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Mid-Term Review of Government Priorities: Education and Health Progress

This review analyzes the progress made in the education and health sectors, focusing on improving quality and access to education, combating HIV/AIDS and TB, and improving overall health system effectiveness.

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Mid-Term Review of Government Priorities: Education and Health Progress

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  1. The Presidency Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation MID-TERM REVIEW OF THE PRIORITIES OF GOVERNMENT Outcomes Monitoring and Evaluation Branch Standing Committee on Appropriations 21 August 2012

  2. Introduction November 2011 was mid-point of 2009 – 2014 electoral term Narrative mid-term review has been circulated, taken as read Review covers all 12 outcomes, including the five main priorities Presentation will focus on highlights, details in narrative Document is high-level, relatively short and readable and therefore does not comprehensively cover all work of government Intention is to provide a frank and balanced assessment of our progress, and to contribute towards developing a culture of continuous improvement and accountable and transparent government


  4. Education and skills progress • Improve quality of basic education • Increased number of children benefiting from ECD • Grade R enrolment doubled between 2003 and 2010 • Workbooks developed • Grade 12 percentage passes increased in 2011, but fewer learners passing at bachelors level, and fewer learners passing maths • Implementing measures to address teacher quality • 70% of learners now in no-fee schools • Addressing the problem of unemployed and unskilled youth • Increased enrolment of adult learners for ABET • Increased enrolment at FET colleges • National Senior Certificate for Adults to meet university entry requirements registered, but curriculum development delayed • Providing skills required by the economy • Number of unemployed learners and workers entering learnerships exceeding targets • 11 335 artisan learners entered training, exceeding target of 10 000 for 2011 • Target for new teachers, honours, masters , doctoral graduates will be met by 2014

  5. Education and skills: recommended focus to address challenges • Improve quality of basic education • Strengthen quality and coverage of early childhood development • Improve literacy and numeracy levels in lower grades • Support teachers to be able to teach English as a second language at earlier grades • Address quality and performance in mathematics and physics earlier in the system • Timely delivery of work books and text books • Monitor use of work books • Monitor teacher attendance and teachers’ coverage of the curriculum • Address under-expenditure of education infrastructure budgets • Assess impact of teacher development initiatives and that unions are engaged • Increase number of learners passing at bachelor’s level • Make ANA school results publicly available, for parents to monitor performance • Targeted interventions in under-performing schools • Strengthen school management in weak performing schools • Address problem of unemployed and unskilled youth • Intensify efforts to improve quality of service provided by FET colleges • Skills requirement of economy • Improve enrolment and throughput rate for students at tertiary level in engineering & health science


  7. Health progress • Combating HIV and AIDS, and TB • Number of people living with HIV has stabilised • Reduction in mother to child transmission from 8% in 2008 to 3.5% in 2011, protecting more than 30 000 babies (per annum) from infection • 19.9 million people tested for HIV from April 2010 to date • 1.7 million people receiving antiretroviral therapy, up from 1,1 million in 2009 • Costs of ARV drugs halved – can treat more people within same resource envelope • 8 million people tested for TB and cure rate improved, reached 70% mark in 2010 • Improving maternal and child health • Reached 70% immunization coverage for diarrhoea and pneumonia • Increased percentage of mothers and babies presenting for care within 6 days of birth • Cervical cancer screening rate increased from less than 40% in 2009 to 57% in 2011 • Improve health system effectiveness • Substantial steps taken towards establishment of NHI (Green Paper) • Good progress towards establishing Office of Health Standards Compliance • Audit of service quality in over 75% of health facilities, improvement plans being developed • Developed human resource strategy, linking intake to projected demand • Training plans to ensure hospital managers meet minimum competency requirements • Progress in PHC re-engineering and deployment of health teams to communities • Audit of all 122 nursing colleges, 45 of the targeted 105 refurbished

