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GT 14 Instrumentation & Détection

GT 14 Instrumentation & Détection. Détecteurs spécifiques. Summary. Dual phase TPC with noble liquids R&D with noble liquids (involving MPGDs) R&D on LXe Compton Telescope Active development in Micromegas Active targets in nuclear physics SiPMs Low temperature Bolometers (10mK-300mK)

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GT 14 Instrumentation & Détection

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  1. GT 14 Instrumentation & Détection Détecteurs spécifiques Jérôme Donnard (Subatech IN2P3 / EMN / Université de Nantes) Journées Prospectives IRFU/IN2P3 Giens 2012

  2. Summary • Dual phase TPC with noble liquids • R&D with noble liquids (involving MPGDs) • R&D on LXe Compton Telescope • Active development in Micromegas • Active targets in nuclear physics • SiPMs • Low temperature Bolometers (10mK-300mK) • Ge ionization-heat bolometers • Conclusion • Lots of topics in this domain Jérôme Donnard (Subatech IN2P3 / EMN / Université de Nantes) Journées Prospectives IRFU/IN2P3 Giens 2012

  3. Dual phase TPC with noble liquids Grateful to Xenon100 collaboration • New experimental devices at the end of 20th century, mainly from Xenon or Argon community • Single photoelectron detection • > 20 pe/keV achievable with Xenon • Very suitable for n/g identification • Id ~102 with Xenon and >104 with PSD and Argon • Suitable for large scale experiment • Xenon100 (170kg – 48kg fiducial) • ARGONEUT (FNAL), (LNGS)… Cf talk Jules Gascon for DM GT6 • Very promising for larger scale experiment • Neutrino beam physics (hundreds of kT LAr) • @ Cern, next phase of Icarus • Glacier Project (R&D started in Europe) • … • Rare event experiment • Xenon 1T (DM under construction) • Darwin project • ... • New topic for the French community • But increase foreseen with Xenon 1T involvement, Glacier R&D, … Jérôme Donnard (Subatech IN2P3 / EMN / Université de Nantes) Journées Prospectives IRFU/IN2P3 Giens 2012

  4. R&D with noble liquids (involving MPGDs) 1’’ windowdone & tested 5” window Under construction • Cryogenics Gaseous PhotoMultiplier for LXe scintillation* • Gain >106 • Fast response • Use of THGEM,PIM,MicroMegas • Direct electronic readout with micromegas amplification stage in 87K/1 atm argon gas phase** • Micromegas in double phase Ar TPC • Gain ~10 • Test with microbulk very soon **Collaboration IRFU / IPP UTZH Muon track in LAr TPC Toward an alternative to traditional PMT for S2 reading *Collaboration between Subatech/WIS-Israel/Coimbra-Portugal Jérôme Donnard (Subatech IN2P3 / EMN / Université de Nantes) Journées Prospectives IRFU/IN2P3 Giens 2012

  5. R&D on LXe Compton Telescope Reconstructed cone from 511keV g • Detection of arrival direction of g • Based on Compton sequence reconstruction • Position and energy measurement of vertices • Building of TPC • Development for medical imaging application • 3-g imaging with XEMIS Cf talk Laurent Ménard GT12 • Cylindrical Camera Xemis2 (~100kg LXe) • Should also be investigated • For g-astro • For homeland security • Electromagnetic Compton calorimetry OpenGATE collaboration: http://www.opengatecollaboration.org/ Jérôme Donnard (Subatech IN2P3 / EMN / Université de Nantes) Journées Prospectives IRFU/IN2P3 Giens 2012

  6. Active development in Micromegas • Photo-detection : UV lens + photocathode + Micromegas (FORFIRE detector) • He3 issue, need for novel high efficiency thermal neutron detectors (ex: ESS): • conversion in high pressure BF3 gas • multilayer of 2 µm thick 10B • Amplification on CMOS chip: Timepix+Ingrid • single electron efficiency for gas property measurements • X-ray polarimeter Microbulk • Energy resolution (~ 11% FWHM @ 6 keV) • Very radiopure (copper and kapton) • Low mass detector • Very flexible structure • Presently used in CAST, nTOF Ingrid Timepix Jérôme Donnard (Subatech IN2P3 / EMN / Université de Nantes) Journées Prospectives IRFU/IN2P3 Giens 2012

  7. Active targets in nuclear physics • Based on TPC concept from particle physics • The Gas is also the target for nuclear reaction study • CENBG TPC (2p decay), MAYA (GANIL), ACTAR (IPNO)… • Astrophysics, Nuclear structure: • Nucleon transfert on light or FF nuclei • Inelastic reaction and giant resonances • Exotic decays… • Advantages versus classical solid targets: • Trajectory reconstruction • efficiency (gas thickness…) • Low energy threshold • Direct study on beam energy dependence • In the framework of SPIRAL2, several Letters Of Intent submitted, need for an improved detection system for the next years: • Counting rates • Multi-particules • Low energy threshold, spatial resolution • Reconstruction efficiency (granularity+Si walls) • New electronics (16k channels with GET) • Energy dynamics Detector R&D program since 2 years using MPGD, workingACTAR-TPC demonstrator in 2013 7 Jérôme Donnard (Subatech IN2P3 / EMN / Université de Nantes) Journées Prospectives IRFU/IN2P3 Giens 2012 Jérôme Donnard (Subatech IN2P3 / EMN / Université de Nantes) Journées Prospectives IRFU/IN2P3 Giens 2012

