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Perspectives on Counterinsurgency Gaming

Gain insights on designing and playing counterinsurgency games, unravel the "indecency of recency" in war depiction, and question the scarcity of modern irregular warfare games. Explore innovative game designs as a form of journalism and criticism.

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Perspectives on Counterinsurgency Gaming

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Brian Train National Defence University July 17, 2018 Perspectives on CounterinsurgencyGaming

  2. Black-Boxing Syndrome (Dunnigan) “If you can play them, you can design them.” (also Dunnigan)

  3. War since 1945

  4. The “indecency of recency” Critical/subversive of media portrayal of conflicts Critical/ subversive of “normal” play of wargames Scarcity of games on modern irregular warfare

  5. Game as journalism

  6. Game as criticism

  7. The GMT COIN System

  8. Lines of attack

  9. Victory conditions in A Distant Plain

  10. Questions? brian.train@gmail.com (me) https://brtrain.wordpress.com (my game design blog) http://www.gmtgames.com (GMT Games)

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