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“5 Tools to Breakthrough Negativity”

Join Fay Prairie, a counselor and mindset coach, in this masterclass to transform your life. Learn to improve your quality of life, manage stress, cultivate positivity, upgrade your mindset, and gain control of your emotions. Discover actionable tools to shape empowering thoughts, reduce negativity, and enhance your overall well-being. Take charge of your mind, emotions, and outcomes to create a more fulfilling life with lasting positivity. Explore techniques to sharpen your mental tools for a smoother journey towards a happier and more content existence.

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“5 Tools to Breakthrough Negativity”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “5 Tools to Breakthrough Negativity” Masterclass with “Fay Prairie”

  2. Thanks for joining me!

  3. Fay Prairie Counselor, Relationship & Mindset Coach www.fayprairie.com fay@fayprairie.com

  4. What do you think causes the most stress in your life? Situations??People?? Or Your Thoughts about Situations and People??

  5. That’s what we’re going to talk about.

  6. This is for anyone who wants to improve their quality of life • You want to be happier and more content • You want less stress & anxiety • You want to stop worrying so much • You want to ENJOYyour life more!

  7. This is for anyone who wants to improve their quality of life • You want to have more control over your emotions • You want to improve your health • You want to improve your relationships • You want to be more positive




  11. “WORKING ON THIS WILL JUST TAKE MORE TIME?” Gives you MORE time Increases Peace, Positivity & Productivity Makes your life run smoother!

  12. "If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first four hours sharpening the axe." Sharpening the most important tool you have which is your mind.

  13. How much time do you spend maintaining your mind? Sharpeningyour most important tool—your MIND…………..

  14. From a DIY (Do it Yourself) perspective, having the right toolsfor a job really can make a difference between a nicely completed project and hours of cursing and frustration.

  15. What You’re Going to Learn Today • How your MINDSETis impacting EVERYTHING that is happening in your life, and how to positively improve your life by upgrading your MINDSET.  (change your "inner game" and your "outer game" changes)

  16. What You’re Going to Learn Today • QUESTIONS to ask yourself when you’re feeling overwhelmed & frustrated so you can flip to feeling UPBEAT, MOTIVATEDand HOPEFUL.  (I use these all the time and honestly, they work!)

  17. What You’re Going to Learn Today • A SIMPLE and EASYexercise you can use to turn “worry” and “anxiety” into "peace" and "calm.“  (then life is so much MORE enjoyable and easier!)

  18. What You’re Going to Learn Today • How to fill your mind withEMPOWERING thoughts and DRASTICALLY REDUCE the disempowering thoughts (those, negative dis-empowering thoughts lead to stress, anger & problems, and the less of that we have, the better!)

  19. Why Me?

  20. THOUGHTS How you can work with me further for Personal Coaching

  21. HERE’S WHAT YOU’RE GOING TO LEARN “5 TOOLS TO BREAKTHROUGH NEGATIVITY” 4. Gratitude 5. Movies We Play 1. GPS-Recalculate 2. Flashlight 3. Google Search

  22. NEUROPLASTICITY Exercises to Train Your Brain

  23. LANGUAGE YOU USE…THOUGHTS YOU THINK… PHYSICALLY CHANGE YOUR BRAIN Dopamine Attention and Awareness to happy thoughts—appreciation-- stimulates dopamine. Anterior Cortex Increases Self-Regulation. Control knee-jerk reactions Control Monkey Mind (mind wandering) Amygdala(shrinks) Less Reactivity Hippocampus (Increased Thickness) Serotonin (increases) The language you use and the thoughts you think can actually physically change your brain.

  24. Rule Your MIND OR It Will Rule You

  25. AWARENESS How often do you take time to notice what’s going on in your mind?

  26. Mark Waldman Before we can change anything, we have to be aware of what needs changing. Being mindful of what’s going on in our mind.

  27. How many thoughts does the average person have per day?

  28. What % of those thoughts do you think are negative? What % of our thoughts are the same each day?

  29. It’s so Important Because: Our Inner World Determines our Outer World

  30. What people tend to do: • Blame Situation • Blame People Can you relate to this?

  31. 1st Time 2nd Time • Angry • Upset • Frustrated • Resentful • Worried • Concerned • Empathetic • Caring Changed? What

  32. Stressed • Overwhelmed • Frustrated • Negative • Hopeless • Motivated • Upbeat • Positive • Challenged • Excited

  33. Can you see how Your THOUGHTSmake a difference in howYOUfeel?

  34. Can you see how your FEELINGSmake a difference in howyouACT?

  35. Can you see how your ACTIONSmake a difference in your RESULTS?

  36. Your thoughts lead to your feelings Your feelings leadto your actions Your actions lead to yourresults

  37. It all comes back to our thoughts THOUGHTS Intensifyfeelings of stress, frustration and negativity or minimizethem. “But, you don’t understand…………………”

  38. “5 Tools to Take Control of your Thoughts”

  39. 1.Recalculate ChooseDifferent Thoughts

  40. What was I just thinking? “Your thoughts lead to your feelings” “Your feelings lead to your actions” “Your actions lead to yourresults”

  41. BEN Cars Stuck in Traffic

  42. “Same Time”

  43. Your FEELINGS are like your GPS They let you know When you’re taking the wrong road And it’s time to RECALCULATE The longer you stay on the WRONG road The further lost you get


  45. What do you think causes us the most stress, frustration and negativity? Situations??People?? Or Our Thoughts about Situations and People??

  46. Is there a situation in your life that’s causing you a lot of stress, frustration or anxiety? Could recalculating the way you think change the way you feel about it? How can you recalculate your thoughts around it? It can be a CHALLENGE

  47. If you start to blame someone for something that happened and you start to feel resentful, upset and negative towards them, • Recalculate. • How can you see that you have played a part and need to take some responsibility? • How can you change the thoughts you are automatically thinking of them into thoughts that will help ease your negative feelings?

  48. You’re starting to judge someone. • Recalculate. • Don’t we all have areas of strengths and weaknesses? • Don’t we even have traits that could be considered negative? • Do we want others to dwell on our weaknesses or negatives? • Turn your thoughts around and get back on the right road.

  49. We think about the past and replay a ‘not so nice’ conversation over and over. • Recalculate. • Remember a time when: • Things went well • You had a great time with them • Remember the good times • Your mind has a choice which • memoriesit replays

  50. Would you go to a movie you hate over and over again? No, so why keep replaying a negative conversation? Would you go to a movie you really liked again? Yes, so replay the ones you like instead.

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