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Apologetics to the Glory of God. Logical Fallacies. 1 Peter 3:15-16.
Apologetics to the Glory of God Logical Fallacies 1 Peter 3:15-16 15But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 16keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.
Apologetics to the Glory of God Logical Fallacies Logic - definitions Apologetics is offense and defense. Being familiar with the following can help you gain respect as you listen and show that you are thinking about what is being said and it can break down stereotypes. Definitions: ____________________ - a statement about ________________ ____________________ - a proposition upon which an argument is made, upon which a conclusion is made ____________________ - mistake in reasoning Remember: A fallacious argument doesn’t mean the conclusion is TRULY false, it only means the individual has not ______________ what he believes. But if we cannot prove what we believe then we do not have a ________________ basis for our belief. A conclusion may be true but the argument for the existence of God with the existence of God. I.e. even if your argument is shown weak or wrong doesn’t mean God doesn’t exist. All arguments against God can be refuted using one of the following. truth Proposition Premise Fallacy proven logical
Apologetics to the Glory of God Logical Fallacies Logical Fallacies nature presentation reason Arbitrary assertion Fallacies in the ___________________or _________________ or an argument. 1. ______________________. An assertion without a __________________ or basis “Relative to the individual. The individual as the ultimate reference point. “That’s just what I believe.” “That’s just the way things are.” More Subtle: “Everyone decides truth for themselves.” 2. __________________________ or _____________________________ - A proposition is meaningless if it _______________ itself. “I cannot speak a word of English.” “All truth is relative.” “This statement is false.” “I can only know what I experience through my senses.” 3. A ____________________ ___________________ - something cannont be proven to ___ exist. “There are no unicorns.” “God doesn’t exist.” You cannot be everywhere at the same time to test it. Self-contradiction self-refutation contradicts universal negative not
Apologetics to the Glory of God Logical Fallacies Logical Fallacies (continued) absurdity Reduction 4) _________________ to ________________ - When you take a belief to its logical ___________ that results in absurdity. Reductio ad absurdum. “If all truth is relative, then the statement ‘all truth is relative’ is relative and not absolutely true, so you can’t propose it.” This is not a logical fallacy, but a good definition to be familiar with and use. conclusion Reductionism one thing Naturalistic Fallacy – The ways things are
Apologetics to the Glory of God Logical Fallacies Logical Fallacies (continued) Tautology definition Ends justify the means = works Infinite Regress Begging the question rephrasing Equivocation meanings
Apologetics to the Glory of God Logical Fallacies Logical Fallacies (continued) Emphasis Context force Ad hominem ------------- Guilt by association of other beliefs Ignorance
Apologetics to the Glory of God Logical Fallacies Logical Fallacies (continued) Argument from silence said pain Argument from pity immorality Euphemism Bandwagon approval General Rule exceptions
Apologetics to the Glory of God Logical Fallacies Logical Fallacies (continued) Hasty Generalization conclusion Majority Rule consensus. Appeal to popularity Appeal to authority Chronological snobbery new
Apologetics to the Glory of God Logical Fallacies Logical Fallacies (continued) Wishful thinking future Straw man caricature Special Pleading one side Anecdotal evidence
Apologetics to the Glory of God Logical Fallacies Logical Fallacies (continued) source Genetic Fallacy Complex Question Category mistake unlike Faulty analogy similar
Apologetics to the Glory of God Logical Fallacies Logical Fallacies (continued) Faulty dilemma third alternative “What if” game Might have been different lead to Slippery Slope
Apologetics to the Glory of God Logical Fallacies Logic Worksheet 1. Faulty Dilemma (#35) 2. (#17) Appeal to Ignorance 3. (#23) Hasty Generalization [#16 Guilt by association] 4. (#33) Category Mistake [#9 ad infinitum] 5. (#24) Majority Rule/Appeal to Popularity 6. “Special Pleading” pg102 [#24,25 Appeal to Popularity & Appeal to Authority] 7. “Irrelevant Conclusion” pg103 [#8 Ends justify the means] 8. #31 Genetic Fallacy 9. #26 Chronological snobbery/Appeal to Age or novelty 10. #37 Slippery Slope [& #4 Reduction to absurdity] 11. #11 Equivocation
Apologetics to the Glory of God Logical Fallacies Logic Worksheet (continued) 12. #22 General Rule or Dicto Simpliciter [#10 Begging the question] 13. #15 Ad hominem (abusive) 14. #19 Straw man 15. #24 Consus Gentium or Majority Rules 16. #25 Faulty Dilemma 17. “Irrelevant Conclusion” pg103 [#8 Ends justify the means] 18. #19 Appeal to pity [#1 arbitrary assertion, #27 Wishful thinking] 19. #37 Slippery Slope 20. #23 Hasty Generalization 21. “Ad populum” #21 Bandwagon [#24 Majority rule] 22. #27 Wishful thinking or Appeal to the Future [#26 Chronological snobbery]
Apologetics to the Glory of God Logical Fallacies Logic Worksheet (continued) 23. #10 Begging the Question 24. #22 General Rule or Dicto Simpliciter [#11 Equivication] 25. #32 Complex Question 26. “Fallacy of Division” pg 115 [#1 assertion, #28 Straw man 27. #24 Majority rules/ Consensus Gentium, Appeal to Popularity