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Approximation Algorithm. Chapter 9. 9-0 Approximation Algorithm (Concept). Up to now, the best algorithm for solving an NP-complete problem requires exponential time in the worst case . It is too time-consuming .
Approximation Algorithm Chapter 9
9-0 Approximation Algorithm (Concept) • Up to now, the best algorithm for solving an NP-complete problem requires exponential timein the worst case. It is too time-consuming. • To reduce the time required for solving a problem, we can relax the problem, and obtain a feasible solution “close” to an optimal solution • Other approaches ? • Supercomputer • Parallel processing • Distributed processing (Cryptography, Cryptanalysis)
9-0 Approximation Algorithm (Concept) • Why?we must use approximation algorithms. • 假設有一問題P, 至目前為止, 解決P的方法(找到Optimal Solution)至少為O(2n) Steps. 若目前有一最好Computer每秒可運算1 Step, 則試問該Computer要花多少時間來找到P的最佳解? • 一年有60*60*24*365=31536000秒, 故該Computer每年至多可計算31536000 Steps. • 若n = 1000, 則該Computer最快在(21000/ 31536000) 3*10292年才可找到P的最佳解. • 故若找到該問題的Optimal solution, 則目前全世界的人均看不到該結果了.
9-0 Approximation Algorithm (Concept) • Heuristic Methods. (啟發式,Educated guess) • 利用polynomial time algorithm (O(n2) steps), 找到一個解, 其解並不一定Optimal. • 若用該algorithm, 則只需102/ 31536000 0.033年即可找到一個feasible solution. • Heuristic algorithms是polynomial time algorithms, 其找到的答案可能非optimal solution. That is, heuristic algorithms do not guarantee optimal solutions. • How do we estimate our heuristic algorithm? • 作實驗or 模擬, 以比較方法的優劣 • 證明the output of heuristic algorithm與optimal solution的比率. 即證明我們的heuristic algorithm之輸出值與最佳解是很接近的. (Approximation Algorithms)
9-0 Approximation Algorithm (Concept) • Approximation Algorithms. • 若有一Approximation polynomial time algorithm (O(n2) steps) for the maximum problem, 找到一個解P(n), 而Optimal Solution為OPT. • 證明P(n)/OPT 2. • 2即是ratio of approximation to optimal. • Ratio的意義? (Dependent on Problem)
9-1 An approximation algorithm for convex hulls (Easy example to learn principle) • A convex hull of n points in the plane can be computed in O(nlogn) time in the worst case. • Recall: Chap 4.3 Divide and Conquer • Time complexity: T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(n) = O(n log n)
Recall: 4-3 The convex hull problem • The divide-and-conquer strategy to solve the problem:
9-1 An approximation algorithm for convex hulls (cont.) • An approximation algorithm: • Step1:Find the leftmost and rightmost points.
9-1 An approximation algorithm for convex hulls (cont.) • Step2: Divide the points into K strips. Find the highest and lowest points in each strip.
9-1 An approximation algorithm for convex hulls (cont.) • Step3:Apply the Graham scan to those highest and lowest points to construct an approximate convex hull. (The highest and lowest points are already sorted by their x-coordinates.: Note Step 1 )
9-1 Algorithm 9-1 An approximation Algorithm for Convex Hull. • Input: A set of n points. • Output: An approximate convex hull of S. • Step 1: Find the leftmost and right most points of S, denoted as A1 and A2, respectively. (with minimum and maximum x-coordinates respectively). • Step 2: Divide the area bounded by A1 and A2 into k equally spaced strips and for each strip, select the points with the minimum and maximum y-coordinates. Denote the set of points selected in this step together with A1 and A2 as set P.
Algorithm 9-1 An approximation Algorithm for Convex Hull.(cont.) • Step 3: Construct the convex hull of P and use that as the approximate convex hull of S. • Time complexity: O(n+k) = O(n) Step 1: O(n) Step 2: O(n) Step 3: O(k) • Discussion: K is large • A feasible solution “close” to an optimal solution • Requiring more time
9-1 How good is the solution ? • How far away the points outside are from the approximate convex hull? L/K. (Why ?) • L: the distance between the leftmost and rightmost points.
