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CTC Blackboard Tutorial: Course Walkthrough & Navigation Guide

"Learn how to access and navigate your Blackboard course at Central Texas College with this tutorial. Explore the course menu, announcements, syllabus, lessons, assignments, exams, discussion boards, study guides, and more."

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CTC Blackboard Tutorial: Course Walkthrough & Navigation Guide

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  1. Blackboard Tutorial

  2. Accessing your Blackboard Account Welcome to CTC Blackboard tutorial. We will walk you through a course and explain the different parts. The login screen for Blackboard is at http://ctc.blackboard.com. Here you will find your courses. You can access Blackboard up to 72 hours before the first day of class. The instructions on the login page will provide information for determining your username and password. For the sample course, the username is bbuser, and the password is bbuser.

  3. Accessing your Blackboard Course After logging in, the My Institution page will display. As you can see, this page contains a lot of information and resources. It is also where you access your courses. You may see lecture classes that require you to meet face to face. Some instructors use Blackboard to enhance their lecture courses while others do not. Please check with your instructors.

  4. Blackboard Course Menu Now let's open the link to this sample class and take a tour. The course menu is located on the left side of your screen. This menu will be your means of navigating throughyour course as we pick apart and see what each link holds for you. Note, the course menus vary slightly from one course to another and items may be listed in a different order. As we proceed through this tutorial, we will examine the primary elements.

  5. Course Announcements The first element is Course Announcements. Every time you open your class, it will open directly into the announcements page. If the instructor has something that needs your immediate attention, it will be posted on the Announcements page.

  6. Start Here! The Start Here! page offers you the opportunity to see what is in each component of your course menu. Information found on this page will help you throughout your course. Remember, you must log in and complete at least one activity by the first week of class. If you cannot do this, contact your instructor immediately.

  7. Instructor Information Instructor Info is where you will find who your instructor is and how you can contact him or her.

  8. Messages Messages. The Course Messages feature allows you to communicate with your instructor and your classmates.

  9. BioSig-IDTM The BioSig-ID Enrollment link is where you will enroll in BioSig for your course. BioSig is a biometric signature identification tool used to verify a student’s identity. Most courses use this link for enrolling in BioSig; however, some courses may have the initial BioSig Enrollment within the Start Here section of the course. You should complete the BioSig Enrollment in every course so that your instructor can see that you have enrolled.

  10. Syllabus Page 1 Now we will discuss the importance of the syllabus. Syllabus Page 1. This page outlines important information such as your course introduction and course materials. While this information is important to you, it is general.

  11. Syllabus Page 2 Syllabus Page 2. The second page of the syllabus is more specific to your course. This page outlines Delivery and Terms, Assignments and Course Schedule with due dates, Exam Information, and Grade components and calculations. Note, Self-paced course schedules will display recommended due dates to help keep you on track.

  12. Lessons Lessons are considered the meat of the course. In some disciplines, lessons are called modules or units. The normal CTC Blackboard courses consist of eight lessons, but that varies by type of class. So do not be surprised if there are only four lessons, or maybe twelve lessons. Concentrate on completing each lesson in order. Skipping around will get you in trouble most of the time.

  13. Papers/Projects The Papers/Projects page is where you can find instructions and helpful resources to complete your research paper for your course.

  14. Discussion Board Discussion Board. The Discussion Board is a place to collaborate with other students. Additionally, it could have assigned discussions by your instructor or postings from your classmates discussing various topics. Make sure you understand the type of discussion your instructor expects.

  15. Exams Exams. The Exams section is where you will find major exams for your course. Some courses use other software, such as MindTap, iLrn, or MyMathLab for assignments and exams.

  16. Study Guides and Lecture Notes Study Guides and Lecture Notes. These elements may or may not be used in your course. The study guides included in the course are designed to help you prepare for exams and lesson quizzes. The Lecture Notes may include audio or video files or other subject matter materials to help you better understand the course content.

  17. My Grades My Grades. The My Grades link provides a report of your current grades for the course. Please monitor your progress.

  18. Scholastic Honesty Scholastic Honesty. Central Texas College takes scholastic honesty seriously. All students are required and expected to maintain the highest standards of scholastic honesty in the preparation of all coursework and during examinations. Go to the Scholastic Honesty link on your Course Menu and read the statement on what the repercussions are for violating this policy.

  19. Evaluations Evaluations. Please submit an Evaluation when your class is over. This is where you get to praise your instructor and let the college know how well, or how poorly, this class was taught. CTC really does value your opinion. Please let us know how we are doing. The evaluations are anonymous. So don’t worry about repercussions for a “bad” review. Be honest.

  20. EagleMail • CTC Student Email • All official electronic communication from CTC is sent to this account. • Go to http://www.ctcd.edu/students/current-ctc-students/student-email/ for instructions. Eagle Mail. Eagle Mail is an email account issued to all CTC students. This item is not available in the Blackboard course menu, but you need to be aware of this method of communication. Eagle Mail is used by CTC and your instructors for all email communication. Please be sure to set up your account and check it frequently so that you do not miss crucial information.

  21. Secrets for Success is Knowing Where to Go • Your instructor for course issues and concerns. • CTC Distance Education Website - http://online.ctcd.edu. Notice that Blackboard and BioSig-ID tech support is provided 24/7/365! • Professor Deets at prof.deets@ctcd.edu responds to questions or redirects them to the appropriate offices. • eaglesoncall@ctcd.edu for advising • webadvisor.tech@ctcd.edu for WebAdvisor • IT Help Desk at hdesk@ctcd.edu for EagleMail, WebAdvisor, and Etrieve. • CTC website - http://www.ctcd.edu. Secrets for success is knowing where to go. First, contact your instructor for course issues and concerns. For resources on distance learning, explore the CTC Distance Education website. If you need help with general course information, contact Professor DEETs. For academic advising, contact EaglesOnCall. For assistance with WebAdvisor, contact WebAdvisor technician. For assistance with EagleMail, and Etrieve, please contact the IT Help Desk. For more information about CTC and resources available to you, please visit our CTC main website.

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