  8. SiPMs Hamamatsu matrices Excelitas : 5 mm x 5 mm • High sensitivity to low flux  single photon detection, high discrimination capability of low amount of photons • High detection efficiency (20 à 40 %) • Fast response: risetime ~sub-ns, good time resolution (< 100 ps @ single photoelectron) • Gain : 105 to 107 with polarization voltages < 100 V • Low consumption (< 50 µW/mm²) • Insensivity to magnetic fields (jusqu’à 15 T) • Small footprint • Robust Photodetector • Low cost (between 40 and 150 € / mm²) • Dark current still high (300 kHz/mm² minimum) • Gain dependence with temperature and power supply voltage • Cross-talk (5- 10 %) • Low resistance to radiation stress Sensl Matrix9 (144 SiPMs + électronique) Philips digital SiPM Some of recent develpements Jérôme Donnard (Subatech IN2P3 / EMN / Université de Nantes) Journées Prospectives IRFU/IN2P3 Giens 2012

  9. Work in progress around SiPM • LAL : expert in caracterization and comprehension of this photodetector physics • IMNC + LAL (SERDI – OMEGA) : development of radioisotopic per-operative imagers based on SiPMs • LAPP : development of a dedicated electronic readout for SiPMs for the IACT telescope of CTA Futur of SiPM activity Detector developments projects IPHC : construction of « digital » CMOS SiPM (avalanche micro-diode directly connected to a digital electronic cell) using the advanced fabrication process (0.18 microns), developped and optimized for sensors. 3-5 year program with european fundings. APC : Involvment into the RAFTIX project lead by THALES industry  Study and optimization of SiPM sensors with their dedicated electronic readout. This project is submitted to OSEO for a 4 year program around study and development of these sensors. Futur potential use of SiPM: In every detectors (calorimeters, particule id, IACT,…), as tools around accelerators (beam profiler), for medical application (TOF-PET, per-operative imagers, …) if recent technological developments allow to improve: la tenue aux radiations, the photo-detection efficiency, the cross-talk, the dark current, the gain variation with power supply voltage and temprature  it is mondatory to collaborate with manufacturer. Jérôme Donnard (Subatech IN2P3 / EMN / Université de Nantes) Journées Prospectives IRFU/IN2P3 Giens 2012

  10. Low temperature Bolometers (10mK-300mK) • Important R&D developments during the last decade at IN2P3 & IRFU: APC, CSNSM, IPNL, SAp, SEDI • Main advantages of bolometers: • versatility : able to couple to a large choice and size of absorbers (crystals, superconductors, thin films on membranes...) • can be adapted to a wide range of detected energy: sub-eV photons to MeV photons and particles • Major ongoing projects and perspectives involving IN2P3-IRFU: • Low temperature detector arrays (1000 – 10 000 pixels per module) • ATHENA satellite X-ray microcalorimeter • QUBIC ground based bolometric interfrerometer • Detection of rare events using massive absorbers (kg range) • EDELWEISS dark matter search • LUCIFER neutrino mass QUBIC ATHENA Athena is a space X-ray observatory project, submitted to ESA for a satellite lunch around 2025 One of the proposed baseline instruments is an X-ray imaging Microcalorimeter Spectrometer (XMS), operating at T=50mK. XMS will cover the 0.3–10 keV energy range with unprecedented energy resolution (∆E = 3 eV at 7keV) R&D at IN2P3-IRFU focuses on overall detector optimization and performance: superconducting absorbers + sensors + cryogenic multiplexing and readout QUBIC QUBIC is a recently approved project to study the B-mode polarization of the Cosmological Microwave Background (CMB) fluctuations. The instrument will be ground based (Dome C, Antarctica). The detector is based on 1000 pixel bolometer modules, imaging the interference fringes created by an array of 144 horns. The ultimate goal is a 100 gain of sensitivity in polarization, compared to the Planck satellite results. 10 Jérôme Donnard (Subatech IN2P3 / EMN / Université de Nantes) Journées Prospectives IRFU/IN2P3 Giens 2012 Jérôme Donnard (Subatech IN2P3 / EMN / Université de Nantes) Journées Prospectives IRFU/IN2P3 Giens 2012

  11. Ge ionization-heat bolometers electron recoil band EDELWEISS III & EURECA projects EDELWEISS is a European dark matter (WIMP) research project based on high purity Ge detectors operating at the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane (LSM). By the end of 2012, a total of 44 new generation 800g detectors will be installed. Simultaneous measurement of heat an ionization, combined to an inter-digitized design of the charge collecting electrodes allows a very efficient rejection of the background events (electron-recoil interactions including near Ge-surface events) Modeling of charge transport into the Ge at very low temperatures and R&D is still ongoing to further optimize rejection efficiency and energy threshold (<500eV). ---------------------------------------------------------- EURECA is a proposal for a 1 ton cryogenic detector experiment, aiming to investigate dark matter with very low sensitivity (10-10pb). The detectors could be multi-target (Ge,CaWO4, ZnMo4…) and multi-readout (heat - ionization - light). EURECA will also be very suitable for neutrino mass studies (neutrino-less double beta decay using heat-light bolometers) Ionization / Heat WIMP band recoil energy (keV) EURECA 2015 EDELWEISS III new generation 800g Ge detector (FID800) 11 Jérôme Donnard (Subatech IN2P3 / EMN / Université de Nantes) Journées Prospectives IRFU/IN2P3 Giens 2012 Jérôme Donnard (Subatech IN2P3 / EMN / Université de Nantes) Journées Prospectives IRFU/IN2P3 Giens 2012

  12. Conclusion • Specific detectors: • Large amount of developing project • Very important Experimental know-how • Various domain of application: Particle physics, astroparticules, nuclear physics, medical applications, • Lots of work achieved since 8 years by our institutions • Perspectives • Become conventional and widespread in the community • Increase of resources to materialize the proof of concept Jérôme Donnard (Subatech IN2P3 / EMN / Université de Nantes) Journées Prospectives IRFU/IN2P3 Giens 2012

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