NOTE: The slides that follow are intended to help you layout the story that you will be telling, so that it is logical and clear and can be told in 6 minutes. I encourage you to make up titles that replace the generic titles and that serve as pithy ‘headlines’ for the slide. Remember to add the data or other visuals – solid data is more important than a pretty background graphic. Title of project Agency Name of persons presenting to panel Names of other agencies or team members (optional)
Context/Background • Agency in which team is housed • Agency purpose (paraphrase!) • Other information that will help the panel understand the “context” in which the project took place
Problem/Issue (1-2 slides) • Problem you were trying to solve – how you narrowed it to root causes • How the problem adversely affected the public, customers or staff • Objectives and performance measures for the project NOTE: Showing baseline data in visual form will help the panel understand the problem
Challenges (1-2 slides) • Challenges you had to face • Hurdles you had to overcome • Considerations you had to keep in mind • Anything else the panel should know to appreciate what you faced in the project Use visuals to show relevant data
What you did (1-3 slides) • What you did to address the problem • How you engaged customers/stakeholders before and during implementation • The role staff played • How you chose the final solution • How you implemented it • How you tested the solution
Results (3-4 slides) • What was the result of your work? • Did you increase benefit to the public? How? • Did you improve customer service? How? • Did you improve financial management? How? • Did you streamline internal process? How? • Did the agency learn things that will help it work more effectively in the future? Show your data to prove the results you obtained!
Learnings (1slide) • Did you have any unexpected results? • What did the team/agency learn?