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Privacy Among Children

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  3. PREFACE INTRODUCTION A child starts developing their sense of self in their early teenage years. They go out to discover things, many told and several untold about. But in this process of finding self, the present digitisation has put up a massive scare for all of us and all of them, data leaks and breaches. Many think that a child doesn't necessarily require any sort of data privacy, but we need to realise that we weren’t in the early 2000s when access to the internet was limited. We live in the 4th Industrial Revolution, the age where we see the Internet of Things shape the world as we know it. Every device and appliance we use runs on your data, making it an essential aspect of today’s world. We’ve heard that data is the new oil, but we think it is more appropriate that we refer to data as plutonium since it is a commodity that has the power to cause severe issues if not used, stored or processed correctly, showing why it can be referred to as the new plutonium. While we talk about the present, where children are often subjected to online abuse from their shared data, called cyberbullying, we must consider the future, which cannot be predicted, in our case, in terms of how anyone’s data can be harvested. Hence, if individuals aren’t taking care of what they share and put out on the internet in their childhood and teenage years in today's world, it can come back to them years later like a horrific surprise. Keeping the same in mind, India has a few legislations that aim to protect Child’s personal data. The most recent amongst those is The Data Protection Bill, 2021. The preface to the report seeks to give the readers a summarized version of the different legislations that have been enacted to protect child privacy. TSAARO PRIVACY AMONG CHILDREN REPORT 2022

  4. WHAT IS DATA PRIVACY? Data Privacy is not about keeping things a secret rather it is about controlling who shall have access to your data. Data Privacy refers to the proper handling of personal data. It involves protecting the personal information available from being manipulated, compromised, or lost. As technology advances, the amount of stored data created quadruples with every passing day and thus generates a requirement for data protection. In addition to protection, it has some other aspects also, such as the availability and accessibility of the data. Data storage further creates the requirement for Data management that involves the movement of data to both online and offline modes and evaluating, protecting, and cataloguing the data stored together with protecting it from unauthorised access, virus attacks, disruption, and technical failures. TSAARO PRIVACY AMONG CHILDREN REPORT 2022

  5. LEGAL PROVISIONS IN INDIA FOR CHILD DATA PRIVACY DRAFT DATA PROTECTION BILL, 2021 The Joint Parliamentary Committee presented (JPC) emphasizes the children's personal data. It has certain safeguards like age verification and parental consent before collecting any child's data. Further, the data fiduciaries can't use children's data for any purpose as there are few restrictions on the usage of data as well. In contrast to most global regulations, India has mentioned that the age of minority is below 18. In a country like India, it becomes crucial to analyse the practical implementation of the law as only then the true intentions can have their effect. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACT, 2000 The Information Technology Act, 2000 grants legal recognition to all transactions done through electronic data exchange, other means of electronic communication or e-commerce in place of the earlier paper-based communication. Child abuse has been elaborately dealt with under the broader ambit of Section 67B of the Act. It is further provided that for this section, "children" means a person who has not completed18 years of age for this section. JUVENILE JUSTICE (CARE AND PROTECTION OF CHILDREN) ACT, 2015 The Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act, 2015 specifies procedural safeguards in cases of children in conflict with the law and children in need of care and protection. It asserts that data like name, address, school details, or any other information that could lead to identifying the child who is in trouble with the law must not be disclosed or published in any form of media unless it is for the child's best interest. This includes any child needing care and protection or a child victim or witness of a crime. It also states that all reports related to the child shall be treated as confidential. TSAARO PRIVACY AMONG CHILDREN REPORT 2022

