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MORLEY Chapter 4: Network and Internet Security

MORLEY Chapter 4: Network and Internet Security. “Computer Spies Breach Fighter-Jet Project” – Wall Street Journal. F-35 Lightning II. Overview. This chapter covers: Security concerns stemming from the use of computer networks

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MORLEY Chapter 4: Network and Internet Security

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  1. MORLEY Chapter 4:Network and Internet Security

  2. “Computer Spies Breach Fighter-Jet Project” – Wall Street Journal F-35 Lightning II

  3. Overview This chapter covers: Security concerns stemming from the use of computer networks Safeguards and precautions that can be taken to reduce the risk of problems related to these security concerns Personal safety issues related to the Internet Ways to protect against personal safety issues Legislation related to network and Internet security

  4. Why is Network and Internet Security Important? Security concerns related to computer networks and the Internet abound Computer crime (cybercrime): Any illegal act involving a computer, including: Theft of financial assets Manipulating data for personal advantage Act of sabotage (releasing a computer virus, shutting down a Web server) All computer users should be aware of security concerns and the precautions that can be taken

  5. Unauthorized Access and Unauthorized Use Unauthorized access: Gaining access to a computer, network, file, or other resource without permission Unauthorized use: Using a computer resource for unapproved activities Codes of conduct: Used to specify rules for behavior, typically by a business or school

  6. Unauthorized Access and Unauthorized Use, 2 Hacking: Using a computer to break into another computer system A serious threat for individuals, businesses, and the country (national security) Often performed via wireless networks today Many wireless networks are left unsecured War driving: Driving around an area to find a Wi-Fi network to access and use without authorization

  7. Unauthorized Access and Unauthorized Use, 3 Wi-Fi piggybacking: Accessing an unsecured Wi-Fi network from your current location without authorization Interception of communications: Messages, files, logon information etc. can be intercepted if not secured

  8. Protecting Against Unauthorized Access and Use Access control systems: Used to restrict entry to: Facilities Computer networks Databases Web site accounts Can be: Identification systems: Verify that the person trying to access the facility or system is an authorized user Authentication systems: Determine if the person is who he or she claims to be

  9. Access Control Systems • Possessed knowledge -- Use information that only an individual should know • Possessed object – Use a physical object in his/her possession to identify that individual • Biometric – Use unique biological characteristic(s) to identify an individual

  10. Possessed Knowledge Access Control Methods Usernames Passwords Use a strongpassword (letters, numbers, symbols) Change it frequently PIN (Personal identification number), ex, ATMs Cognitive authentication systems: Use personal information the individual knows (birthplace, pet names, etc.) Used in many password recovery systems Disadvantages: Can be forgotten or stolen

  11. Use One or More Password Strategies

  12. Most Common Passwords on the Internet • password (Unchanged) • 123456 (Unchanged) • 12345678 (Unchanged) • abc123 (Up 1) • qwerty (Down 1) • monkey (Unchanged) • letmein (Up 1) • dragon (Up 2) • 111111 (Up 3) • baseball (Up 1) • iloveyou (Up 2) • trustno1 (Down 3) • 1234567 (Down 6) • sunshine (Up 1) • master (Down 1) • 123123 (Up 4) • welcome (New) • shadow (Up 1) • ashley (Down 3) • football (Up 5) • jesus (New) • michael (Up 2) • ninja (New) • mustang (New) • password1 (New)

  13. Possessed Object Access Control Methods Magnetic card – code in magnetic stripe Smart card – computer chip in card RFID-encoded badge – RFID in card USB security key or e-token Disadvantages: Can be lost or stolen

  14. Biometric Access Control Methods Prints of finger(s), hand, face, iris, voice, etc. Data scanned by biometric reader must match what is stored in a database Often used: To control access to secure facilities To log on to computers, punch in/out at work, law enforcement, etc. Advantages: Can only be used by the authorized individual and cannot be lost or forgotten Disadvantages: Cannot be reset; expensive (cheap ones can be fooled)

