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Head and Neck Cancers. Kazumi Chino, M.D. Radiation Oncology. Epidemiology. 52,000 people diagnosed in the US annually 3% of all cancers in the US Men are twice as likely as women to develop a head and neck cancer Dx is most common after age 50. Risk Factors.
Head and Neck Cancers Kazumi Chino, M.D. Radiation Oncology
Epidemiology • 52,000 people diagnosed in the US annually • 3% of all cancers in the US • Men are twice as likely as women to develop a head and neck cancer • Dx is most common after age 50
Risk Factors • Tobacco – approx. 85% of H&N Ca related to tobacco • Alcohol • HPV in oropharyngeal cancers • Epstein-Barr virus in nasopharyngeal cancers • Poor dental/oral hygiene • Poor nutrition – vit A and B deficiency • GERD in pharyngeal cancers
Histology • 90% of H&N cancers are squamous cell carcinomas arising from the mucosal surfaces • Salivary gland tumors are typically adenocarcinomas
Anatomy: Nasopharynx • Eustachian tube • Torus Tubaris • Fossa of Rosenmuller
Anatomy: Oro/Hypopharynx • From the uvula to hyoid bone • Palatine tonsils, tonsillar pillars • Base of tongue • Epiglottis and vallecula
Anatomy: Laryngopharynx • From the epiglottis to the inferior cricoid cartilage • Vocal cords, piriform sinuses, arytenoid cartilage and aryepiglottic folds
Nasopharyngeal Cancer Sx’s • Nasal obstruction, bleeding, discharge • Hearing problems if eustachian tube obstructed, otitis media • Headaches • Cranial nerve palsy with involvement of the base of skull • Neck mass, particularly at the mastoid tip
Tx & Prognosis: Nasopharynx • Stage I/II tx’d RT alone: local control rates at 5 years for T1= 93%, T2 = 79%, T3 = 68% and T4 = 53% • Intergroup 0099 compared RT alone vscisplatin 100mg/ms day 1, 22, 43 + RT for Stage III/IV • 3 yr progression free survival was 24% vs 69% in favor of concurrent chemo/RT • 3 yr overall survival was 47% compared to 78% in favor or concurrent chemo/RT • Similar trial JCO 2005 showed OS 65% 80% with chemo
Prognosis: Nasopharnx • Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma has a higher risk of local recurrence after tx than non-keratinizing SCCa or undifferentiated • High EBV DNA titers after tx are associated with an increased risk of recurrence
Presentation: Oropharynx • Globus sensation • Difficultly swallowing • Slurred speech • Pain in throat or ear • Neck mass
Tx & Prognosis: Oro/Hypopharynx • RTOG 73-03 randomized advanced oropharyngeal tumors to surgery with or without post-op RT • Post-op RT better LRC (48 vs 65%) & OS (26% vs 38%) • RTOG 90-03 and EORTC studies on locally advanced H&N Ca’s (excluding NPX) showed improved LC with concomitant boost with RT
Tx & Prognosis: Oro/Hypopharynx • GORTEC 94-01 (JCO 2004) for Stage III/IV showed benefit of 3 cycles carboplatin/5-FU + RT vs RT alone • Chemo-RT improved LC (25 vs 48%), DFS (15 vs 27%) OS (16 vs 23%) • Intergroup Trial (JCO 2003) and Duke trials (NEJM 1998) showed similar benefit for cisplatin +/- 5FU • Bonner (NEJM 2006) showed benefit of cetuximab with RT over RT alone • Cetuximab increased 3 yr LRC (34 vs 47%) OS (45 vs 55%).
Tx & Prognosis: Oro/Hypopharnx • EORTC 22931 Stage III/IV operable H&N Ca’s (excluding NPX) pT3-4 N0/+ Tl-2N2-3, or Tl-2 N0-1 with ECE, + margin, or PNI randomized to post-op cisplatin 100mg/ms days 1, 11, 43 + RT vs RT alone • ChemoRT improved 3/5 yr DFS (41/36 vs 59/47%) OS (49/40 vs 65/53%) 5yr LRC (69 vs 82%) • RTOG 95-01 operable H&N cancer who had > 2 LN, ECE, or + margin randomized to RT vs RT + cisplatin • Chemo-RT improved 2yr DFS (43 vs 54%), LRC (72 vs 82%)& trend for improved OS (57 vs 63%) • No difference in distant mets for either study
Presentation: Larynx • Hoarse voice • Stridor • Cough, hx of GERD • Trouble swallowing • For glottic tumors • T1-2 5% LN involvement • T3-4 20% LN involvement
Tx & Prognosis: Larynx • Stage I tx’d with RT with salvage surgery if needed: 5 yr OS 80-98% • Stage II tx’d with RT with salvage surgery: 5 yr OS 68-93% • VA Laryngeal Trial: Stage III/IV laryngeal tumors randomized to surgery + post-op RT vs induction chemo with cisplatin/5FU followed by RT • 2 yr OS was 68% for both groups • Laryngeal preservation rate was 64% (36% in the chemo/RT group required salvage laryngectomy)
Tx & Prognosis: Larynx • RTOG 91-11 compared RT alone vs sequential chemo/RT vs concurrent chemo + RT • LRC 56% RT alone, 61% sequential, 78% concurrent • Decreased distant mets with chemo • Bonner trial for cetuximab included laryngeal tumors as well • RTOG 95-01 and EORTC 22931 for post-op chemoRT included laryngeal tumors • Benefit for > 2LN, T3-4, + ECE, + margins