Recall: 6-4 The 1-center problem • Given n planar points, find a smallest circle to cover these n points. • Thinking: Straightforward-method? • Selected any two points (?) or three points from n points Fig. 6-16 The 1-Center Problem
Thinking: Another simple problem • The constrained 1-center problem • Prune and search • Easy version: constrained 1-center problem • The center is restricted to lying on a straight line. • Time complexity: T(n)=T(3/4n)+O(n) • The general 1-center problem • Prune and search based on constrained 1-center problem • T(n) = T(15n/16)+O(n) • Thinking: An approximation Algorithm for 1-center problem
9-2 An approximation algorithm for Euclidean traveling salesperson problem (ETSP) • The ETSP is to find a shortest closed path through a set S of n points in the plane. • The ETSP is NP-hard. • Euclidean=> triangular inequality, in a plane. • Recall: Previous algorithms • Chapter 8 NP-Complete problems(Ch 8.7) • NP-Complete problem reduction • Chapter 5 Branch and Bound (Ch 5.7) • Lower Bound (Reduced cost matrix) • Chapter 7 Dynamic programming (Ch 7.2) • Multi-Stage Graph (Describing All Possible Tours)
Recall: Overview of NP-Complete problem reduction • SAT 3-SAT • 3-SAT CN (Chromatic number decision) • CN Exact cover • Exact cover Sum of subsets • Sum of subsets Partition • Partition Bin packing • Bin packing VLSI discrete layout • -------------------------------------------------------- • SAT Clique decision problem • Clique decision problem Node cover decision problem • -------------------------------------------------------- • SAT Directed Hamiltonian cycle • Directed Hamiltonian cycle TSP • -------------------------------------------------------- • Refer to Sec. 11.3, Sec. 11.4 and its exercise of [Horowitz and Shani 1998] for the proofs of more NP-complete problems.
Recall Ch 5.7 99=96+3 Fig 5-26 A Branch-and-Bound Solution of a Traveling Salesperson Problem. Because 117<126
Recall: 7-2 TSP • Find the shortest path: 1, 4, 3, 2, 1 5+7+3+2=17 Fig. A Multi-Stage Graph Describing All Possible Tours of a Directed graph.
9-2 An approximation algorithm for Euclidean traveling salesperson problem (ETSP) • Recall: (Data structure) • An Eulerian cycle of a graph is a cycle in the graph in which every vertex is visited not necessarily once (At least once, maybe twice), and each edge appears exactly once. • A graph is called Eulerian if it has an Eulerian cycle. • Euler proved that a graph G is Eulerian iff G is connected and all vertices in G have even degrees. • A Hamiltonian cycle is a round trip path along n edges of G=(V,E) which visits every vertexonceand returns to its starting vertex. • Traveling salespersonoptimization (decision) problem: A tour of a directed graph G=(V, E) is a directedcycle that includes every vertex in V. The problem is to find a tour of minimum cost . Easy Hard
9-2 Approximation Algorithm for ETSP • Input: A set S of n points in the plane. (Complete graph ?) • Output:An approximate traveling salesperson tour of S. • Step 1: Find a minimal spanning tree T of S. • Step 2: Find a minimal Euclidean weightedmatchingM on the set of vertices ofodd degrees in T. Let G=M∪T. • Step 3: Find an Eulerian cycle of G and then traverse it to find a Hamiltonian cycle as an approximate tour of ETSP by bypassing all previously visited vertices.
9-2 Approximation Algorithm for ETSP • E.g. Step1: Find a minimal spanning treeT of S 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 2
9-2 Approximation Algorithm for ETSP • Step2:The number of points with odd degrees must be even. , even (where di denotes the degree of each vertices) Find a minimal Euclidean weighted matching M ) • In order to construct an Eulerian graph, we must add some more edges to make all the vertices have even degrees to guarantee existing a Eulerian cycle.
9-2 Approximation Algorithm for ETSP • Step3: Find an Eulerian cycle of G and then traverse it to find a Hamiltonian cycle as an approximate tour of ETSP by bypassing all previously visited vertices. Bypassing visited vertices
9-2 Approximation Algorithm for ETSP • Time complexity: O(n3) Step 1: O(nlogn) • Kruskal method (Ch 4.1 Greedy method) Step 2: O(n3) Step 3: O(n) • How close the approximate solution to an optimal solution?