  6. INTERNATIONAL LEGAL PROVISIONS FOR CHILD DATA PRIVACY CHILDREN’S ONLINE PRIVACY PROTECTION ACT (USA) The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA) is a U.S. federal law that regulates the collection of data from children who are below 13 years of age. It aims to protect children’s privacy by restricting the operators of online websites and commercial services to collect data on children below 13 without parental consent. It further applies to other websites or online services operators that know that they are collecting personal information online from a child below 13 years of age. EU - GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION (GDPR) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulates the data shared by people with organisations and the safety, privacy, and concerns to be considered regarding the collection and processing of such data. GDPR enumerates seven principles: lawfulness, fairness and transparency; purpose limitation; data minimisation; accuracy; storage limitation; integrity and confidentiality (security); and accountability. Concerning the right to privacy of children, the provisions of GDPR state that the processing of personal data of a child shall be legal where the child is at least 16 years old. If a child is under 16, the data processing shall be lawful only after obtaining consent given or authorised by the holder of parental responsibility for the child. CYBER PROTECTION OF CHILDREN’S PERSONAL INFORMATION (CHINA) The Cyber Protection of Children’s Personal Information is a law enacted in China focusing on protecting children’s personal information. The law applies to minor children under the age of 14. It governs activities relating to the collection, storage, use, transfer and disclosure of children’s personal information through networks within the territory of China. TSAARO PRIVACY AMONG CHILDREN REPORT 2022

  7. PRIVACY AMONG CHILDREN SURVEY METHODOLOGY Since Tsaaro is all about Privacy, we understand the growing concerns about children’s online privacy and the commercial uses of their data. Children’s understanding of the digital environment, digital skills and capacity to consent must be considered when designing services, regulations and policies. Children's privacy is growing; the gaps concerning children’s conception of online privacy, their capacity to consent, their functional skills (such as understanding terms and conditions or managing privacy settings online) and their critical understanding of the online environment. This survey mainly focuses on critical approaches to studying children’s privacy in the digital environment and children’s understandings, experiences, and views of privacy online. Tsaaro aims to gather valuable insights from the data collected and focus on providing suggestions and taking actions to ensure privacy is both a fundamental human right vital to personal autonomy and dignity and as the means of enabling all the activities and structures by drafting a detailed report that depicts people's stand. TSAARO PRIVACY AMONG CHILDREN REPORT 2022

  8. THE APPROACH To research and identify children’s privacy and the digital environment they are a part of, this survey prioritises parents’ experiences within the broader framework of evidence that has been developed by conducting focus group research with different age groups and their educators from selected schools around the country. Three search terms were combined (primarily the internet, but including all digital devices, content and services that an individual can connect to it). Tsaaro sent out the survey to parents via different platforms. Following a particularly multidisciplinary approach to the research framing and interpretation of results. In order to keep the findings and processes involved in the survey transparent, we have decided to provide the readers with the steps undertaken to conduct this survey. The adjoining flowchart depicts the motive, procedures and steps taken up by Tsaaro to conduct the survey. 01 02 RESEARCH DISTRIBUTE Tsaaro’s team studied the Draft DPB, 2021 and IT Act and analysed reports by international organizations on the privacy issues children face, extensively and formulated the questionnaire accordingly. The survey was sent out to parents via different platforms to ensure maximum participation. 03 04 ANALYZE CREATE REPORTS All the survey participants answered and provided us with their experiences and insights relating to the issue. All the received responses were curated and further presented by Tsaaro in the following report. TSAARO PRIVACY AMONG CHILDREN REPORT 2022

  9. SURVEY INSIGHTS The following inforgrapic depicts the survey results of all the questions asked, along with our comments about the same. 93% parents said that they are aware of what data privacy is. ARE YOU AWARE OF WHAT DATA PRIVACY IS? When we asked the parents if they were aware of data privacy, the numbers made us realise that with the change in the working of the world in general and the internet in specific, people have started giving data privacy equal importance to that of other fundamental rights. The numbers None 2.2% DO YOU THINK IT IS ABOUT SECRECY OR CONTROL? Secret 16.7% There has always been a misconception that privacy is all about secrecy. The public, in general, believes that privacy = secrecy. But away from public belief, the idea of privacy is to ensure control over your data and who can have access to it. Control 17.5% The answers showcased that the general public belief still exists along with a good percentage of people (63.16%) taking privacy into account of both secrecy and control. Both 63.6% Computer Mobile Device DOES YOUR CHILD HAVE ACCESS TO A COMPUTER OR A MOBILE DEVICE? Both None 0 10 20 30 40 50 TSAARO PRIVACY AMONG CHILDREN REPORT 2022

