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DPG – Environment and Natural Resources Views on Environment sector challenges of JAS. Overview of presentation : Background on DPG-E JAS principles Nature of Environment and Natural Resources sector Where are we in relation to JAS principles?
DPG – Environment and Natural ResourcesViews on Environment sector challenges of JAS Overview of presentation: • Background on DPG-E • JAS principles • Nature of Environment and Natural Resources sector • Where are we in relation to JAS principles? • Fundamental questions from Development Partners
Background on DPG-Environment • DPG-E: • ToR says: ”To increase the effectiveness of DPs efforts to support a concerted Environment and Natural Resources agenda and provide coordinated contributions and inputs” • Purpose of internal seminar January 2005: ”Identify opportunities for further harmonisation and allignment in the Development Partners support to Government of Tanzania’s efforts towards sustainable management of NRE – through Mkukuta and EMA”
JAS principles (1)- taken partly from MoF presentation in last EWG meeting, partly from draft JAS document • National ownership and Government commitment • Harmonisation and alignment with national strategies, systems, and processes • National capacity building, incl. demand driven un-tied TA
Key JAS principles (2) • Division of labour in Government and amongst Development Partners • Preferred aid modality is General Budget Support, other mechanisms, such as projects, according to JAS principles • Disbursement and procurement through Government • Improved dialogue structure under Government leadership
Nature of Environment and Natural Resources Sectors (1) • What is the ENR sector? Who belongs to ENR sector? • ENR a sector and a cross-cutting issue/mainstreaming challenge • ENR in Mkukuta outcomes and ”one process-one assessment” (= PER, PAF etc.) • ENR sector mechanisms for info sharing, assessment/review of progress, dialogue, decision making etc.
Nature of Environment and Natural Resources Sectors (2) • ENR not typical public service delivery sector, such as Health and Education • ENR as much about utilisation and revenues, as about protection/conservation and expenditures (and about striking a sustainable balance between the two) • ENR managed by many stakeholders: government, private sector, communities – and semi public or private instituions, such as TANAPA
Nature of Environment and Natural Resources Sectors (3) • ENR challenges not following administrative boundaries, such as districts or countries e.g. watersheds, lakes etc. • ENR is of global concern, and internationally governed by Multilateral Environmental Agreements • ENR Development Partners a mix of bilateral and multilateral, and even global players
Where are we in relation to JAS principles (1) • National ownership and government commitment: • National framework for environment improved via Mkukuta mainstreaming and EMA • Follow up on expenditure side with resources for implementation (funds & HR etc.) • Follow up to achieve maximum sustainable and transparent revenuegeneration in the sector • Commitment from others than government, e.g. private sector, semi-public institutions etc.? • Beyond national political framework – transboundary environmental challenges?
Where are we in relation to JAS principles (2) • Harmonisation and alignment: • Most assistance from Development Partners in line with Government priorities • In some cases other agendas e.g. global • Challenges in alignment to systems and processes, e.g. budget process, Local Government Reform • New quick wins e.g. joint missions, joint analytical work etc.
Where are we in relation to JAS principles (3) • Capacity building and TA: • Capacity buiding needs remain - lack of resources limits absorption capacity? • Public Service Reforms links to the sector? • TA mainly provided in relation to discrete projects/programmes (sometimes even with PIU) • However, TA provided based on needs expressed by Government and TA is coordinated (e.g. forestry) • Potential for pooled TA in the future e.g. EMA implementation
Where are we in relation to JAS principles (4) • Division of labour in Government: • Complementarity and overlaps of legal frameworks, polcies etc.? • Roles and mandates of respective line agencies vis a vis VPO (Division of Environment)? • Local Government Reform and environment? • P. 7 in JAS – Government will formulate an appropriate classification of sectors, thematic/ cross-cutting areas, and sub sectors…
Where are we in relation to JAS principles (5) • Division of labour amongst Development Partners: • No overlaps exist and informal dicision of labour in place • Mapping exercise of Development Partner’s assistance to the sector underway • Not an overwhelming amount of DPs in sector, compared to other sectors • Rotating chair of DPG-Environment (act as focal point) • Welcomes guidance from Government, based on critera for division of labour in JAS (comparative and competitive advantage) p.9
Where are we in relation to JAS principles (6) • Aid modalities: • Projects/Programmes remains the dominant mode of support, though SWAp development in forestry • Projects/Programmes largely in line with JAS principles • Environment mentioned in budget support monitoring framework (PAF) - but how well is the sector accessing the budget (support)? • If SWAp is a step towards budget support – how to create Environment SWAp? • Potential for pooled funding/basket in relation to EMA implementation
Where are we in relation to JAS principles (7) • Disbursement and procurement: • Variations exists, some use Government systems, some not • Challenges by using government systems e.g. delays with tender • How to accomodate agency safeguards, requirements for EIA etc.?
Where are we in relation to JAS principles (8) • Improved dialogue: • EWG potential as the government lead forum for sector dialogue, though relatively young and different mandate • Requires strengthening of EWG in terms of mandate, composition, level of representation, facilitation (secretariat?) etc. • Link from EWG to cluster Mkukuta groups (PER, PAF etc.) • DPG –E, sub- sector groups (e.g. in forestry), and Informal Discussion Group on Environment (IDGE) exists
Fundamental questions from Development Partners • How can we take note of JAS in the sector? • How can DPs assist government in implementing JAS in the sector? • What are the next practical steps (go through principle by principle)?