  8. Health: recommended focus areas for remainder of term • Implement comprehensive information management system to track people on antiretroviral treatment • Intensify prevention of HIV and AIDS and TB and integration of services between them • Address increasing non-communicable diseases such as heart conditions; injury and violence, and socio-economic determinants of health such as poverty • Need to intensify multi-sectoral focus in these areas • Intensify focus on child nutrition and meeting the 90% target of deliveries in facilities • Implement service quality improvement plans following quality audits • Joint planning between Health, Higher Education and academic institutions to train doctors, pharmacists and nurses • Consider moving funding and management of the 10 central hospitals to national level • Improve performance of the National Health Laboratory Services • Address under-expenditure on health infrastructure grants and maintenance • Address financial and supply chain management challenges in health departments • Maintain turnaround momentum - despite significant improvements, SA performance on health indicators still poor by international standards relative to expenditure levels


  10. Crime and corruption: mid-term review of progress • Reducing overall levels of serious crime in particular contact and trio crimes • Overall serious crime decreased from 3,872 to 3,680 per 100,000 of the population • Murder, attempted murder, car-jackings and house robberies have decreased, however marginal increase in business robberies • Perceptions of the management of crime among citizens have improved • Improving effectiveness of the CJS • Detection rates for contact and trio crime increasing • Case backlog decreasing • Combating corruption • 1 529 allegedly corrupt people in the criminal justice system investigated • 192 officials were criminally charged, 86 convicted and 296 were departmentally charged between April and September 2011 • 56 suspects with illegally obtained assets of more than R5 million investigated, 26 of these have appeared in court but no convictions yet, assets worth R580 million of 19 individuals restrained • 255 other corruption-related convictions from April 2011 to date • 23 Presidential Proclamations since 2009 for SIU to investigate corruption cases • Improving victim support • Progress in establishing Thuthuzela Care Centres /Victim Support Rooms at police stations

  11. Crime and corruption: recommended focus for remainder of term • Improve effectiveness of criminal justice system • SAPS far exceeded its targets for overall serious crime – targets set too low? • Align and integrate ICT systems of relevant departments to make CJS efficient • Speed up finalisation of cases in the courts • Further improve investigative (SAPS) and prosecutorial (NPA) capacities • Monitor parolee re-offending, and rehabilitation in general • Increase involvement of perpetrators of serious crimes in rehabilitation • Track re-offending by perpetrators of serious crime released on parole • Increase involvement of victims in parole hearings • Improving victim support • Increase number of victims who attend parole hearings • Assess quality of services in Thuthuzela Care Centres and Victim Support Rooms • Combating corruption • Improve quality and number of prosecutors, forensic and financial investigators in Anti-Corruption Task Team to increase chances of securing convictions • Ensure single coordination point for existing anti-corruption structures

  12. JOBS

  13. Jobs progress • Advances in coordination around growth strategies (NGP, stakeholder agreements) • Progress with promotion of labour absorbing growth - industrial development strategies in manufacturing , mineral products; procurement reform ; Jobs Fund • Progress with improving competitiveness and reducing costs: • Implementation of IPAP, minerals beneficiation, autos, clothing, solar water heating and renewable energy • Communications costs declining but rising electricity and transport prices • Strong action by competition authorities - food production, fertilisers, construction • Business case prepared to expand Community Work Programme to 1 million per annum

  14. Jobs: recommended focus for remainder of term • Ongoing implementation of New Growth Path and related strategies • Address cost and reliability of electricity and transport • Decisions on youth employment programmes and urgent implementation of these • Address stagnating research and development • Increase impact of SME support programmes • More systematic monitoring of implementation of microeconomic reforms, e.g. municipal permits and building approvals, work permits • Review impact of government regulations, charges and administered prices on employment creation • Implementation of business case for expansion of Community Work Programme and improvement of capacity in government to oversee the programme • Preparations for risk of slow global growth and to reduce potential impact of immediate risk of higher food prices, review policies which allow sharp food price fluctuations • Improve coordination of jobs initiatives across departments