  10. DOES YOUR CHILD HAVE AN ONLINE IDENTITY THROUGH IDS LIKE INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, SNAPCHAT, GMAIL ETC.? This question ensures the awareness of parents regarding how active their kids are on various social media platforms. Even if these social media measures take measures to keep children away or keep their data safe, it is necessary to ensure that the children are made well aware about how different social media platforms work and what information should not be shared on those platforms. DO YOU TAKE STEPS TO ENSURE THAT YOUR CHILD'S ONLINE PRIVACY IS SAFE? HAVE YOU EVER RECEIVED MESSAGES/ EMAILS FROM COACHING INSTITUTES, ETC., WITH YOUR CHILD'S NAME, EVEN THOUGH YOU HADN'T GIVEN THEM ANY INFORMATION REGARDING YOU OR YOUR CHILD? 68% parents stated they received these messages/emails. This survey analysed whether parents take steps to ensure that their child's online privacy is safe. The numbers show a high sign of parents trying to inculcate the idea of privacy in them young. Several parents mentioned that they ensure that their children commonplace, under familiarise themselves with the applications their children use, keep track of their online footprint, etc. use devices their in a supervision, 67% parents answered with a YES saying children require data privacy 46% parents have NO knowledge of how do the school's handle or protect their child's information 85% parents are aware about the parental control features TSAARO PRIVACY AMONG CHILDREN REPORT 2022

  11. WHAT ALL SENSITIVE PERSONAL DATA WAS COLLECTED FOR YOUR CHILD WHEN HE/SHE WAS ADMITTED TO THE SCHOOL? There is an issue when we talk about the information that schools have been collecting from their students these days. Other than the information that is generally asked, for the security of the premise and the children, school's have started asking for children's biometrics. Though the reason for collection is thoughtful, how to do these institutions store and care for this data is highly alarming since there exists no legislation to ensure a procedure for its storage. 85% parents are aware about the parental control features Race or Ethic Origin Political Opinions Religious beliefs Health Data Biometric 0 25 50 75 ARE YOU AWARE OF THE PARENTAL CONTROL FEATURES APPLICATIONS HAVE? Yes, useful and are enough Yes, useful but are not enough Yes, not useful at all Not aware 0% 20% 40% 60% DO YOU THINK APPS THAT YOUR CHILDREN DOWNLOAD ASK FOR UNNECESSARY PERMISSIONS? 7 out of every 10 parents think that applications their children download often ask for unnecessary permissions like, - Permission to click the image. - Permission to the contact book. etc. TSAARO PRIVACY AMONG CHILDREN REPORT 2022

  12. ON AVERAGE, WHAT IS THE DURATION THAT YOUR CHILD SPENDS ON ELECTRONIC DEVICES? (FOR VARIOUS REASONS - ONLINE CLASSES/GAMES/ OTHERS) Less than 2 hours 2-4 hours 4-6 hours More than 6 hours 0 10 20 30 40 50 ARE YOU AWARE OF ANY LAW IN OUR COUNTRY CONCERNING THE SAME? 59% parents are aware about laws in the country concerning data protection. More than half of the sample space of our survey say that they are aware of laws in India concerning the idea of data privacy. With the influx of cybercrimes and added dependency on devices that work on the data we provide, people need to be aware of these legislations' safeguards. These legislations can be referred to on Page 3. DO YOU THINK THAT THE LEGISLATURE SHOULD TAKE STEPS TO PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN'S PERSONAL DATA? Need for new laws 73% parents stated that the legislature should take steps. No need for new laws Not aware 0% 25% 50% 75% TSAARO PRIVACY AMONG CHILDREN REPORT 2022

