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Introduction to ICT and Programming

Introduction to ICT and Programming . Dr. Raihan Ur Rasool BIT-9D Credits: 3 - 1. Contacts. Office: Academic Block -II Phone 051-9280439 Ext 129 Office Hours: Monday 1000 – 1200 hrs email: dr.raihan@niit.edu.pk Exceptional meeting: Give me an email and get time.

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Introduction to ICT and Programming

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  1. Introduction to ICT and Programming Dr. Raihan Ur Rasool BIT-9D Credits: 3 - 1

  2. Contacts • Office: • Academic Block -II Phone 051-9280439 Ext 129 • Office Hours: • Monday 1000 – 1200 hrs • email: • dr.raihan@niit.edu.pk • Exceptional meeting: • Give me an email and get time.

  3. Course Outline Part A • System Unit • Storage Devices • Data Entry Devices • Output Devices • Telecommunications • Basics of Digital & Analogue Signal • Digital Communication • Networks & Protocols • Databases • Data Mining • E-Commerce • Security Issues • Artificial Intelligence • System Development • Introduction to IT • Computing & Communication • Understanding Computer • Peripheral Devices • Connectivity, Interactivity & Multimedia • Internet Access Devices and connecting medias • World Wide Web • Browsers & Search Engines • Web Page Basic Design • Application Software • Microsoft Office • Operating Systems • Hardware Technology

  4. Course Outline Part B (Major portion – expected start 10th week) • Introduction to Programming • Programming Languages • Problems solving Techniques • Basics of C++ • Control structures • Functions • Arrays & Strings

  5. Books • Text Books • Using Information Technology by Brian K. Williams and Stacy C. Sawyer (6th Edition) • Object Oriented Programming in C ++ by Robert Lafore (4th edition)

  6. Books • Reference Books (very important part) • Peter Norton’s Introduction to Computers 5th Edition • Computers by Larry Long, Nancy Long 6th Edition • Computer Fundamentals by P.K. Sinha • Concepts by Parson Oja • Introduction to computes and information systems by Robert A., Donald P., Norma A., donna M. (2nd Edition) • C++ How To Program by Dietel & Dietel (3rd Edition) • C++ Web material • www.howstuffworks.com • www.whatis.com

  7. Evaluation Quizzes : 10 % One Hour Tests : 30 % Lab : 5% Assignments : 5% Project : 5 % Final Test : 45%

  8. Policies • Bring your own calculator, pen paper etc.. • You will not be allowed to borrow anything from anyone during any test • Must write your name and reference number (Merit No or Regn No) in a test • No late work will be accepted (unless arrangements have been made in advance) • Ask questions; participate actively in class • You are allowed to talk to instructor only

  9. Policies • You are responsible for what is covered in class – even if you don’t show up • Deficiency in attendance may lead to termination or relegation • You are encouraged to help each other with your homework assignments – but you must turn in your own work • If you are found to be cheating, you will fail at least the assignment / test and perhaps the entire class

  10. Policies • If you have any learning disabilities or special needs, please let me know in advance through email or personal meeting • Check your email regularly for messages • Quizzes are unannounced

  11. Computer Usage • Web Browsers • MS Internet Explorer 6.0 • Netscape Communicator • Mozilla • Email Editors • Outlook Express • Utilities • Winzip 8.0 • Winrar • DOS Utilities etc. • System Troubleshooting • Operating Systems • Windows 98/2000/XP • Red Hat Linux • Microsoft Office • MS Word 2000 • MS Excel 2000 • MS Power Point 2000 • MS FrontPage 2000 • Programming IDE • VC++ 6.0 • Developer C++ • Turbo C++ 3.0

  12. Using Information Technology Chapter 1 Introduction to Information Technology

  13. Processing/ Computation Data & Instructions Information/Results Storage Computer Technology • Computer  computes • Programmable, multiuse machine that accepts data and figures and processes it into usable information.

  14. Computer Hardware Software Application Software System Software CPU Memory I/O Etc. Few Basics…. 2/6

  15. Communications • the activity of communicating; the activity of conveying information • An event that causes an action • Event is a signal • A signal is an intended message of communication • Action is a process in relation to the event

  16. Online • Availability for communication • You cannot be online if you have a computer, modem but not a phone line

  17. Introduction to Information TechnologyMind Tools for Your Future • 1.1 Infotech Becomes Commonplace: Cellphones, E-Mail, the Internet, & the E-World • 1.2 The “All-Purpose Machine”: The Varieties of Computers • 1.3 Understanding Your Computer: What If You Custom-Ordered Your Own PC? • 1.4 Where is Information Technology Headed?

  18. Section 1.1 - InfoTech Becomes Commonplace: Cell phones, E-Mail, the Internet, & the E-World • InfoTech: InfoTech is the fusion of computer technology and communication technology. InfoTech is the merging of computers with high-speed communications links carrying data, sound, and video.

  19. Communication Technology • Consists of electromagnetic devices and systems for communicating over long distances. • Electromagnetic: • Referring to the combined electric and magnetic fields caused by electron motion through conductors

  20. OnlineAvailability for communication • Using a computer or other information device, connected through a voice or data network, to access information and services from another computer or information device. Can you be online with a mobile phone?