  15. Economic infrastructure

  16. Economic infrastructure progress • Creation of Independent System Operator (ISMO) underway, to allow participation by Independent Power Producers (IPPs) • Medupi is a little behind schedule, Kusile is ahead of schedule - deficit until Medupi/Kusile are generating electricity • Logistics – road, rail and ports • Transnet moving freight to rail - 206mt by end of 2011/12 (2014 target 250mt) • Container Terminals – Durban re-engineering 90% complete, Cape Town 92% complete, Nqura 2 container berths added and 2 more will be completed by March 2012 • Locomotive acquisition on track • Progress with national roads , but affordability of tolls is a challenge • Progress with Water Augmentation Schemes and rehabilitation of 9 out of 25 dams complete, progress on water licences backlog, but little progress on equitable water pricing and funding models • Information and communication technology – wholesale broadband prices dropped by 73%, local loop unbundling with different providers on the same telephone lines starts by November 2012, 60% Digital Television broadcasting coverage • Improving coordination of infrastructure build programme through Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission – project plans clustered, sequenced and prioritised into a project pipeline

  17. Economic infrastructure: recommended focus for remainder of term • Complete establishment of Independent System Operator, establish single transport regulator, increase private sector participation in rail and ports • Monitor Medupi build programme, promote co-generation options, accelerate integration of renewable energy and accelerate demand-side savings • Logistics – road, rail and ports • Further improvement of port productivity • Address the affordability of road tolls • Ensure progress on equitable water pricing strategy, funding models and institutional structures for water infrastructure delivery and maintenance • Complete ICT connections of 125 Dinaledi and 1 525 district schools, finalise & implement national broadband plan, local loop unbundling, oversee Digital TV implementation • Create new institutional mechanisms at administrative level to sequence and coordinate the delivery of strategic integrated projects across the spheres of government and the private sector, fast-tracking approvals and ensuring value for money


  19. Rural development progress • Addressing rural needs in a comprehensive fashion and improving services • Creation of rural champion in Dept of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) • Some appropriate service delivery models for remote rural areas have been developed (e.g. solar power, mobile clinics) but should be introduced more widely • Comprehensive Rural Development Programme (CRDP) reached 80 wards but at high cost per household • Agrarian reform and improving access to food • Land acquisition and redistribution programme: 823 300 hectares to 20 290 beneficiaries between 2009 and 2011 • Restitution programme: 712 claims settled between 2009 and 2011 • Overall, 6.7 million hectares transferred to blacks between 1994 and 2011 (27% of 2014 target of 24.5 million hectares) • Recapitalisation programme is benefiting 595 farms • Rural job creation • National Rural Youth Service Corps in 2010 trained 5 340 youth, but rural employment levels lower than in 2009

  20. Rural development: recommended focus for remainder of term • Addressing rural needs in a comprehensive fashion • Develop policy and strategy on rural development • Evaluate Comprehensive Rural Development Programme pilot • Strengthen rural local government • Improve coordination and integration of different departments’ work in rural areas • Agrarian reform and improving access to food • Speed up restitution and land transfer processes • Increase post-settlement support to small holders • Promote subsistence agriculture • Tackle high food prices • Rural job creation • Focus on agro-processing, mineral beneficiation , tourism , local purchasing, environmental services • Expand the Community Works Programme in rural areas


  22. Human settlements progress • Informal Settlements upgrading • 83 000 serviced sites delivered by provinces by September 2011 • Concern about meeting target of reaching 400 000 households by 2014 • Rental Housing • 15 469 social/public/private units built (19% of target) with good project pipeline • Accreditation • On track with 8 municipalities accredited to level 2, awaiting provincial gazetting • 16 municipalities assessed for compliance • Well located state land made available for integrated housing delivery • On track with 1 329 hectares of SOE land is being transferred to Housing Development Agency & 1 066 hectares transferred to municipalities • Finance to the affordable housing market • Housing Development Finance Institutions – 122 000 loans to Sept 2011, on track • Contribution of private banks not yet being recorded by NDHS– therefore not able to report on progress against overall target of 600 000 loans

