) Invasions: we use barriers if uncomfortable-move, place objects, give less eye contact or physical cues, & leave.

  13. NV TYPE #6: Territoriality • Territory remains stationary (unlike personal bubbles we carry as extensions of ourselves). • But we may try to create it. (In a library, when we want to be alone, we sit as far apart as possible.) • We give cues to others who invade what we think is “our” territory. • Response to invasion depends on who enters, why, what territory, and how it’s invaded. • Is it a slight invasion or a serious violation?

  14. NV TYPE #7: TIME Chronemics: the study of how we use and structure time ● The more status, the more time may matter. • Low status persons don’t make higher status ones wait! Appt. needed for “important” persons. ●Can send intentional & unintentional messages ● Importance of time is affected by culture. ● Sometimes geographic areas affect (NY or Salt Lake City) ● Persons sometimes establish own rules. ● Health can affect time perception. (ADHD may affect)

  15. NV Type #8: Physical Attractiveness • Physical attractiveness affects interaction. • Attractive men and women seen as more sensitive, kind, strong, sociable and interesting. • Women perceived as more attractive get lighter court sentences (Knapp & Hall 2006) • It begins early (even in preschool). • Teachers & parents may be affected but not always. • As we get to know persons, we regard them as more attractive because how they use what they have affects attractiveness. • Posture, gestures, facial expression, clothing, etc.

  16. NV TYPE #9: Clothing Clothing does communicate! • We make assumptions based on clothing, so make judgments carefully! • The way you dress affects your credibility. Victim attire affected perception of honesty. (Vrij & Akehurst, ‘99) • Men’s clothing may give more cues to status, but women’s behavior gives more clues to status. (Mast & Hall, ‘04) • Study showed passersby react more favorably to well-dressed couple than a casually-dressed one. (Fortenberry, et al, ‘78)

  17. NV TYPE#10: Physical Environment Physical setting, architecture, and interior design affect communication. ● We create environments which communicate comfort or discomfort to guests. -- Some homes more comfortable than others: “unliving rooms”. (Knapp and Hall 2006) • Environmental design can shape the interaction in it. • Barren environments had more aggression/violence and mental fatigue than buildings with nearby grass and trees. (Kuo and Sulllivan 2001) • Placement of furniture (Dr. office, convalescent ward) can increase interaction and comfort.

  18. end

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