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DRUGS. BY TOBY STACEY. WHAT ARE DRUGS?. Drugs have an effect on your body There are illegal and legal drugs People get very addicted to them Some drugs can only be given out by doctors You get a prescription Given to treat or prevent diseases

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  2. WHAT ARE DRUGS? • Drugs have an effect on your body • There are illegal and legal drugs • People get very addicted to them • Some drugs can only be given out by doctors • You get a prescription • Given to treat or prevent diseases • They can act as stimulants, depressants and hallucinogens

  3. EFFECTS ON THE BODY • Stimulants make you feel alert and like you have lots of energy and confidence. Although, they can put pressure on your heart and there is a risk of heart failure. These drugs are called include cocaine, speed and ecstasy • Depressants make you feel relaxed and chilled out but they can slow down your heart rate and breathing which can be fatal. These include alcohol, heroin and cannabis. • Hallucinogens can make you view reality in a distorted way. Your sense of movement and time can speed up or slow down and you might see vivid distortions, illusions or hallucinations. These drugs are called LSD and magic mushrooms

  4. Classes? • Class A- Attract the most severe penalty as they are considered likely to cause the most serious harm. These include heroin, cocaine, ecstasy and magic mushrooms • Class B-Amphetamines, Barbiturates, Codeine, Cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids • Class C- benzodiazepines, tranquilisers, ketamine, anabolic steroids and benzylpiperazines

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