  23. Human settlements: recommended focus for remainder of term • Acceleration of integrated housing delivery • National support to provinces and municipalities to map, categorise and implement informal settlement upgrade plans in 45 priority municipalities • Need national rental policy (that includes backyards), regulations and responsibilities • Provinces need to gazette 8 level 2 accreditations of municipalities • Need full accreditation of 6 metros • Identify and release well located state land to support higher densities • Conclude agreements with landholding government agencies on rapid land transfer, including its financing and requirements for densification • Put in place technical support agreements with municipalities and provinces for land transfer • Facilitate improvements in affordable “gap” housing market • Complete rationalisation of Housing Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) • Increase DFI support to provinces to develop mixed income and mixed use projects • Monitor private banks contribution to affordable housing market • Engage with private banks to increase their role in affordable housing


  25. Local government and basic services progress • Water • Overall access at 94.5% , on target for 2014 • Rate of delivery of the water infrastructure slowing, due to lack of bulk infrastructure, lack of engineering expertise for maintenance and operation • Refuse removal • Basic level of refuse removal risen to 72% by 2010/11, on target for 2014 • Unpermitted land-fill sites a constraint • DEA is working with provinces on this

  26. …local government and basic services progress continued Access to sanitation increased from 77% to 82% in 2011, not on target for 2014

  27. …local government and basic services progress continued Access to electricity improved to 84% in 2011, not on target for 2014 due to lack of generation capacity, lack of bulk infrastructure and distribution networks

  28. Local government and basic services: recommended focus for remainder of term • Basic services • Put in place appropriate national institutional arrangements for coordinating delivery of basic services • Improve basic service norms to reflect whether infrastructure is actually working • Prepare and implement plans for delivery of basic services in the 22 districts with the highest backlogs • Strengthening municipal capacity • Implement appropriate planning, financing, support to different categories of municipalities • Expand the Community Works Programme to 1 million jobs • Strengthen ward committees to develop and implement ward-level service delivery improvement plans • Focused interventions in the weakest municipalities to improve financial management • Ensure municipalities fill senior management and technical posts with qualifiedand capable staff • More focus by provincial governments on fulfilling their constitutional and legislative mandate to support, monitor and intervene in municipalities

  29. Environmental assets and natural resources

  30. Environmental assets and natural resources progress • Water • Water use efficiency targets set for agriculture sector • Water use licensing backlog significantly reduced • 66 water supply systems awarded Blue Drop certification for 2010/11 period, increase of 74% against 2010 • Number of waste-water treatment works that scored more than 50% in Green Drop assessment increased from 216 in 2009 to 460 in 2011 • Accelerated Community Infrastructure Programme achieved 63m cubic metres of water savings against planned 3m • Plans for addressing Acid Mine Drainage in place - emergency scheme starts by March 2012 in the Western Basin • National Air Quality Indicator shows marginal improvement • 42% renewable energy in Integrated Resource Plan, 28 preferred independent power producers announced • 200 000 solar heaters installed, 70% in rural areas (2014 target 1 million) • New biosphere reserve (Gouritz Cluster) added to conservation estate, 13% of coast has partial protection (target of 14% by 2014) • 307 731 work opportunities and 74 114 full-time jobs created through Environment and Culture Sector of the EPWP