  15. Biometric Systems

  16. Two-Factor Authentication Systems • Require two different ID methods • Possessed knowledge (something you know) • Possessed object (something you have) • Biometric (something you are) • One-Time Password (OTP) tokens are an example

  17. Wi-Fi Access Control In general, Wi-Fi is less secure than wired networks Security is usually off by default; wireless networks should be secured Wireless network owners should: Enable encryption (Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is more secure than WEP) WEP – 40-bit key WPA – 128-bit key MAC Address Filtering – (Media Access Control), a 12-digit hardware ID (6 groups of 2 hexadecimal digits) The original MAC address comes from the original Xerox Ethernet addressing scheme. This 48-bit address space contains potentially 248 or 281,474,976,710,656 possible MAC addresses. Not broadcast the network name (SSID) Enable other security features as needed

  18. Ways to Protect Against Unauthorized Access and Use Firewall: Hardware and/or software designed to protect a computer or computer network from attack Intrusion prevention system (IPS): Monitors traffic to try and detect possible attacks More of a myth than actual implementation… Encryption: Scrambling contents of e-mail or files to make them unreadable if intercepted A form of converting data into a cypher Private key encryption (symmetric) Public key encryption (assymetric)

  19. Ways to Protect Against Unauthorized Access and Use, 2 Secure Web pages: Use encryption to protect information transmitted via their Web pages Secure Sockets Layer Extended Validation SSL (EV SSL) HTTPS – HTTP Secure, in browser address Virtual private networks (VPNs): A private secure path over the Internet

  20. Secure Web Pages UseDigital Certificates Are data that can be used to verify the identity of a person or organization Obtained from a Certificate Authority Typically contains identity information about the person or organization, an expiration date, and a pair of keys to be used with encryption and digital signatures

  21. SSL Example

  22. Digital Signature Is a unique digital code that can be attached to an e-mail message or document Guarantees The identity of the sender The content of the associated message or file Uses public key encryption Signed with the sender’s private key Creates with key and document a unique digital signature Verified using the sender’s public key

  23. Firewall Protection Can be hardware, software, or both Is vital for home computers and businesses Blocks access to the computer from the Internet Blocks access to the Internet by programs on the user’s computer unless authorized by the user Closes threatened communication ports

  24. Windows Firewall (Personal)

  25. Intrusion PreventionSystem (IPS) • Monitors a network or computer for threats • Identifies malicious activity • Reports threat • Tries to block or stop the threat • Records information about the threat

  26. Encryption Private key encryption: Uses a single key Most often used to encrypt files on a computer If used to send files to others, the recipient needs to be told the key Public key encryption: Uses two keys Publickey: Can be giventoanyone; usedtoencryptmessagesto be senttothatperson Privatekey: Onlyknownbythe individual; usedtodecryptmessagesthat are encryptedwiththeindividual’spublickey Key pairs can be obtainedthrough a CertificateAuthority

  27. Public Key / Private Key

  28. Secure Web Pages Transmit credit card numbers and other sensitive data ONLY via a secure Web server Look for a locked padlock on the status bar and https:// in the URL Use Gmail, Hotmail, etc.? Consider a Web-based e-mail encryption service (ex., HushMail)

  29. Secure Web Pages, 2 Use MS Outlook, AppleMail, etc.? Consider Email client encryption software (ex., PGP Desktop) Various strengths of encryption available Stronger is more difficult to crack Strong = 128-bit (16-character keys) Military = 2,048-bit (256-character keys)

  30. Virtual Private Network (VPN) Allows authorized users to securely access a private network via the Internet Much less expensive than a dedicated secure network since it uses the Internet Can provide a secure environment over a large geographical area Typically used by employees to access corporate networks remotely via the Internet Personal VPNs can be used by individuals to surf safely at a wireless hotspot

  31. When Using Public Hotspots … Remember that a PH is an open network, with no encryption or other security Turn off file sharing Disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth if not needed Use firewall to block incoming connections Turn off automatic and ad hoc connections