  13. SUMMARY OF THE FINDINGS Through the answers we've gathered from this survey, we have concluded that there has been an increase in people's interest in privacy. India is watching its stance shift from not giving privacy the importance it deserves to a state where individuals are slowly and steadily looking towards ensuring that their and their children's privacy is paramount. In this report, we've seen that parents have incorporated steps to ensure that their children are familiar with privacy. But there are a few problems that these parents state that they face while trying to teach their children about privacy. This issue is the immense technicality and usage of jargon. This raises the question of whether the concept of data privacy not be simplified. We noticed a sense of disparity when it came to how parents keep themselves informed about the manners in which they can ensure that they are well informed of how they can provide their child's privacy because the answers were scattered. When we mention scattered, we mean that even though some parent's mentioned that they prefer going through content produced by international organizations. However, many of these parents answered that they weren't sure of any source they could refer to and ensure taking steps to keep their child's privacy as the utmost priority. Hence the disparity exists regarding the source of information. Another critical aspect of data privacy for children is the schools and organizations they are associated with, the data they collect and how they manage it. More than 60% of these parents are neither aware of how to do these schools attend to the biometric data and other personal and sensitive data they collect from children, nor are they aware of how trained and equipped the educators and organizations are in cases of a breach in their databases. In conclusion, more than 70% of these parents think that there is a sure need to attend to the unavailability of legislation that sets out grounds, procedures, and other requirements for collecting, storing, and using data. We at Tsaaro, along with the privacy fraternity of the world, are eager to see what the future of the draft Data Protection Bill, 2021 holds. To understand more about what the privacy fraternity and people in general thought of the draft Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019, click here to check out Tsaaro's report on the Draft Personal Data Protection Bill 2019 TSAARO PRIVACY AMONG CHILDREN REPORT 2022

  14. SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT In an age of Information technology, every critical decision takes place through data, and this race of data collection and mining has entrapped everyone. While even the highly educated and adult members face consequences of personal data sharing, the survey reveals important insights about a group that is even more vulnerable. This is why everyday incidents like cyberbullying, financial fraud etc., make the headlines. The parents who were interviewed for the survey were well aware of privacy. Many among them were also knowledgeable about privacy, i.e. secrecy and control over data. Almost everyone's child(or children) had access to an electronic gadget like a mobile device or computer, and some of them had made their online identities as well. This is where most of the parents get concerned about sharing or loss of any form of personal data and feel that at many times, their children do require data privacy. For this, they revealed that they do take active steps to ensure privacy. Still, they were not very informed about handling personal data by other major institutions (such as schools) that collect their children's data. This leads to incidents like receiving promotional messages from institutes where they haven't even shared their data. Further, it was revealed that many schools collected sensitive personal data such as religion, ethnicity etc. Lastly, about the different online applications, the parents were concerned that there are not enough parental controls and instead, the apps ask for unnecessary permissions. WHAT DOES THIS SURVEY MEAN FOR PARENTS? The survey only goes on to reemphasize that the children need more protection. The first step toward that would be for parents to educate themselves and understand how and where their children share their data. Only then can reliable solutions be developed, and the parents can take steps. Parents need to adopt more personal, verbal approaches for creating safer internet experiences and use the available tools to help start having those conversations. SOME OF THE STEPS TO ENSURE THIS CAN BE: 1. Build digital skills among your child by educating them on concepts like privacy, digital literacy, cyberbullying, online scams, and other online risks. 2. Make them aware of the risks of sharing personal data and help them spot the warning signs, and keep reminding them of the same. 3. Monitor the privacy settings of your child's device. 4. Check what all access and permissions have been given to different apps by your child. 5. Encourage them to discuss any issue openly they might be facing or if they suspect anything. TSAARO PRIVACY AMONG CHILDREN REPORT 2022

  15. ABOUT TSAARO Tsaaro is a leading data privacy and cyber security service provider helping technology companies and new-age start-ups secure their applications, through future-ready solutions that help keep up with the changing technology landscape. businesses across Our strength lies in assessing security risks, monitoring for threats, and safeguarding applications against compliance issues as well as the latest threats. We provide data privacy services to align the organization's security roadmap to leading privacy frameworks such as GDPR, CCPA, PDPB, HIPPA. Our information security services truly complement our capabilities in privacy and security with an exhaustive list of assessment and implementation frameworks such as ISO 27001:2013, NIST, and PCI-DSS. We take a pragmatic, risk-based approach to provide our clients with real-world, workable advice, guidance, and support that helps them to deal with a wide range of security challenges. and privacy-related COLLABORATIVE ORGANISATIONS Tsaaro is exceptionally grateful and would like to thank all the organisations who ensured we could reach a more extensive sample space. We reached a sample space of more than 600+ individuals who took part in this survey. We want to thank the principals and administration of : Delhi Public School DAV Public School Jai Public School Maa Anandmayee Memorial School Sugni Devi Sr. Secondary School TSAARO TSAARO PRIVACY AMONG CHILDREN REPORT 2022 PRIVACY AMONG CHILDREN REPORT 2022

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