  31. Environmental assets and natural resources: recommended focus for remainder of term • Water • Expand Blue Drop and Green Drop certification programmes and raise quality of water • Implement Acid Mine Drainage plans monitor mines’ compliance with water licences • Reduce solid fuel burning in homes and manage vehicle emissions • Implement White Paper on Climate Change and meet ambient air quality standards • Implement the projects approved and take forward the SA Renewables Initiative (SARI) launched at COP 17 • Ensure amendments to building regulations to promote energy efficiency are implemented • Implement simplified EIA process for SMEs and centralised electronic system for tracking environmental authorisation • Strengthen the National Wildlife Crime Reaction Unit (NWCRU) to address poaching, including rhinos • Consolidate the conservation estate

  32. A better South Africa and a better and safer Africa in a better world

  33. A better South Africa and a better and safer Africa in a better world progress • Consolidation of the African Agenda • Integration of NEPAD into the structures of the AU • Progress with the planning of key NEPAD infrastructure projects, including the North-South road and rail corridor • Elected on AU Peace and Security Council for a two year term, and the AU endorsement of SA’s candidature for the non-permanent UN Security Council seat, aiming to improve linkages between these two • Regional integration • SADC Free Trade Agreement consolidated – 92% of product lines now 0% rated, compared to 85% in 2009 • Reform of global governance institutions • World Bank – Executive Director position created for SA, Nigeria, Angola • International Monetary Fund – G20 agreement on reform of IMF • UN Security Council – some progress in agreement to move reform from a discussion forum to a formal negotiation process • Trade and investment • Inward foreign direct investment has been improving, improvement in high value added exports and number of tourists • Successfully hosted COP 17 and obtained agreement

  34. A better South Africa and a better and safer Africa in a better world: recommended focus for remainder of term • Consolidation of the African Agenda • Continue to strengthen structures and promote unity and cohesion of the region and continent • Continue to assert an independent African view in international platforms, including the UN Security Council, World Trade Organisation (e.g. re the Doha Round) • Regional integration • Consolidate the SADC Free Trade Agreement – further dropping trade barriers • Promote industrial development in SADC, leveraging complementarities and using a value-chain approach linking with NEPAD infrastructure projects • Reform of global governance institutions • International Monetary Fund – campaign for another seat for Africa • UN Security Council – continue to call for early and fundamental reform • WTO – build alliances with partners to reclaim the development mandate that launched the negotiations • Trade and investment- leverage additional investment from targeted economies

  35. An effective and efficient public service

  36. An efficient and effective public service progress • Some significant examples of improvements in service delivery, but not yet widespread • Waiting and turnaround times – significant progress in some departments e.g. Home Affairs with IDs (127 to 45 days) and permits; SASSA with processing of social grants (30 to 9 days); SAPS reaction times for serious crimes from 50 to 18 minutes • Health done audit of 4 210 health facilities and implementing improvement plans • On average less than 3% of funded posts vacant, but particular shortages of professional and technical skill • Time taken to fill vacant posts has improved from 9 months to 6 months (target is 4 months) • Standardised financial and human resource management delegations developed to enable quicker decision-making in departments • New regulations for monitoring of supply chain management, and to ensure payment to suppliers in 30 days • 74% of national departments received unqualified audits in 2010/11 – an improvement from 66% in 2009/10 • DPME, National Treasury, DPSA and Offices of Premier assessing quality of management practices in depts, improvement plans being put in place and monitored

  37. Effective public service : recommended focus for remainder of term • Resolve issue of single public service • Improve service delivery quality and access • Draw lessons from best practices such as Home Affairs • Ensure all depts have service standards and improvement plans (currently only 78% of departments comply) • Focus on recruitment of professional and technical staff • Ensure performance agreements for HoDs are submitted to Public Service Commission • Reduce turnaround time on disciplinary cases • Ensure 100% of senior managers disclose their private interests, verify disclosures, and eliminate any potential risks of conflict of interest • Pay suppliers within 30 days • Address deteriorating provincial audit results (69% unqualified audits in 2010/11 from 73% in 2009/10) • Deal with cases reported on Anti-Corruption Hotline (currently national depts have only finalised 70% of cases and provincial departments 78%)

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