9-2 How good is the solution ? • The approximate tour is within 3/2 of the optimal one. • Reasoning: a minimal spanning tree T of S L: optimal tour j1…i1j2…i2j3…i2m {i1,i2,…,i2m}: the set of odd degree vertices in T. 2 matchings: M1={[i1,i2],[i3,i4],…,[i2m-1,i2m]} M2={[i2,i3],[i4,i5],…,[i2m,i1]} length(L) length(M1) + length(M2) (triangular inequality) 2 length(M ) length(M) 1/2 length(L ) G = T∪M length(T) + length(M) length(L) + 1/2 length(L) = 3/2 length(L) Two matching sets, Why? (From slide 22,23) Find M1, then generate another M2
9-3 An approximation algorithm for the bottleneck traveling salesperson problem • Minimize the longest edge of a tour. • This is a mini-max problem. • This problem is NP-complete. • The input data for this problem fulfill the following assumptions: • The graph is a complete graph. • All edges obey the triangular inequality rule • Bottleneck problem (Thinking an algorithm: Minimal Spanning Tree problem) • Mini-max problem • Max-mini problem
9-3 An algorithm for finding an optimal solution • Step1:Sort all edges in G = (V,E) into a non-decreasing sequence |e1||e2|…|em|. Let G(ei) denote the subgraph obtained from G by deleting all edges longer than ei. • Step2: i←1 • Step3: If thereexists a Hamiltonian cycle in G(ei), then this cycle is the solution and stop. • Step4: i←i+1 . Go to Step 3. This problem is also NP-complete
9-3 Approximation algorithm for BTSP • e.g. 6
9-3 Approximation algorithm for BTSP • There is a Hamiltonian cycle, A-B-D-C-E-F-G-A, in G(BD). • The optimal solution is 13. • Def : The t-th power of G=(V,E), denoted as Gt=(V,Et), is a graph that an edge (u,v)Et if there is a path from u to v with at most t edges in G. • If a graph G is bi-connected(See Next page =>Def) , then G2 has a Hamiltonian cycle.
9-3 Approximation algorithm for BTSP • E.g. bi-connected: For any two vertices, there are two disjoint path (No common vertex)
A E B D C A E B D C Articulation point “a” : Avertex “a” whose removal will split G into many parts. * B is an Art. Point • (u,v) s.t. every path between u and v contains “a”. A E B Remove node “A” D C Biconnected component A E Remove node “B” B D C Non-biconnected component
Biconnected Components(BC) • Undirected GraphG=(V,E) • G is biconnected if 2 vertex disjoint paths between each pair of vertices, or G has one edge. • G is biconnected iff it contains no articulation points. A E B D C
9-3 Approximation algorithm for BTSP • E.g. G is abi-connected graph
9-3 Approximation algorithm for BTSP • E.g. G2 of the Graph A Hamiltonian cycle A-B-C-D-E-F-G-A Fig. 9-14 G2 of the Graph in Fig 9-13.
Algorithm 9-3 An Approximation Algorithm to Solve the Bottleneck Traveling Salesperson Problem. • Input: A complete graph G=(V,E) where all edges satisfytriangular inequality. • Output: A tour in G whose longest edges isnot greater than twice of the value of an optimal solution to the special bottleneck traveling salesperson problem of G. • Step 1: Sort the edges into |e1||e2|…|em|. • Step 2: i := 1. • Step 3:If G(ei) is bi-connected, construct G(ei)2, find a Hamiltonian cycle in G(ei)2 and return this as the output, otherwise, go to Step 4. • Step 4: i := i + 1. Go to Step 3.
