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TCP/IP Applications

TCP/IP Applications. Telnet. FTP. SMTP. NNTP. TCP. IP. NNTP: Network News Transport Protocol. NNTP is a TCP/IP protocol based upon text strings sent bidirectionally over 7 bit ASCII TCP channels. It is used to transfer articles between servers as well as to read and post articles.

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TCP/IP Applications

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  1. TCP/IP Applications Telnet FTP SMTP NNTP TCP IP

  2. NNTP:Network News Transport Protocol • NNTP is a TCP/IP protocol based upon text strings sent bidirectionally over 7 bit ASCII TCP channels. It is used to transfer articles between servers as well as to read and post articles. • http://www.mibsoftware.com/userkt/0099.htm

  3. TCP/IP Today Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension World Wide Web MIME HTTP Telnet FTP SMTP NNTP SSL TCP IP

  4. Emerging Internet Standards Secure, Authenticated Mail Secure Electronic Transactions S/MIME HTTP SET Packet- level Security Telnet FTP SMTP NNTP SSL TCP S/WAN IP

  5. Other TCP/IP Security Features Secure Web Transfers Secure, Authenticated Mail EDI Secure Electronic Transactions S/MIME S-HTTP Telnet FTP SMTP NNTP HTTP SET Packet- level Security SSL TCP S/WAN IP

  6. Secure Sockets Layer • Can encrypt everything above TCP • Security is on a session basis: • Client authenticates server, gets public key • Client generates symmetric master key • Key is encrypted with servers public key • exchange begins • All transmissions then use the master key

  7. S/WAN -- IPSec Standard • IP Security Protocol Working Group (IPSEC) • A security protocol in the network layer • Authentication, integrity, access control, and confidentiality • preliminary goals: • host-to-host security followed by • subnet-to-subnet and host-to-subnet • Submitted as draft standard 7/97

  8. Secure-HTTP • Application layer, like HTTP • Negotiates many parameters • Encryption • Authentication • Digital Signature Methods • Key Exchange Algorithm • Can use X.509 certificates • Can be used on top of SSL

  9. SET - Secure Electronic Transactions • Uses RSA and DES • Secures only the financial info • Payment authorization and transport • Confirmation and delivery • Merchant reimbursement

  10. SET Certificates • Certificates are X.509 • Cardholder needs certificate from CCA • Merchant needs two certificates from MCA • Financial institution gets two certificates from CA • http://www.rsa.com/set/ • http://www.visa.com

  11. Purchase Request

  12. MIME • Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extension • Follows ad hoc encoding schemes • BINHEX • UUEncode • Extensible, define file extension, handling program • Basic algorithm converts 3 x 8-bit bytes to 4 x 6-bit ASCII characters

  13. S-MIME • Secure MIME • Prevent interception and forgery of e-mail • Uses RSA’s Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) • Beyond e-mail: • EDI software • Internet push products such as software distribution • on-line electronic commerce services

  14. Pretty Good Privacy • Phil Zimmerman • Public key system for encryption and authentication • Is used like S/MIME • PGP won export battle for banks: Nov 4th: “The U.S. Department of Commerce has granted Pretty Good Privacy, Inc., (PGP) approval to export PGP's email and message encryption software to banks worldwide.”

  15. E-Cash • Independence • Security • Privacy • Off-Line Payment • Transferability • Divisibility • http://www.digicash.com/

  16. Secure Net Commerce • SSL • S/WAN -- IPSec • S-MIME • S-HTTP • SET • PGP • E-Cash

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