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The establishment of the 2nd list of Projects of common interest

This meeting discusses the new TYNDP, PCI candidate evaluation methodology, financing, and next steps for projects of common interest in the energy sector. Attendees include European Commission officials, project promoters, and regulators.

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The establishment of the 2nd list of Projects of common interest

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  1. The establishment of the 2nd list of Projects of common interest Southern Gas Corridor Regional Group Meeting Brussels, 17th March 2015 European Commission DG Energy Internal Market I: Networks and Regional initiatives

  2. Agenda • Introduction • The new TYNDP (ENTSOG) • Presentation of the new TYNDP • Presentation of the modelling results – PS-CBA • Questions & answers • PCI candidate evaluation methodology (JRC) • Presentation of a new version of the JRC's methodology • Discussion • PCIs monitoring (DG ENER and project promoters) • Discussion on the implementation of PCIs • Financing of PCIs; the key role of financial instruments (DG ENER and the EIB) • Next steps

  3. State of play of the 2nd PCI evaluation process 1 2 3 4 (Mid-March) 5 7 6 8 9 2nd mtg: PCI candidates and methodology 1st mtg: Launch the 2nd PCI process • 3rd – 4th mtg: System wideassessment • Discuss and agreeonmethodology • Preparefor project specific CBA • 5th -6th – (7th) mtg: Assessment • Applymethodology • Discussprojects • Rankprojects • 8th mtg: agreeregionallists • Technicallevel DMB • 9th mtg: HighLevel DMB toapprove PCI list • Regionallistsmaystill be updatedbasedon ACER opinion We're here Commission adoption: end of November

  4. Project presentations • AT (Gas Connect Austria) • AZ (Socar, Azerbaijan South Caucasus Pipeline, White Stream) • BG (Bulgartransgaz) • CY (Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism) • EL (TAP, DESFA, IGI) • HU (FGSZ) • IT (Snam Rete Gas) • RO (Transgaz, AGRI LNG Project Company) • TM (White Stream Caspian Pipeline Company)

  5. Next steps • Next meeting April (18th – 31st) • Separate for each Regional Group Objectives: • Agreement on JRC methodology • Monitoring of PCIs (1st list) • To-do list: • • Start filling in Financial and Qualitative templates together with the promoters of your Group as soon as possible; • • Mandate will be soon circulated by ENTSOG. Please return signed mandate to ENTSOG asap, at the latest March 31st; • • A List of Groups sorted by promoter will be circulated to you soon. Check that all the Groups you belong to are listed and communicate all inaccuracies to the Commission and/or ENTSOG; • •Once the results of modelling and Economic template are communicated (April 1st), the CBA should be completed by promoters and sent back to Commission within three weeks (April 21st); • •Consider tri-laterals with the EIB (for mature projects) to discuss financial instruments and other available financing.

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