  32. Sensible Business Precautions Develop policies and controls Screen job applicants carefully Watch for disgruntled employees and former employees Use data-leakage prevention and enterprise rights-management software Ask business partners to review their security to avoid attacks coming from someone located at that organization

  33. Quick Quiz 1. Which of the following is an example of possessed knowledge? a. Password b. Smart card c. Fingerprint 2. True or False: With public key encryption, a single key is used to both encrypt and decrypt the file. 3. A(n) ______________________ controls access to a computer from the Internet and protects programs installed on a computer from accessing the Internet without authorization from the user. Answers: 1) a; 2) False; 3) firewall

  34. Computer Sabotage Computer sabotage: Acts of malicious destruction to a computer or computer resource Botnet: A group of bots / zombies (computers controlled by a criminal (botherder) Purpose: Send spam, plant and operate malware, launch Internet attacks, etc.

  35. Malware • Is any type of malicious software • Written to perform destructive acts (damaging programs, deleting files, erasing drives, etc.) • Writing malware is at least unethical • Distributing malware is definitely illegal • Infects (attacks) computers of all kinds, including mobile phones and mobile devices

  36. How Malware Can Spread

  37. Types of Malware Virus: A program installed without the user’s knowledge and designed to alter the way a computer operates or to cause harm to the computer system Often attached to downloaded programs, media files, or e-mail messages Worm: Malicious program designed to spread rapidly by sending copies of itself to other computers; does not have to attach itself to another file Typically sent via e-mail 37

  38. The Stuxnet Worm (2010) • Targets critical industrial control systems • May have Iranian nuclear facilities as primary victims • Spread by USB memory drive use

  39. Map of Stuxnet Infections

  40. Types of Malware, 2 Trojan horse: Malicious program that masquerades as something else Usually appear to be a game or other program Cannot replicate themselves; must be downloaded and installed Rogue antivirus programs are common today Mobile malware: Becoming more common 40

  41. Rogue Anti Virus Programs

  42. Denial of Service (DoS) attack Act of sabotage that attempts to flood a network server or Web server with so much activity that it is unable to function Distributed DoS attack: Uses multiple computers

  43. More Computer Sabotage Data (or program) alteration: When a hacker breaches a computer system in order to delete or change data Students changing grades Employees performing vengeful acts, such as deleting or changing corporate data Web site alteration: Changing content of a Web site Web sites defaced to make political statements Hacking into and changing social networking account contents (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Altering legitimate site to perform malware attacks

  44. Protecting AgainstComputer Sabotage Security software program suite: Used to protect your computer against a variety of threats Antivirus software: Used to detect and eliminate computer viruses and other types of malware Should continuously check incoming e-mail messages, instant messages, Web page content, and downloaded files Quarantines any suspicious content as it arrives Should regularly scan computer Set to download automatically new malware definitions (“signatures”) 44

  45. Sample Security Screens

  46. Protecting Against Computer Sabotage Some ISPs filter include virus checking E-mail authentication systems can protect against viruses sent via e-mail Common sense precautions can help prevent a virus infection Web browser security settings can helpprotect against some attacks

  47. Quick Quiz 1. Which of the following is used to control your computer by someone else? a. Worm b. Trojan horse c. Botnet 2. True or False: Computer viruses can only be spread via the Internet. 3. A(n) ______________________ is a type of malware that masquerades as something else Answers: 1) c; 2) False; 3) Trojan horse

  48. Online Theft, Online Fraud, and Other Dot Cons Dot con: A fraud / scam carried out using the Internet What is the target? Personal SSNs Other personal data Proprietary corporate information Money, credit card numbers, etc. How is it done? Breaking into online accounts Stealing an actual computer or mobile device Redirecting users to a fake web site Keylogging, etc.

  49. Identity Theft Using someone else’s identity to purchase goods or services, obtain new credit cards or bank loans, or illegally masquerade as that individual Is very expensive and time consuming to repair

  50. How Identity Theft Works

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