9-3 Approximation algorithm for BTSP (With equal to or less than edge-length:8)
9-3 Approximation algorithm for BTSP (With equal to or less than edge-length:9)
9-3 Approximation algorithm for BTSP • A Hamiltonian cycle: A-G-F-E-D-C-B-A. • the longest edge: 16 • Time complexity: polynomial time
9-3 Approximation algorithm for BTSP • The approximate solution is bounded by two times an optimal solution. • Reasoning: A Hamiltonian cycle is bi-connected. eop: the longest edge of an optimal solution G(ei): the first bi-connected graph |ei||eop| The length of the longest edge in G(ei)22|ei| (triangular inequality) 2|eop|
9-3 How good is the solution ? • If there is a polynomial approximation algorithm which produces a bound less than two, then NP=P. (The Hamiltonian cycle decision problem reduces to this problem.) • Proof: For an arbitrary graph G=(V,E), we expand G to a complete Gc: Cij = 1 if (i,j) E Cij = 2 if otherwise (The definition of Cij satisfies the triangular inequality.) Let V* denote the value of an optimal solution of the bottleneck TSP of Gc. V* = 1 G has a Hamiltonian cycle
9-3 How good is the solution ? • Because there are only two kinds of edges, 1 and 2 in Gc, if we can produce an approximate solution whose value is less than 2V*, then we can also solve the Hamiltonian cycle decision problem.
9.5 Recall: 3-7 partition bin packing • Bin packing problem • n items, each of size ci , ci > 0 bin capacity : C • Determine if we can assign the items into k bins, ci C , 1jk. ibinj E.g. {c1,c2,c3,c4}={1, 3, 7, 4}, B=2, C=8 Solution: first bin {1,7} and second bin {3, 4} <Theorem> partition bin packing.
9-5 An approximation algorithm for the bin packing problem • n items a1, a2, …, an, 0 ai 1, 1 i n, to determine the minimum number of bins of unit capacity to accommodate all n items. • E.g. n = 5, {0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 0.2 0.4} The bin packing problem is NP-hard. Fig. 9-27 An Example of the Bin-Packing Problem
9-5 An approximation algorithm for the bin packing problem • An approximation algorithm: (first-fit) place ai into the lowest-indexed bin which can accommodate ai. • S(ai): the size of ai • OPT(I): the size of bins for an optimal solution of an instance I • FF(I):the size of bins in the first-fit algorithm • C(Bi): the sum of the sizes of aj’s packed in bin Bi in the first-fit algorithm
9-5 An approximation algorithm for the bin packing problem • OPT(I) C(Bi) + C(Bi+1) 1 m non-empty bins: C(B1)+C(B2)+…+C(Bm) m/2 FF(I) = m <2 = 2 2 OPT(I) FF(I) < 2 OPT(I) The sum of any two bins must >1
9.6 The rectilinear m-center problem (Optional) • The sides of arectilinear square are parallel or perpendicular to the x-axis of the Euclidean plane. • The problem is to find m rectilinear squares covering all of the n given points such that the maximum side length of these squares is minimized. • This problem is NP-complete. • This problem for the solution with error ratio < 2 is also NP-complete. (See the example on the next page.)
9.6 The rectilinear m-center problem • Input: P={P1, P2, …, Pn} • The size of an optimal solution must be equal to one of the L ∞(Pi,Pj)’s, 1 i < j n, where L ∞((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) = max{|x1-x2|,|y1-y2|}.
9.6 The rectilinear m-center problem => An approximation algorithm • Input: A set P of n points, number of centers: m • Output: SQ[1], …, SQ[m]: A feasible solution of the rectilinear m-center problem with size less than or equal to twice of the size of an optimal solution. Step 1: Compute rectilinear distances of all pairs of two points and sort them together with 0 into an ascending sequence D[0]=0, D[1], …, D[n(n-1)/2]. Step 2: LEFT := 1, RIGHT := n(n-1)/2 //* Binary search Step 3: i := (LEFT + RIGHT)/2. Step 4: If Test(m, P, D[i]) is not “failure” then RIGHT := i-1 else LEFT := i+1 Step 5: If RIGHT = LEFT then return Test(m, P, D[RIGHT]) else go to Step 3.
9.6 The rectilinear m-center problem => Algorithm Test(m, P, r) • Input: point set: P, number of centers: m, size: r. • Output:“failure”, or SQ[1], …, SQ[m] m squares of size 2r covering P. Step 1: PS := P Step 2: For i := 1 to m do If PS then p := the point is PS with the smallest x-value SQ[i] := the square of size 2r with center at p PS := PS -{points covered by SQ[i]} else SQ[i] := SQ[i-1]. Step 3: If PS = then return SQ[1], …, SQ[m] else return “failure”. (See the example on the next page.)