  21. E-mail(Electronic mail) • Messages transmitted over a computer network • A great overview on how E-mail works can be found at the following web site: • http://www.howstuffworks.com/email.htm • Do read it might be a quiz coming your way! 

  22. 1.2 The “All-Purpose Machine”: The Varieties of ComputersAll Computers, Great & Small: The Categories of Machines • Supercomputers • Mainframes • Workstations • Microcomputers • Microcontrollers

  23. High-capacity machines with hundreds of thousands of processors that can perform over 1 trillion calculations per second. E.g IBM ASCI White, Cray Used where High Performance computing is required Usually used for weather forecasting, Missile simulations, Nuclear Fusion simulations Supercomputers IBM ASCI White IBM ASCI White

  24. Water- or air-cooled computers that vary in size from small, to medium, to large, depending on their use. E.g IBM AS/400 Normally Dumb Terminals are connected to these main frames. Processing is done by Main Frames Dumb terminals only have keyboard, monitors Mainframes VP2400 mainframe

  25. Expensive, powerful computers usually used for complex scientific, mathematical, and engineering calculations and for computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing. e.g. Sun blade 2500 Workstations Sun Microsystems workstation

  26. Microcomputers • A Desk Top Personal Computer • Your home computers… Celeron • Now Desktop and Workstations are combining. i.e Your PC is also becoming powerful enough

  27. Microcomputers • A Tower Case Personal Computer Sony tower PC

  28. Microcomputers • A Lap Top Personal Computer • Lightweight portable computers with built-in monitor, keyboard, hard-disk drive, battery and AC adapter.

  29. Microcomputers • A Personal Digital Assistant • Getting Very popular • Personal organization tools-schedule planners, address books, to-do lists, send e-mail and faxes. • New generation that incorporates mobile phone and microcomputer. • HP 5555

  30. Embedded computers are the tiny, specialized microprocessors installed in "smart" appliances and automobiles. Microcontrollers Question: Difference b/w microcontrollers and microprocessors

  31. Data The raw facts and figures that are processed into information Information Data that has been summarized or otherwise manipulated for use in decision making 1.3 Understanding Your ComputerHow Computers Work - Concept #1The purpose of a computer is to process data into information.

  32. Hardware All the machinery and equipment in a computer system Software All the instructions that tell the computer how to perform a task How Computers Work - Concept #2Computers consist of hardware and software.

  33. Firmware Instructions or programs that reside inside Integrated Circuits (ICs) Liveware All the living things aiding computer to work. Data entry operators, programmers etc How Computers Work - Concept #2Computers also consist of firmware and liveware.

  34. How Computers Work - Concept #3All computers follow the same five basic operations. • Input • Processing • Storage • Output • Communications Keyboard Mouse

  35. How Computers Work - Concept #3All computers follow the same four basic operations • Input • Processing • Storage • Output • Communications Case or system cabinet

  36. How Computers Work - Concept #3All computers follow the same four basic operations • Input • Processing • Storage • Output • Communications Processor chip

  37. How Computers Work - Concept #3All computers follow the same four basic operations • Input • Processing • Storage • Output • Communications Memory chips

  38. How Computers Work - Concept #3All computers follow the same four basic operations • Input • Processing • Storage • Output • Communications Motherboard

  39. Input Processing Storage Output Communications Primary storage (memory) Computer circuitry that temporarily holds data waiting to be processed (normally called Buffers) Secondary storage (HDD) How Computers Work - Concept #3All computers follow the same four basic operations

  40. Input Processing Storage Output Communications BIT – 1 line that can have either +Voltage or 0 Voltage. (+ can vary from device to device like 5 volts for parallel port) Byte – 8 bits of data Kilobyte – 210 bytes of data = 1024 bytes Megabyte – 220 bytes of data = 1048576 Gigabyte – 230 bytes of data = 1073741824 How Computers Work - Concept #3All computers follow the same four basic operations

  41. How Computers Work - Concept #3All computers follow the same four basic operations • Input • Processing • Storage • Output • Communications Floppy disk Zip disk

  42. How Computers Work - Concept #3All computers follow the same four basic operations • Input • Processing • Storage • Output • Communications Hard-disk drive

  43. How Computers Work - Concept #3All computers follow the same four basic operations • Input • Processing • Storage • Output • Communications

  44. How Computers Work - Concept #3All computers follow the same four basic operations • Input • Processing • Storage • Output • Communications Sound card Sound Card

  45. How Computers Work - Concept #3All computers follow the same four basic operations • Input • Processing • Storage • Output • Communications Speakers

  46. How Computers Work - Concept #3All computers follow the same four basic operations • Input • Processing • Storage • Output • Communications Video card

  47. How Computers Work - Concept #3All computers follow the same four basic operations • Input • Processing • Storage • Output • Communications Monitor

  48. How Computers Work - Concept #3All computers follow the same four basic operations • Input • Processing • Storage • Output • Communications Printer

  49. How Computers Work - Concept #3All computers follow the same four basic operations • Input • Processing • Storage • Output • Communications Modem

  50. Put all the hardware together and…

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